„Never forget“ (Niemals vergessen) war der tiefempfundene Refrain nach den World Trade Center Anschlägen am 11. September 2001. Und nun, 13 Jahre später, hat das National September 11 Memorial Museum eröffnet, um derer zu gedenken die ihr Leben verloren haben- und abermals sicherzustellen, daß die Welt „niemals vergessen“ wird. Die Stärke des Museums liegt, in erster Linie, in seinem Standort: Die über 10.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche liegt im "archäologischen Herzen des World Trade Center Standorts“. Das Museum führt den Besucher wortwörtlich in den Untergrund. Es liegt etwa 21 Meter unter der Erde, so daß der Museumseintritt den Abstieg vom Außenlicht in schwach beleuchtete Tiefen bedeutet, was zur umfassenden Kraft und Pathos dieses heiligen Ortes beiträgt. Eine Vielzahl faszinierender Exponate offenbart den Aufbau von New York’s beeindruckendem Urgestein, wie der 450-Millionen-Jahre-alte Brocken Manhattan Schiefer, ausgegraben im August 2008. Die architektonische Größe des WTC’s wird auch demonstriert durch ein großes Modell, ursprünglich 1969 bis 1971 gebaut, welches eines der größten und detailliertesten, heute noch erhaltenen WTC Vorzeigemodelle ist. Es ist ein kraftvoller Beitrag, weil es hervorhebt was das World Trade Center war, als das was aus ihm wurde. Und was aus dem WTC wurde, ist im ganzen Museum dargestellt, inklusive der „Treppe der Überlebenden“, die das zuletzt sichtbare Relikt der Gebäude nach den Anschlägen war. Die Treppe diente für viele als gefährlicher Überlebensweg zur Flucht, und 2008 zog die über 50-000-kg schwere Treppe ins Museum, wo sie heute hervorragt. Besucher können auch eine massiv gedrehtes Stück "impact Stahl" sehen- ein Teil der Nordturmfassade, die einen direkten Einschlag des American Airlines Fluges 11 erfuhr. Eine Seite des Museums umfaßt die schlammige Mauer, eine Ufermauer die gebaut wurde, um den Hudson River davor zu bewahren den Platz zu fluten. Aber obwohl das Museum mit massiven Teilen gefüllt ist, die die Wunden der Tragödie tragen, sind es die kleinen persönlichen Objekte, die vielleicht die eindringlichsten sind: beschmutzte Lupen, ein Paar Absätze, eine zertrampelte Brieftasche, ausgebreitet mit Münzen und Kreditkarten, ein Flügelpin eines Flugbegleiters am Revers. Wie der New York Times Kunstkritiker Holland Carter schön zusammenfasste: “Durchdrungen von verlorenem Leben, machen sie die Erfahrung, sich zugleich theatralisch, voyeuristisch und andächtig durch dieses Museum zu bewegen.” Vor allem ist das Museum eine Ehrung der Opfer, der Überlebenden - und Ihrer Angehörigen. Zahlreiche Exponate zeigen Fotos, Audio, Videos und Aufnahmen, Zeugnisse im Zusammenhang mit dem 11. September 2001 und auch der WTC Bombardierung am 26. Februar 1993. Auf vielerlei Weise behandelt das Museum genauso den Untergang des WTC’s, als auchNew York’s Widerstandsfähigkeit. Das wird besonders oberhalb des sonnendurchfluteten Mahnmals offenbar, wo schimmernde Geländer, eingraviert mit den 2,983 Opfernamen, die beiden Mahnmal Becken umgeben, in den Fußstapfen der Twin Towers. Hier nahm Schönheit den Platz der Tragödie ein. Wussten Sie schon? Präsident Barack Obama war während der Einweihungszeremonie des Museums im Mai 2014 vor Ort, zusammen mit Überlebenden des 11. September, Rettern und Angehörigen. Herr Obama wurde auf einer Tour durch das Museum begleitet vom ehemaligen Präsidenten Bill Clinton und der ehemalige Staatssekretärin Hillary Rodham Clinton. Das World Trade Center (WTC) war viel mehr als nur einige Gebäude. Der Komplex bestand aus sieben Bauten von über 64.000 qm und umfasste Büros, das Restaurant „Fenster der Welt“ und eine unterirdische Einkaufspassage. Etwa 50,000 Menschen arbeiteten im WTC Komplex und ca. 40,000 passierten es täglich. Die Zahlen hinter dem 9/11 Memorial Museum sind beeindruckend: Das Museum hat mehr als 10,000 Artefakte, 23,000 Bilder und 500 Stunden Film- und Videomaterial. Im Auditorium, Museum Pavilion L-2 Level können sich Museumsbesucher täglich kostenfrei Filme rund um die Geschehnisse des 9/11 anschauen.
Stops Line A Piazza Bra Corso Porta Nuova Stazione FS Prota Nuova Basilica San Zeno Castelvecchio Via Diaz Prota Borsari Teatro Romano Porta Leoni Line B Piazza Bra Via Pallone Tomba Giulietta Via G. Giusti S. Stefano Teatro Romano Castel S. Pietro Panorama Duomo Piazza Erbe Casa Giulietta Castelvecchio
Duración 1 hora Tenga en cuenta Por favor, lleve ropa apropiada para entrar a la Basílica (no se pueden mostrar las rodillas ni los hombros) Por razones de seguridad no se permite llevar mochilas (hay disponible un almacén gratis en la calle San Basso) Tenga en cuenta que no se aceptarán reembolsos por no presentarse o por llegar tarde. El tour también se lleva a cabo con lluvia, y en caso de marea alta excepcional puede ser cancelado y reembolsado.
In an opera by Franz Lehar The Merry Widow seeks to find love again while countrymen try their best to keep her and her money in the poor country of Pontevedro.
Languages: Chinese - Mandarin & Cantonese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish Advisories: A prime time supplement is in effect on this tour for all departures between 9:00am and 11:30am Sample Itinerary: Clients are picked up from most major hotels in Las VEgas approximately 60 minutes prior to departure. Depending on hotel location Clients arrive at terminal for check-in. All passengers 18 years of age and older must present government issued photo ID Clients board helicopter. Round-trip aerial flight time is approximately 90 minutes Enjoy the scenic route flying over Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, the Colorado River, Las Vegas Strip and Grand Canyon West Return to las Vegas Terminal and limousine transfers back to hotel Flight: Helicopter aerial tour of Grand Canyon West Rim including Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Colorado River. Tour concludes with a flight over the world famous Vegas Strip Please Note: Passengers weighing 300lbs (136.36kg / 21.43 stone) or more will be charged a fee for an additional comfort seat. This fee is based on the product and ranges from $50 to $200.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium is New York City's Must See Times Square attraction. What is an Odditorium you ask? An Odditorium is a museum like no museum you have ever seen in your lifetime - Believe It or Not! Venture off the hectic New York City streets to enter a world showcasing the odd and celebrating the weird and outlandish from around the world. Your self-guided adventure is sure to astonish as you come face to face and interact with remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world in our New York City museum attraction. For over 40 years, Robert Ripley - the real-life Indiana Jones - traveled the world collecting the unbelievable, the inexplicable and the one-of-a-kind. His vast collections praised as “amazing”, “ludicrously strange” and “extremely amusing” are now on display in our exhibits for you to see, hear and touch, Believe It or Not! Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square invites guests of all ages to experience the unbelievable mysteries of our world. As one of the most popular things to do in NYC, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square is home to rare artifacts and thrilling interactive exhibits. Our one-of-kind attraction welcomes visitors to immerse themselves in the unusual, the unexpected and the unbelievable. Only in Ripley’s Times Square will families rediscover wonder around every corner. A FAMILY FRIENDLY ATTRACTION IN TIMES SQUARE Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square showcases some of the most incredible exhibits found in New York City! While touring our amazing attraction you'll see unbelievable artifacts and treasures, many of which were collected by Robert Ripley himself. You will be utterly amazed and entertained with the astonishing exhibits and activities our unique attraction has to offer. OVER 500 UNIQUE AND UNBELIEVABLE EXHIBITS Along with seeing unbelievable sights, you and your family and friends will experience immersive interactive exhibits! Most importantly, you'll learn how diverse and weird our world really is! With over twenty themed galleries spanning two floors, our family friendly attraction in Times Square is the largest Ripley's in North America. Our NYC attraction is home to the most amazing interactive exhibits. Some of these amazing exhibits include: The Little Apple - A New York Experience The Impossible LaseRace™ The Black Hole AT THE TOP OF THE ROCK Take your time and take it all in. It's a dramatic view of New York City you just can't get anywhere else. Day or night, three floors of indoor and outdoor decks offer stunning panoramas of the city's energy, wonder, and beauty. Rockefeller Center was envisioned by John D. Rockefeller to be the grandest plaza in all New York - a place where business was transacted and communities congregated. Conceived on the verge of the Great Depression, Rockefeller financed the Center personally Upon its completion, it was the largest private building project in modern history and a collection of buildings unrivaled in their artistry and Art Deco nobility. Today, Rockefeller Center is one of the world’s great crossroads, filled with boutiques, fine dining, and home to the most famous ice rink and Christmas tree on earth. Architecturally profound, culturally diverse, and commercially vital, Rockefeller Center is the true plaza of the people. Head to the the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center for fantastic views of Manhattan and beyond. Top of the Rock is an open air platform that was built in the 1930s. It's style was inspired by the great cruise liners of the that time. It offers a better view of the Big Apple than the Empire State Building! RADIANCE WALL Created by Swarovski, "Radiance" is the first of its kind, a breathtaking wall of glass panels, mouth-blown glass, crystal clusters, and fiber-optic lighting. Look closely - is something looking back at you? BREEZEWAY Step into a room with a mind of its own. You'll be assigned a color and lights of that color will follow your every move. It's great fun for young and old alike. INDOOR SPACE On the 67th floor, relax in comfortable seating and enjoy views in any weather through the floor-to-ceiling windows. You'll find a Gift Shop here as well as on the 69th floor. OUTDOOR VIEWING Use the binoculars to explore the unobstructed views through glass panels on the 67th and 69th floors, and in the open air on the 70th floor. On all three levels, you can have your picture taken by a Kodak pro. Retrieve it as you exit and share it on SHOP & SHARE Pick up a souvenir of your time at the Top, or a gift for those back home. Mementos of this extraordinary destination are available to fit any budget and elight any age. Gift shops are found on the 67th and 69th floors, in addition to the main Gift Shop in the Concourse as you exit. GIFT SHOPS Pick up a souvenir of your time at the Top, or a gift for those back home. Mementos of this extraordinary destination are available to fit any budget and delight any age. Gift shoppes are found on the 67th and 69th floors, in addition to the main Gift Shop in the Concourse as you exit. FAQ How long can visitors stay on the observation deck? There is no time limit as to how long guests can stay on the observation decks during operating hours. The average length of stay is about 45 minutes to an hour. Top of the Rock is a three level observation deck that consists of the 67th, 69th, and 70th floors of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Total surface area of all the decks together is approximately 55,000 square-feet (5,110 m2). The upper deck is 850 feet (260 m) above street level. Are there restrooms located at Top of the Rock? Yes, restrooms can be accessed once inside the attraction. Can I visit the mezzanine level exhibit after I visit the observation decks? Due to crowd flow purposes, the pre-show exhibit can only be viewed before visiting the observation decks. Is there an outdoor viewing area? The 67th and 69th floors include outdoor terraces which feature fully transparent, safety glass. The 70th floor, the uppermost level, provides a completely open air, unobstructed 360-degree view of New York City and beyond. Is Top of the Rock weather dependent? Top of the Rock is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, despite weather conditions. In the case of inclement weather, portions of the deck may be closed for safety reasons. Guests will be advised about weather conditions and visibility prior to entry. Top of the Rock will not refund tickets in the case of inclement weather, however we will reissue your ticket for a future time and date. Is the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and/or Skating Rink visible from the Top of the Rock? Unfortunately, no. However, both are easily accessible from the Concourse retail shop where guests exit the elevators after their visit. Is Top of the Rock wheelchair accessible? Top of the Rock is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes full wheelchair accessibility. Are strollers allowed? Strollers are permitted, however they must be collapsible. Can I bring tripods? What about professional video cameras? We do not allow tripods or professional video cameras on the observation deck. Are specific items prohibited from entering the building and/or observation deck? Items that present a danger to the safety of visitors and employees will not be permitted in the building or on the observation decks. These items include, but are not limited to, weapons, lighters, glass bottles and flammable substances. For more information, please contact 212-698-2000. Can I bring food and beverage to Top of the Rock? We do not allow food or beverages on the observation decks. Do you offer any special treatment for marriage proposals? Thank you for considering Top of the Rock as the location for your proposal. While we wish you the best of luck, we do not make special arrangements for proposals.