Blarney Castle, built by the McCarthy clan over 600 years ago, still retains its old world charm with its towers, battlements and gated entrance built on a rocky outcrop. Kiss the Blarney stone, situated on the parapets of the castle, to gain the gift of eloquence - that is the ability to persuade people and being able to talk yourself out of trouble… Discovery Travel Channel lists kissing the Blarney Stone amongst its 99 things to do before you die! Rock close is a magical garden filled with enchanting druidic rock formations, water features and exotic plants. The grand Scottish baronial style Blarney House is reflects a bygone era of wealth and statesmanship. The Rock of Cashel is a multi-period monastic site, which was a fortress before it became the seat of the bishop of the diocese of Cashel, and venue where the historical Synod of Cashel was held. Visit the Great Cathedral, the Hall of Vicars Choral, Cormack's Chapel (with one of Ireland's best preserved Irish frescoes and Romanesque architecture) and a Round tower, all perched on a solid rock ringed by a curtain wall- most of it dating back from before the Cambro-Norman conquerors came to Ireland in the late 12th Century. Cahair Castle was once the stronghold of the powerful Butler family, the castle retains its impressive keep, tower and much of its original defensive structure. It is one of Ireland's largest and best preserved castles. It is situated on a rocky island on the River Suir. ITINERARY: 06:50 - Depart Dublin from Suffolk Street by the Molly Malone statue 09:00 - The Rock Of Cashel (1hr) 11:30 - Blarney Castle + lunch break (3hrs - lunch not included) 15:30 - Cahair Castle (1hr) 19:00 - Arrive Dublin.
600 Jahre grauenhafte Hamburger Geschichte. Mit dem Fahrstuhl des Grauens geht es hinunter in die Katakomben der Speicherstadt, direkt in die alte Bibliothek, wo die alten Geschichten geschrieben stehen, di ihr auf eurer Tour durch das Dungeon live durchleben werdet. Dem Folterknecht und dem Inquisitor werdet ihr Rede und Antwort stehen müssen und vor dem Brand von 1842 werdet ihr zu fliehen versuchen. Professionelle Schauspieler und filmreife Kulissen mit integrierten Spezialeffekten versetzen in 11 aufregenden Shows und 2 Fahrattraktionen hautnah in schaurige historische Ereignisse zurück. Das Hamburg Dungeon ist die schwarze Komödie unter den Attraktionen: düster, atmosphärisch und sehr, sehr lustig. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Kinder bis einschließlich 14 Jahren nur in Begleitung Erwachsener Zutritt haben. Wir empfehlen das Hamburg Dungeon ab 10 Jahren. Kinder unter 8 Jahren erhalten keinen Zutritt.
Take hold of the past and explore the excavations which first unearthed the Viking-age city in our brand new exhibitions. As you travel around Viking-Age Jorvik aboard our state of the art ride experience - which now includes commentary in sixteen languages, from all major Scandinavian dialects to Mandarin Chinese – you will encounter Old Norse speaking citizens on the streets of the city and in their homes. Discover the Arabic trader bringing his wares to trade, and the Viking storyteller recounting the apocalyptic Ragnarok myth. At the end of an unforgettable journey, visitors disembark to the JORVIK galleries where they can see some of the fascinating Viking artefacts. Cutting edge displays help you to investigate all of the information gathered from the 5-year-long dig at Coppergate and piece together the jigsaw of where the Vikings came from, why they came here, how they lived and died, and where they travelled to. At JORVIK Viking Centre you are standing on the site of one of the most famous and astounding discoveries of modern archaeology. Between the years 1976-81, archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust revealed the houses, workshops and backyards of the Viking-Age city of Jorvik, as it stood 1,000 years ago. Ticket Details Please Note: JORVIK tickets purchased through this channel do not entitle the holder to jump the queue – you must join the queue as normal and will be able to exchange your 365 Vouchers for tickets at the admissions desk. Vouchers must be printed off before visiting JORVIK, entry won't be granted without your 365tickets Voucher.
Christchurch Tramway - A not to be missed attraction! Take a journey in style through the changing face of Christchurch’s city centre on board the beautifully restored heritage Trams, one of Christchurch’s leading attractions, The friendly and knowledgeable drivers will inform you about the city, its landmarks and local sights. Your ticket is valid for the whole day and allows you to hop on and off the Tram as often as you please! The journey takes you to the appropriate stops for Punting on the Avon, and the Christchurch Botanic Gardens Tour. Cathedral Junction, Avon River, Container Mall, Gothic-style Arts Centre, the Canterbury Museum and New Regent Street are just some of sights to be seen from the comfort of your Tram, or accessed from the 17 stops en route.
Tauchen Sie ein in die Faszination der Unterwasserwelt und in die wunderschöne Welt der Meere. Naturgetreu gestaltete Becken und ein Ozean-Tunnel gewähren den Besuchern seltene Einblicke in zahlreiche Lebensräume, vom Seepferdchen bis hin zu Haien und Rochen. Kommentierte Schaufütterungen und fachkundige Besucherbetreuer sorgen für die notwendigen, interessanten Hintergrundinformationen. Somit wird der Besuch des SEA LIFE Speyer zu einem unvergesslichen und zugleich lehrreichen Erlebnis für Jung und Alt.