Languages Living History Audio Guide at Beatles Story Albert Dock has been compiled and is narrated by John Lennon's sister Julia and is complimentary. Ten languages: Brazilian Portuguese (new), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (new) Polish, Russian and Spanish. We also have a family audio guide in English. Accessibility Parking – Albert Dock has a number of car parks on site and has in total eight accessible car parking bays, with three available in car park A, near to the estate’s main entrance and five in car park B opposite The Beatles Story and Premier Inn hotel. Wheelchairs – The exhibition is fully wheelchair accessible. Due to fire evacuation procedures, we can only admit three wheelchairs on site at any one time. We have a standard wheelchair available which can either be booked in advance by telephoning +44 (0) 151 709 1963 or borrowed on the day by asking a member of staff at the main entrance (subject to availability on the day). Lifts – We have two accessible lifts: One situated at our main entrance (accompanied with audio announcements) and one located in our Fab4 Store going down to the Fab4 Cafe. Toilets – Wheelchair-accessible toilets are available within the exhibition and also in the Fab4 Cafe area. Please see a member of staff for assistance. Induction Loops – Induction loops are available to use with our audio guides. Please see a member of staff when picking up your audio guide. Large Print Gallery Books – We have large print transcripts available in all 10 languages offered on our audio guide, which are available at our Admissions desk. Please ask a member of staff for more details. Guide Dogs – Guide dogs are welcome. Sign Language – Should you require sign language assistance, please contact us on +44 (0) 151 709 1963 and we will check staff availability to ensure that help is on hand during your day of visit. Cloakroom – Our cloakroom allows guests to store coats, prams/buggies and suitcases. Fab4 Cafe – The Fab4 Cafe is located on basement level and is accessible via the exhibition and our Fab4 Store. The Fab4 Cafe is partially self-served – however, assistance is available if required.
Important Information Open from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Last admission is 4:00pm Duration approx. 90 mins Please be advised that heels smaller than a 2p cannot be worn onboard. Address: Alexandra Dock, Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DT Voucher to be exchanged at the above address. Not valid for special ticketed events. HMS Caroline is closed on 24, 25 and 26 December.
Te invitamos a visitar más que un edificio, un mito del arte, de la arquitectura y del modernismo, la Casa Batlló, donde la luz, el color y la forma se conjugan con la madera, el hierro, el cristal, la cerámica y la piedra gres a la manera fantástica y sorprendente que caracteriza la obra de Gaudí. Recoge tu audioguía y comienza el recorrido por veinte puntos explicativos, descubriendo múltiples detalles difíciles de percibir a primera vista, con metáforas y representaciones de la naturaleza, especialmente del mundo marino, que te inspirarán y estimularán tus sentidos y emociones. Y si lo prefieres puedes alquilar la innovadora videoguía con realidad aumentada, con la cual te transportarás a un mundo mágico normalmente oculto a los ojos. Ambas guías las encontrarás en diferentes idiomas. Visitarás la legendaria planta noble, antigua residencia de la familia Batlló, las golfas que servían de antiguos trasteros y lavaderos, el tejado, las míticas chimeneas y el fantástico patio de luces, antigua escalera de vecinos privilegiados. Y no podéis marchar sin disfrutar del espléndido vestíbulo y escalinata principal, ¡estamos seguros de que os impresionarán!
How to Use the Brussels Card? Your Brussels Card is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours from when it's first used in a museum You must use your Brussels Card for the first time within a year of its purchase date. How to Use the Brussels Card at the Museum? For as long as your card is valid, you can visit the same museum as many times as you like. You won’t have to pay anything. Simply present your Brussels Card at the ticket desk and it will be electronically validated. Your Brussels Card will be automatically activated the first time you use it. The Brussels Card gives you free access to all permanent collections of the museums. Most of the temporary exhibitions are also included, except for the Old Masters Museum, the Natural Sciences Museum and the Cinquantenaire Museum where you pay the normal entrance fee if you want to visit the temporary exhibitions. How do Discounts work? The discounts for the various attractions, tours, shops, restaurants and bars provided in this guide are for single use only! The discounts remain valid, even after your Brussels Card has expired. To obtain your discount, simply present your Brussels Card and hand over the corresponding voucher you find at the back of the guide. Free Entry to 40 Museums * Participating Museums are updated every February Art et Marges Musée - Museum Autoworld Belgian Brewers museum Belgian Chocolate Village BELvue museum Villa Empain - Boghossian Foundation Botanique Centre for Fine Arts - BOZAR Choco Story Art & History Museum Museum of the City of Brussels Charlier Museum Museum of Fashion & Lace (Museums of the City of Brussels) Erasmus House Musée Fin-de-Siècle Museum Freemasonry museum Halle Gate – RMAH MIM - Musical Instruments Museum (MRAH) La Fonderie - Brussels museum of work and industry The René Magritte House Museum Magritte Museum (Royal museums of Fine Arts) Musée de la Médecine (ULB) Royal Museum of Army and Military History MIMA the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art Museum MOOF - Museum Of Original Figurines CENTRALE for contemporary art Planetarium of Brussels Natural Sciences Museum Autrique House Sewers museum Musée Oldmasters Museum Wiels - Contemporary Art Centre The Belgian Comic Strip Center Coudenberg Palace Jardin botanique Meise Jews in Belgium museum Train World Kanal - Centre Pompidou
HMS Caroline Duración de la visita: 90 minutos aproximadamente. Dirección: Muelle Alexandra, Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DT. Debe canjear los vales en la misma dirección Tenga en cuenta: los tacones más altos que 5 cm no se pueden usar a bordo. Titanic Belfast y SS Nomadic Descubra cómo fue abordar el RMS Titanic en el fatídico viaje inaugural con la visita al Titanic Belfast y al SS Nomadic. El edificio del museo marítimo, Titanic Belfast, fue construido a la misma escala gigantesca que el RMS Titanic. La exhibición del museo es informativa e interactiva, además de divertida, atractiva y accesible para todos. La aventura empieza al entrar en el vestíbulo gigante del edificio, rodeado por las cuatro secciones, en forma de casco naval, que albergan la experiencia. Mientras pasea por el Titanic Belfast, aprenderá aspectos interesantes sobre el Belfast de finales de siglo. Además experimentará un emocionante paseo a través de la reconstrucción de los astilleros y la construcción del Titanic. Descubra las historias de los pasajeros, la tripulación y los héroes del día; reviva el trágico final del viaje inaugural del Titanic y visite el fondo del Atlántico, lugar del naufragio. Disfrute de las impresionantes vistas de las gradas desde donde zarpó el Titanic y relájese en uno de los excelentes restaurantes. El SS Nomadic se encuentra en el muelle seco de Hamilton, adyacente al Titanic Belfast. No solo es famoso por ser el transbordador del RMS Titanic, también sirvió en la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los visitantes pueden seguir los pasos de los pasajeros y soldados del Titanic y de celebridades como Charles Chaplin, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton y Marie Curie. Tras una temporada como restaurante y club nocturno, el SS Nomadic recuperó su esplendor original y regresó a su lugar de procedencia, Belfast. Los visitantes ahora pueden experimentar una pieza auténtica y tangible del patrimonio industrial y marítimo de Belfast. Tenga en cuenta que los niños y niñas deben ir acompañados por un adulto durante toda la visita.
Sprachen: Die Audio Guide Beatles Story wurde von John Lennon's sister Julia zusammengestellt und eingesprochen. Es gibt ihn in auf brasilianisch, gnglisch, französisch, deutsch, itlienisch, japanisch, mandarin, polnisch, Rrussisch und spanisch. Rollstühle: Die Ausstellung ist barrierefrei. Wegen der Sicherheitsbestimmungen könnnen aber nur drei Rollstühle glichzeitig im Museum sein. Ein Stadard-Rollstühl ist verfügbar. Sie können ihn vorab telefonisch reservieren unter +44 (0) 151 709 1963. Zeichensprache: Falls Sie Erklärungen in Zeichensprache wünschen, rufen Sie vorher an:on +44 (0) 151 709 1963