PAGNA Notizbuch, Motiv ""Traumwelt"", DIN A5, 96 Blatt kariert, 70 g/qm, 192 Seiten - 1 Stück (26055-25)
LCD-Schreibtablett mit Federmäppchen Wiederaufladbares Zeichenbrett 9,5 Zoll Farbbildschirm mit Stylus Zeichnen Schreiben Notizen Hinterlassen Nachrichten Box Organizer für Kleinkinder Jungen Mädchen & Erwachsene Schwarz
CASIO Schulrechner FX87DEX 12stellig Solar/Batterie schwarz (FX87DEX)
7Pipe is changing the way you enjoy your smokes by revolutionizing the industry with their line of high-quality twisting glass pipes! Made of premium glass and metal, these glass pipes reduce your wasted smoking materials and make it easier and more convenient to smoke them. At 3" in size, this mini glass pipe fits comfortably in your hand and is elegant to look at! Simply remove the screw, fill the tube with ground herbs, twist and push the screw into the tube (acting as your packing tool) and then you can light and enjoy! Minimalize what you need when you smoke with this handy mini twisting pipe that is as convenient as it is elegant.
Sipeed Maix-1W RISC-V Dual Core 64bit AI Chip K210 Mit FPU WiFi AI Modul Core Board Entwicklungsboard Mini PC