Le mélange minceur bio de Purasana est un mix de 5 super-aliments idéal pour rester en forme pendant un régime minceur.
Chin and neck sagging is a problem that affects countless people. DS Laboratories Vexum. SL Cream is your tool against it as it uses a host of natural ingredients to help target the appearance of a double chin and restore your confidence over prolonged daily use.
Eco Masters Exfoliating Soap is perfect for the concern of blocked skin, balanced for buffing & purification to reveal fresh, glowing skin. Eco Masters Exfoliating Soap uses deep cleansing factors including enhancing Sweet Almond Powder. For ideal results, use once daily.
Benefits: Exceptional comfort. Innovative water gradient design provides more moisture for your eyes. High breathability. Allows your eyes to look and feel healthier. Easy to use. No special storage or cleaning required; just throw away your lenses after wear. Dailies Total 1 is a premium daily disposable lens by Alcon, designed to provide top levels of comfort and hydration for your eyes. An innovative water gradient design helps your eyes stay moist for longer, by providing more water where your eyes need it. Additionally, the outermost surface has water levels approaching 100% to further enhance your eyes comfort. According to a study by Alcon, 90% of Dailies Total 1 lens wearers agree that the lens is so comfortable they feel nothing at all. As a daily disposable lens, you won
Mit dem originellen Trachtenhut Alpin mit seiner feschen Gletscherbrille und dem urigem Style wird's ein richtiger Gaudi. Der robuste und wetterfeste Herrenhut ist mit mehreren, tollen Strickkordeln verziert und besitzt an der Krempe einen schicken Einfass. Die Kordeln sind am Abschluss fest verknotet. Highlight ist auch die coole Schneebrille mit getönten Gläsern für den UV-Schutz und dem dickem Gummiband für einen guten Halt. Der Hut wird in traditioneller Handarbeit Made in Germany gefertigt und ist eine freche Kreation der Qualitätsmarke Faustmann. Material: 100% Wollfilz Farbe: hellgrau Größen: 54 - 61