You might think that impressionists are a dime a dozen when it comes to Las Vegas nightlife but Gordie Brown has become a Las Vegas entertainment staple
Click Here for a complete list of current attractions included with the New York City Sightseeing Pass. Frequently Asked Questions Is this just a discount card? Will I still need to buy tickets? No. Passes include admission to each attraction; no need to pay anything at the gate. Some attractions may offer upgrades or special exhibits for an additional fee. Do I need to choose my attractions in advance? Nope, choose as you go. The pass is good for any combination of the number of attractions you purchased. My child is under 3 years old. Can I get them a New York Sightseeing Pass? Child Passes are recommended for children ages 3-12. Many attractions offer free admission for younger children. Please consult the attraction websites for more details. How do I activate my pass? Easy: simply visit your first attraction! Is the pass valid all day? You bet! Feel free to visit the attractions any time of the day as long as they are open or operating. How much will I save? Compare the price of the pass to the gate prices of the attractions you want to visit to see how much you can save. Many customers save 50%. We give you the flexibility to create your own itinerary and choose the attractions you want to visit depending on your interests. Do I need to make reservations to visit the attractions? Attractions that require a reservation will display a symbol on the guidebook page. Some attractions require a credit card to hold a reservation. In these cases, your credit card will not be charged unless you do not show up for your reservation. If you are interested in taking the Gossip Girl, NY TV and Movie Tour and Sex and the City Tour, you should pick up your tickets as soon as possible after arriving in the city. How do I use my pass to visit the Statue of Liberty? Present your New York Sightseeing Pass at one of the Statue Cruises ticket counters inside Castle Clinton at Battery Park. Once you have obtained your Ferry Ticket from Castle Clinton you must wait in the security line before boarding. The Ferry requires is airport-level security, so be prepared for a long wait. Allow at least 2 hours to visit one island and 4 hours to visit Ellis & Liberty islands. Your pass provides you access to the island only. Pedestal & crown access requires reservations and space is limited, and is not included with your pass. What’s the catch? There’s no catch. New York Sightseeing Pass has a partnership with all of the participating attractions to make your visit to New York as memorable as possible and to help you save time and money. What happens if an attraction is closed or a tour is cancelled due to weather or other problem? While we do our best to ensure that all attractions are available, events happen that are out of our control. The great thing about a New York Sightseeing Pass is that there are so many attractions to choose from. If an attraction is closed, or cannot be visited for some reason, we know you'll find a fun alternative in your guidebook!
Algunas de las atracciones que encontrará en Siam Park Parque Acuático… La atracción más representativa de Siam Park, Tower of Power, le dejará boquiabierto. Ascienda a lo alto de la torre, coja aire y agárrese fuerte mientras baja por una pendiente, casi vertical, de 28 metros de caída libre hasta emerger a través de un misterioso acuario. The Lost City – descubra los secretos de esta fortaleza acuática mientras se aventura a través de puentes, cascadas y toboganes. La atracción para niños que les encanta a los adultos. Baby Zone – para no olvidarnos de nadie, Siam Park tiene una zona especial para bebes. Los más pequeños también podrán disfrutar en estos toboganes especialmente diseñados para ellos. Relájese y tome el sol debajo las palmeras mientras contempla las bonitas vistas de la isla La Gomera y del océano, o disfrute de un snack en la tierra blanca de la playa en un maravilloso ambiente Thai. Con sus cómodas hamacas y parasoles, el agua turquesa le transportará al paraíso. Temperatura del agua = 24º. Sea Lion Island – al entrar al parque, será bienvenido por nuestros simpáticos leones marinos. Ellos le enseñarán lo mucho que puede uno divertirse bañándose y jugando en el agua.
Don't miss one of the greatest bands of all time Journey rock out The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.
** None of these Pearl Harbor Tours include the USS Arizona Memorial movie/boat tour, please visit for these tickets. Also the National Park Service offers over 1,300 free walk-in tickets each day for the USS Arizona Memorial Tour on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to come early for these walk up tickets, the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center is open daily from 7am. Please redeem your 365 ticket voucher at the Pearl Harbor Historic Parks ticket counter, also located in the courtyard of the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Check In Policy & Maximizing Your Time Visitors with ticket reservations are required to check in at the National Park Service ticket counter one hour before their tour time. If you check in late, the National Park Service reserves the right to reassign your tour tickets. We highly recommend starting at the Visitors Center’s museum before embarking to the memorial. No Bag Policy For security reasons, no purses, backpacks, fanny packs, diaper bags, large camera cases or luggage is allowed at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Valuables should not be left in your vehicle. Bag storage is available at the entrance for a fee of $3 per bag. We recommend that visitors bring in their wallets, ID, water, cameras and cellphones. Strollers Strollers are allowed in the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, but not in the theaters or on shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. While strollers may be parked at the theaters and picked up once visitors return from the Memorial, the National Park Service is not responsible for monitoring strollers or other personal items left behind. Restrooms There are public restroom facilities available at the Visitor Center; visitors are encouraged to use the facilities at the Visitor Center before beginning their Arizona Memorial Program. Food and Beverage Other than clear bottled water, no food or drinks are allowed in the theater, on the shuttle boats, or at the USS Arizona Memorial. Dress Attire Civilian Visitors are reminded that they are visiting a site of tremendous loss of life in service to our country. Sandals are permissible, but bathing suits or profane T-shirts are discouraged. Military Military visitors to the USS Arizona Memorial are within the boundary of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, and military regulations relating to military dress are enforced by Navy personnel. Per the Pacific Commander, military visitors in uniform are required to dress in Class B or better in order to gain access to the shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. Battle dress uniform is not allowed on the USS Arizona Memorial, though it is allowed throughout the Visitor Center and at sites on Ford Island. Military visitors are welcome to wear civilian clothes when they visit.
Acompañado por un guía local, visitará el criadero de fauna, las ruinas Mayas, el parque de las mariposas, el aviario y un acuario con cientos de especies marinas y vegetales. El tour al Parque Xcaret concluye con el magnífico show nocturno ''Xcaret México Espectacular'', un recorrido por la música y bailes que deleita los sentidos de todos los visitantes. El parque ecológico también es hogar de cientos de especies de animales exóticos donde están bien cuidados y alimentados. Visite la Isla de los Jaguares en Xcaret y observe cómo este felino, el tercero más grande su especie, vive y se relaciona con sus compañeros. Nade en las aguas cristalinas de cavernas subterráneas. Para realizar esta actividad no tiene que ser buzo profesional, solo un apasionado de la aventura. Todos aquellos que deseen admirar la fauna marina del Parque Xcaret sin meterse al agua, pueden disfrutar de la gran exhibición que se encuentra en el Arrecife de Coral en Xcaret. El Acuario de Xcaret contiene más de 5.000 organismos y 500 especies distribuidos en peceras que se alimentan directamente del agua de mar Caribe. Durante su estancia en el parque, gozará de un exquisito bufet con comida mexicana o internacional. ¡Disfrute la naturaleza!