Additional Info: Visiting Gulliver’s Gate Location: 216 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 (between 7th & 8th Avenue) Hours of Operation: Open Daily. Duration: There’s a lot you’ll want to see at Gulliver’s Gate and we want your guests to take their time enjoying our miniatures. A typical visit is 1.5 to 2 hours but you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like! Inclusions: Your ticket includes general admission, a lanyard & key that will allow you to interact with our models (i.e. turn on lights, move cars within our models, etc.), and a complimentary map. Guests have 6 months from the date of purchase to redeem their ticket. Types of Experiences at VR World There are a wide variety of experiences for all types of people. Some will enjoy shooting droids in space and fighting off zombies to racing on a track, while others will enjoy flying on a paraglider or climbing a mountain. Others still will enjoy watching short films or painting in the green room. Some experiences require full body motion while others are seated activities. Queues Each participant gets approximately 5-10 minutes at each experience. Most experiences have a tablet that keeps track of the queue for that experience. Participants can only wait in one queue at a time. However, there are some experiences that have no queue and can be done at any time, even while waiting in a queue for something else. Participants who checked in a with their own phone number will receive a text message when it is their turn in line Checking in At the gate, each participant will sign up using their real name, a screen name, an email, a phone number, and other pieces of information. While not required, if a participant signs up with their own phone number, they will receive a notification when they are at the the front of the queue for their attraction. After this process, participants will be given a wristband that will be used to check into the queue at any VR experience and are free to explore the entire space. Food and Drink There are offering a wide selection of non-alcoholic drinks, beer, wine and liquor. Our house cocktails will not disappoint. Try the VRWorldian, Simon’s Escape, Caipirinha Assassin or Salty Borzoi to name just a few. No food at this time. There is no food inside the building, but guests are able to leave and re-enter the building during the time of their ticket.
This is the text for the Frequently Asked Questions that applies to this specific to QUESTION: IS THERE AN AGE OR WEIGHT LIMIT? For your riding safety, guests must be at least 12 years of age and weigh at least 100 pounds and not in excess of 260 pounds. All participants must be at least 12 years of age. QUESTION: HOW BIG WILL MY GROUP BE? Our tours operate in groups of 8 guests or less. QUESTION: WHAT TIME DO I NEED TO GET THERE FOR MY TOUR? We ask that the client arrive 10-15 minutes early for the scheduled tour to fill out necessary paperwork. Each member of your party will be required to complete and sign a liability waiver form. QUESTION: WILL I NEED TO PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT? Yes. Insurance requires that City Segway Tours pre-authorize 400€ on a credit card. Please bring your MasterCard, Visa, Amex, or cash with you for this deposit (not Discovery). Your card will not be charged, but we will hold onto the details should your Segway incur any damage while in your possession. QUESTION: IF THIS IS MY FIRST TIME TO RIDE A SEGWAY, WILL I BE ABLE TO PICK IT UP QUICKLY? Your safety is always our highest priority. Therefore, we begin each tour with a very thorough orientation of the Segway and its use before going out to enjoy the city! QUESTION: CAN MINORS COME ON TOUR ALONE? For safety reasons, minors (anyone under the age of 18) must be accompanied by an adult on the tour. QUESTION: IF I AM PREGNANT CAN I JOIN THE TOUR? Unfortunately, due to the risk to both child and mother, pregnant women are not allowed to participate on our Segway tours. QUESTION: ARE THE TOURS CANCELLED IF IT RAINS? Our tours go rain or shine, and we have rain ponchos available in our office for €1 which are fully reimbursed if not used.
Viva la transforamción del Parque Durante los últimos dos años, 13 hectáreas del Southport Park han pasado por una renovación de un millón de dólares que incluye una lavado de cara de las instalaciones, nuevas y remodeladas estructuras y un repaso de los paisajes. Los exteriores de los edificios ahora están hechos de ciprés, cortados y tallados por los nativos americanos. Las plantas invasoras fueron retiradas para dar espacio a un amplio rango de especies nativas de la zona. Todos los cambios se realizaron con el máximo cuidado para devolver al parque su aspecto original. Pueblo Nativo Americano Las Cabañas Chickee contienen artefactos manufacturados auténticos realizados por Little Big Mountain y su mujer Laura, que verán inmersos en las tareas diarias del Pueblo Nativo Americano. La apreciación y el respeto por la cultura y herencia Nativo Americanas cobran vida para los visitantes gracias a la familia Big Mountain, que les mostrarán sus técnicas y historias tradicionales de una cultura que hace tiempo prosperó en la Florida Central. Hay diferentes presentaciones de las técnicas y forma de vida de las planas sureñas, incluyendo las demostraciones de las "primeras técnicas de cocina del hombre", que seguro les captivarán. Swamp Shack La Swamp Shack está llena de la "Old Florida Outdoor Wear": ¡desde ropa de camuflaje hasta monos de trabajo que permitirán a los visitantes tomarse fotos con la vestimenta digna de un aventurero de Florida! Pose y desfile con su ropa de aventurero en frente de la Cabaña de estilo Cracker mientras se sienta en un hidrodeslizador. ¡Diga patata y tómese una selfie! Gator Pond ¡Vea de cerca al réptil más famoso de Florida, el Caimán! La nueva charca de los caimanes y zona de observación le permitirán ver estos increíbles animales en un oasis natural. Los visitantes también podrán escuchar una presentación educativa con crías de caimán y respuestas para cualquier pregunta que puedan tener. Tours en Hidrodeslizador La flota de hidrodeslizadores de Boggy Creek está en continuo movimiento con estimulantes tours conducidos por simpáticos e informativos capitanes - día y noche. Descubra un territorio que permanece inalterado en la naturaleza de los Everglades de Florida Central. Los capitanes le llevarán en un viaje impresionante por la naturaleza, incluyendo los humedales y la vida salvaje. Vea caimanes, tortugas, pajaros y mucho más del entorno natural. Cada educativo y seguro tour en hidrodeslizador es una experiencia única que nunca se repite. Sentirá que está volando a través de los humedales mientras disfruta de la mejor experiencia en los Everglades. Los tours de una hora por la noche llevan a los visitantes en busca de los rojos ojos brillantes de los caimanes mientras van en busca de comida. Especialmente durante el verano, ¡la mejor época para ver muchos caimanes y tener una experiencia inigualable! Los tours ofrecidos son: media hora, 45 minutos o 1 hora durante el día; 1 hora al anochecer; o 1 hora durante la noche. Romp in the Swamp ¡La experiencia VIP para "aprender a conducir un hidrodeslizador"! ¡NUEVO! Gem Mining Station ¡Asegúrese de visitar la Gem Mining Station en Boggy Creek Airboats Adventures! Los visitantes pueden comprar bolsas y cubos que podrán llenar de tesoros originarios de Florida en la mina. ¡Mientras mine podrá descubrir varias gemas, dientes de caimán, dientes de tiburón, rocas y otros tesoros! Boggy Bottom BBQ Siéntese en el nuevo restaurante de Southport Park o cene fuera con las inolvidables vistas del lago. Sirviendo barbaco al más puro estilo de Florida y con todos los ingredientes esenciales de las recetas que llevan generaciones en las familias de Florida. También en el menú encontrará los platos más famosos de Florida como cola de caimán, siluro o el famoso guiso de col. Disfrute del restaurante todos los días de la semana de 10:00 a 22:00 h.
Visit the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere and explore an incredible city with Big Bus New York One World Observatory Package tickets at
Live Jazz Quintet Your entertainment during the cruise will be provided by ChiJazz, "smooth jazz for dining, dancing and enjoying". Performing a range of cool, ambient tunes, as well as more lively numbers, it'll be the perfect accompaniment for a chilled evening dining and socialising. ChiJazz has a extensive repertoire of tunes, ranging from jazz classics to contemporary pop tunes. Popular tunes performed by ChiJazz include: At Last, Cry Me a River, Girl from Ipanema, Have You Met Miss Jones, Makin' Whoopee, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Night And Day, Summertime, Yardbird Suite... to name just a few! The Thames Jazz cruise favours popular mainstream swing and latin jazz. Menu Starter Charcuterie platter,chorizo,Parma ham,tortilla,manchego cheese & quince jelly, olives,caperberries & salami OR Feta,roast butternutsquash,pomegranate,black olive,green bean,ruby chard & rocketsalad with honey & mustard dressing ~ Main Grilled escalope of chicken,saffron & chive mashed creamy potatoes and Provençal courgettes OR Gratin of artichokes,asparagus & wild mushrooms with goat’s cheese served with seasonal vegetables and new potatoes ~ Dessert Summer pudding with fruits of the forest sauce & clotted cream Menu ingredients are subject to variation Please note the menu options needs to be pre-ordered before the day of sailing. Menu orders cannot be taken on the night City Cruises does not guarantee that products are free from nuts or traces of nuts. Gluten free meals are available with 24 hours advance notice. For any special dietary requirements please call our Reservations Team on + 44 (0)20 77 400 400 or send an e-mail to [email protected].