Magnetkarte Plastikkarte mit Magnetstreifen, Loco, Farbe: Silber (JT-1464 Loco MagCards silver)
Silverline Kontrax Metal Storage Cupboard- 690mm High- SIENNA ORANGE The Kontrax cupboard offers an affordable and stylish storage option for your office or home. This metal storage is delivered fully assembled, features a twist handle, and is lockable. This double door cupboard is available in a wide variety of other colour and size options. One shelf is supplied with this model. This is a Made To Order Item - if in doubt, please contact us to order colour samples as the cupboard is non-returnable.
Pride & Soul Umhängetasche RECKLESS 47305 Canvas/Lederimitat graubraun (47305)
Metapace K-2 Ersatzschlüssel (MPK2-Keys02)
tesa Kreppband 04323-00044 50mmx50m beige (04323-00044)