The Royal Pavilion started as a modest 18th century lodging house. Architect Henry Holland helped George, Prince of Wales, transform his humble seaside retreat into a handsome neo-classical villa – known as the Marine Pavilion. In 1815 George, by now Prince Regent, hired the eminent architect John Nash, to redesign the building in the Indian style. The work was completed in 1823 by which time George had become King. It is this building, an instantly recognisable symbol of Brighton, which we see today. Why visit the Royal Pavilion? We're a former Royal Palace right in the city centre, surrounded by the beautiful Royal Pavilion Gardens. We have audio guides in many languages, a fabulous Tearoom and well stocked gift shop. There's loads to do nearby and we're only a 5 min walk from the beach, so why not make a day of it?
Disneyland® Park In a Magical Kingdom not so far away - somewhere between a place where you wish upon a star and dreams come true - classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never ending. 5 magical lands, endless fun, pick one that's for you... or pick them all! Experience your favourite Disney® Lands just as you remember them in classic Disney stories where fairytales really do come true. Endless attractions and thrills that come in all sizes and shapes. There are big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2 that takes you to the edge of the universe. For little ones, they can sail around the world with " it's a small world". Family fun can be found in every corner of the Park, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups. Meet Disney® Characters The Park where favourite Disney® Characters live and can't wait to meet you. Alongside Mickey and Minnie, say 'Howdy' to Goofy and 'Hello Honey' to Pooh. Get a hug, an autograph and a photo. Just say 'cheese.' It's party time! Every day's a party at Disneyland® Park. On top of all the wonderful attractions and characters, there are lots of spectacular family parade and shows to enjoy, all year round. Enjoy our wonderful shows and parades every day! Walt Disney Studios® Park Right next door to Disneyland® Park, discover the magical world of cinema and television at Walt Disney Studios Park - 4 cinemagical 'lots', featuring thrilling attractions and spectacular shows with your dreams centre-stage. Explore the scenes on 4 studio lots. Where your "screendreams" come true! It's showbiz, folks! Make your big screen debut at Production Courtyard, Toon Studio, Backlot and Front lot. It's a star studded itinerary, and you never know what star you'll bump into. Blockbuster preview attractions. You ought to be in pictures! It's your day to be discovered while exploring all there is to see at Disney® Studios - The Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic, Disney Cinema Parade, Animagique and 'lots' more... Walt Disney Studios® Park, where movie magic abounds. Get behind the scenes with our never seen before Parade and tours. Why not take in a spectacular Show or Parade to round off the day like the Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic or our Moteurs...Action! Stunt Show Spectacular? Then you'll know exactly what it's like to be a star.
Die Eintrittskarten beinhalten eine Multimediatour. Die Queen's Gallery im Buckingham Palace ist wechselnden Ausstellungen von Kunstgegenständen aus der königlichen Sammlung gewidmet. Diese umfassende Sammlung von Kunstgegenständen und Schätzen aus aller Welt wird von der Queen für die gesamte Nation bewahrt. Canaletto & Die Kunst von Venedig 19. Mai - 12. November Die königliche Sammlung umfasst Arbeiten von Venedigs berühmtesten Maler Canaletto (1697-1768). Diese Werke kaufte der junge König George III 1762 von Canalettos Agenten Joseph Smith, dem britischer Konsul in Venedig. Die Ausstellung präsentiert eine spektakuläre Auswahl venezianischer Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts. Canalettos größte Werke werden neben Gemälden und Arbeiten auf Papier von Sebastiano und Marco Ricci, Francesco Zuccarelli, Rosalba Carriera, Pietro Longhi und Giovanni Battista Piazzetta gezeigt. Die Ausstellung Einblicke in die Höhepunkte des 18. Jahrhunderts in Venedig. Von der Pracht des Canal Grande und des Markusplatzes bis zu seinen Festen, dem Theater und dem Maskenkarneval bringt sie unwiderstehliche Faszination der schönsten Stadt der Welt in die Queen's Gallery. Ein begleitender Film stellt Canaletto und Smith vor und erklärt Hintergründe zu den Themen der Ausstellung.
How to Use the Brussels Card? Your Brussels Card is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours from when it's first used in a museum You must use your Brussels Card for the first time within a year of its purchase date. How to Use the Brussels Card at the Museum? For as long as your card is valid, you can visit the same museum as many times as you like. You won’t have to pay anything. Simply present your Brussels Card at the ticket desk and it will be electronically validated. Your Brussels Card will be automatically activated the first time you use it. The Brussels Card gives you free access to all permanent collections of the museums. Most of the temporary exhibitions are also included, except for the Old Masters Museum, the Natural Sciences Museum and the Cinquantenaire Museum where you pay the normal entrance fee if you want to visit the temporary exhibitions. How do Discounts work? The discounts for the various attractions, tours, shops, restaurants and bars provided in this guide are for single use only! The discounts remain valid, even after your Brussels Card has expired. To obtain your discount, simply present your Brussels Card and hand over the corresponding voucher you find at the back of the guide. Free Entry to 40 Museums * Participating Museums are updated every February Art et Marges Musée - Museum Autoworld Belgian Brewers museum Belgian Chocolate Village BELvue museum Villa Empain - Boghossian Foundation Botanique Centre for Fine Arts - BOZAR Choco Story Art & History Museum Museum of the City of Brussels Charlier Museum Museum of Fashion & Lace (Museums of the City of Brussels) Erasmus House Musée Fin-de-Siècle Museum Freemasonry museum Halle Gate – RMAH MIM - Musical Instruments Museum (MRAH) La Fonderie - Brussels museum of work and industry The René Magritte House Museum Magritte Museum (Royal museums of Fine Arts) Musée de la Médecine (ULB) Royal Museum of Army and Military History MIMA the Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art Museum MOOF - Museum Of Original Figurines CENTRALE for contemporary art Planetarium of Brussels Natural Sciences Museum Autrique House Sewers museum Musée Oldmasters Museum Wiels - Contemporary Art Centre The Belgian Comic Strip Center Coudenberg Palace Jardin botanique Meise Jews in Belgium museum Train World Kanal - Centre Pompidou
All the tables are situated next to the picture windows to allow everyone to enjoy Paris with all modern conveniences. All their boats have an open deck, which affords a magical, all-round view of the City of Light. Cruise commented in up to 10 languages* Free itinerary translated in 25 languages Boats with an open upper deck 1h10 mns cruise * Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, german, russian, chinese, japonese, corean. Bus Tour Pass for 2 consecutive days 4 lines, 50 stops and more than 100 sights Hop-on, hop-off as you wish Audio guide available in 10 languages* Stories and tales of Paris for children (in french, english and espagnol) Free Wifi Click here to view The Map and The Timetable
Idiomas La Audioguía “Living History” de The Beatles Story en Albert Dock está narrada por la hermana de John Lennon, Julia, y es gratuita. Diez idiomas disponibles: portugués de Brasil (nuevo), inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, japonés, mandarín (nuevo), polaco, ruso y español. También tienen una audioguía familiar en inglés. Accesibilidad Parking - En Albert Dock hay plazas de aparcamiento y hay 8 plazas de aparcamiento para discapacitados, tres disponibles en el aparcamiento A, cerca de la entrada principal al parking y cinco en el aparcamiento B, frente a The Beatles Story y al hotel Premier Inn . Sillas de ruedas - El museo está totalmente adaptado para personas en silla de ruedas. Debido a los protocolos de evacuación de incendios, sólo pueden admitir tres sillas de ruedas al mismo tiempo. Tienen una silla de ruedas disponible que, o bien se puede reservar con antelación llamando al teléfono +44 (0) 151 709 1963 o puede ser prestada el mismo día solicitándola a un miembro del personal de la entrada principal (sujeto a la disponibilidad de ese día). Ascensores - Cuentan con dos ascensores adaptados: uno situado en la entrada principal (acompañado de avisos auditivos) y otro situado en la tienda Fab4, que permite bajar al Café Fab4. Aseos - Hay disponibles aseos para personas en silla de ruedas, tanto dentro del museo como también en la zona del Café Fab4. Por favor, hable con un miembro del personal si necesita asistencia. Circuito introductorio - Hay disponibles circuitos introductorios para recorrer con su audioguía. Por favor, hable con un miembro del personal para recoger su audioguía. Guía del museo - Tienen transcripciones impresas de su audioguía disponibles en los 10 idiomas ofrecidos en la misma, estos están disponibles en el mostrador de recepción. Por favor, hable con un miembro del personal para obtener más información. Perros guía - Se admiten perros guía. Lenguaje de signos - En caso de necesitar asistencia en lenguaje de signos, por favor contacte con el museo en el teléfono +44 (0) 151 709 1963 y ellos comprobaran el personal disponible para asegurar que durante la visita reciba la ayuda necesaria. Guardarropa - Su guardarropa permite a los huéspedes guardar abrigos, cochecitos y maletas. Café Fab4 - El Café Fab4 se encuentra en la planta baja y es accesible a través del museo y de la tienda Fab4. El Café Fab4 es de auto-servicio, sin embargo, hay asistentes disponibles si los necesita.