Celebrate the New Year with Hornblower Cruises New York aboard the New Year's Day Brunch Cruise with tickets at great prices from
Enjoy huge laughs at Las Vegas Live Comedy Club with tickets at great prices from
Tampa Bay CityPASS® ticket books include: • Busch Gardens Tampa • The Florida Aquarium • Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo • Clearwater Marine Aquarium • Option Ticket: Chihuly Collection presented by the Morean Arts Center OR Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) Option Ticket: You choose which of the two attractions you prefer to visit, but you do not need to decide this at the time of purchase. Tampa Bay CityPASS® ticket books are valid for nine consecutive days, beginning with the first day of use. Because CityPASS® programs focus on the top attractions, you can easily visit over a weekend — without feeling rushed. If you’re planning more than a weekend visit, Tampa Bay CityPASS® ticket books allow you to see all the top sites and still have plenty of time left to shop, dine, take in shows and explore on your own. CityPASS® vouchers can be redeemed for ticket books at the first attraction visited. Visitors simply present their voucher and receive a CityPASS ® ticket book in return. CityPASS includes only the best attractions, and has a 97% “Recommend” rating by its customers.
Descubra las vistas neoyorquinas con Big Bus Tours. Nuestras 5 rutas turísticas en autobús son el mejor modo de descubrir los lugares de interés y atracciones de Nueva York, con comentarios que le guiarán a lo largo de los recorridos. Visite con total libertad desde nuestras más de 35 paradas en las que podrá subirse y bajarse las veces que lo desee, y que le acercarán a lugares imprescindibles como el Empire State Building, Times Square o el One World Trade Center, y muchos otros. Circuito Downtown (Ruta roja): Puede subirse al Circuito Downtown de Nueva York (Ruta roja) en cualquiera de las 17 paradas de nuestro tour turístico. Todos los autobuses cuentan con guías angloparlantes y comentarios grabados disponibles en 10 idiomas. Bájese en las paradas 16 y 17 para cambiar al Circuito Uptown (Ruta azul) y en la parada 12 para cambiar al Tour Brooklyn (Ruta verde). Primer autobús: 08:00 h de la parada no. 1 (W 42nd St & Broadway). Último autobús: 18:00 h de la parada no. 1 (W 42nd St & Broadway). Recorrido completo del circuito: 150 minutos (aprox.) Circuito Uptown (Ruta azul): Puede subirse al Circuito Uptown de Nueva York (Ruta azul) en cualquiera de las 17 paradas de nuestro tour turístico. Todos los autobuses cuentan con guías angloparlantes y comentarios grabados disponibles en 10 idiomas. Bájese en las parada 17 para cambiar al Circuito Downtown (Ruta roja) y en la parada 17 para cambiar al Tour nocturno (Ruta amarilla) Primer autobús: 09:00 h de la parada no. 18 (W 42nd St & 8th Ave). Último autobús: 18:00 h de la parada no. 1 (W 42nd St & Broadway). Recorrido completo del circuito: 150 minutos (aprox.) Circuito Midtown (Ruta violeta): Puede subir a nuestro Circuito Midtown desde 8 paradas distintas. Todos los autobuses ofrecen un guía en inglés y comentarios grabados disponibles en 10 idiomas. Bájese en las paradas 3, 15, 16 y 17 para cambiar al Circuito Midtown, en la parada 12 para el Tour Brooklyn y en la parada 17 para los Circuitos Uptown y Tour Nocturno. Primer autobús: 09:00 h de la parada no. 17 (M&Ms; World). Último autobús: 19:30 h de la parada no. 17 (M&Ms; World) Recorrido completo del circuito: 90 minutos (aprox.) Tour Brooklyn (Ruta verde): Puede subirse al Tour Brooklyn de Nueva York (Ruta verde) en las parada 12. Todos los autobuses cuentan con guías angloparlantes y comentarios grabados disponibles en 10 idiomas. Bájese en la parada 12 para cambiar al Circuito Downtown (Ruta roja). Primer autobús: 10:00 h de la parada no. 12 (Statue of Liberty/Battery Park). Último autobús: 15:00 h de la parada no. 12 (Statue of Liberty/Battery Park). Recorrido completo del circuito: 60 minutos. Tour nocturno (Ruta amarilla): Súbase a nuestro Tour nocturno en la parada núm. 17 para descubrir las mejores vistas de la Gran Manzana cuando cae la noche. Este tour dura dos horas y sale cada 30 minutos entre las 19:00 y las 21:00 h. Primer autobús: 19:00 h de la parada no. 17 (M&Ms; World). Último autobús: 21:00 h de la parada no. 17 (M&Ms; World). Recorrido completo del circuito: 2 horas. Tour Nocturno o Crucero Turístico: Elija entre dos grandes viajes.. Su billete le permite subir a un Tour Nocturno panorámico Big Bus o a un crucero de 1 hora que le muestra la Estatua de la Libertad, el puente de Brooklyn y vistas de Manhattan. Los Cruceros Turísticos Circle Line salen desde el muelle 83, West 42nd Street y 12th Avenue (en la parada Big Bus núm. 34). Se recomienda llegar 30 minutos antes de su hora de salida elegida. El horario de los cruceros es el siguiente: 10:30 h, 14:30 h y 16:30 h desde el 29 de abril al 29 de octubre, 10:00 h desde el 30 de octubre al 10 de marzo y 10:30 h desde el 11 de marzo al 28 de abril. Canjee su vale con cualquier empleado de Big Bus Tours antes de subir al crucero. Crucero Liberty Island o entrada al Empire State Building: Elija entre dos emocionantes opciones. Con su billete, puede disfrutar de un crucero hasta las islas Liberty y Ellis o visitar el Empire State Building. Términos y condiciones del crucero:Diríjase a cualquier agente de venta de billetes para canjear el vale antes de embarcar en el crucero. Reserve 30 minutos antes de embarcar para realizar el control de seguridad. Su billete incluye un viaje en ferry a las islas de Liberty y Ellis, así como una entrada al Museo de la Emigración de la Isla de Ellis, pero no le da
Enjoy great entertainment and pool party fun at the Flamingo Go Pool with concert tickets at
Save up to 55% on admission to over 20 top attractions and tours for one low price with a Go Las Vegas Card. All 3, 4, and 5-Day passes include a Premium Attraction choice of Grand Canyon South Rim Bus Tour, a Blue Man Group show ticket, Las Vegas Strip Helicopter Tour, or the Richard Petty Driving Experience: Ride-Along. Enjoy the flexibility to choose attractions as you go and do as much as you want each day. Pay nothing at the gate. Save Money Save up to 55% off combined admission prices. Save Time Skip the line at select attractions. Flexibility Create your own itinerary from over 20 popular choices. Freedom No limitations. Do as much as you want each consecutive calendar day. Insider Info Free guidebook and map. Click here for a complete list of current attractions included with the Go San Diego® Card. Please note: FlowRider is closed until further notice. Please check the website for updates. Frequently Asked Questions How many attractions can I visit in one day? As many as you want! Most travelers plan to visit 2-3 attractions each day, but there's no limit. The more you do, the more you save. What do you mean by "consecutive calendar days"? "Consecutive calendar days" are days in a row, on a calendar. A calendar day is not a 24-hour period. For example, if you have a 3-Day Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass and visit your first attraction on a Monday evening, it is valid for the remainder of Monday (1st calendar day) and the two days immediately following it: Tuesday (2nd calendar day), and Wednesday (3rd calendar day). Tip: to get the most out of your pass, plan to visit attractions early in the day. Is this just a discount card? Will I still need to buy tickets? No. Passes include admission to each attraction; no need to pay anything at the gate. Some attractions may offer upgrades or special exhibits for an additional fee. Do I need to choose my attractions in advance? Nope, you can choose from the included attractions as you go. What is the age cut off for child cards? Child cards are for children ages 3-12. Most attractions do not charge for children under 3 years old. However, there are some exceptions (especially children's museums and attractions geared toward very young travelers). If you have a child under 3 years old, please check with the attraction directly in advance. You may be charged at the gate. How will I get my pass? Instantly! Choose between 2 options: Use your pass right on your phone with the free Go City Card app. Print your pass and guidebook at home. Links and easy-to-follow instructions for both options will be in your confirmation email. How do I "activate" my card? Simply visit your first attraction! Is my card valid all day? Yes. You can enter attractions any time with the Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass. What is your refund policy? Our Risk Free Guarantee gives you one year from your purchase date to return any non-activated passes for a full refund. How many days should I buy? Most travelers visit between 2 and 3 attractions each day depending on individual preference. Our most popular card is the 3-Day card. What is the Premium Attractions offer? With 3, 4, and 5-Day passes, you get admission to one Premium Attraction on one of the days your card is valid. Can I use my pass at all of the V Theater Shows? You may go to one V Theater Show per day during the life of your pass. Can I hop on the Bus Tour at any stop? Yup! The Hop-On Hop-Off Big Bus Las Vegas tour lets you hop on at any stop along the 2 routes – just show your pass to a Big Bus staff member and board the bus. Click here to download a list of stops. Can I purchase passes on the spur of the moment when I arrive in Las Vegas? Of course! With instant digital delivery, you can purchase and access passes right on your mobile device. Does a Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass expire? Yes. You have one year from the date of purchase to begin using your pass. After one year, it will expire. How much will I save? Compare the price of the pass to the gate prices of the attractions you want to visit to see how much you can save. We give you the flexibility to create your own itinerary and choose the attractions you want to visit depending on your interests. For inspiration, check out some of our sample itineraries, insider tips, and more for info on all the fun things to do in Las Vegas so you can make the most of your time here. Can I visit an attraction more than once? In most cases, you can visit each attraction once per day. Some attractions are valid only once during the life of the pass. Please reference your guidebook for specific information on each attraction. Do I need to make reservations to visit the attractions? Attractions that require a reservation will display this symbol on the guidebook page. Some attractions require a credit card to hold a reservation. In these cases, your credit card will not be charged unless you do not show up for your reservation. What’s the catch? There’s no catch. Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass has a partnership with all of the participating attractions to make your visit to Las Vegas as memorable as possible and to help you save time and money. Can I share my pass with a friend or sell it? No. The Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass is non-transferrable and may not be re-sold. What happens if an attraction is closed or a tour is cancelled due to weather or other problem? While we do our best to ensure that all attractions are available, events happen that are out of our control. The great thing about a Las Vegas All-Inclusive Pass is that there are so many attractions to choose from. If an attraction is closed, or cannot be visited for some reason, we know you'll find a fun alternative in your guidebook! Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride Your Hot Air Balloon adventure begins when you meet your Pilot and Flight Crew. The flights meet approximately a 1/2 hour before sunrise. At the launch site, your flight crew will brief you on your upcoming balloon adventure. Then, you will watch with awe as your balloon takes shape before your eyes, ultimately standing more than 10 stories tall. Once fully inflated and ready for take off, you climb into the gondola and begin the adventure of a lifetime. During your flight you will get a spectacular bird's eye view of the gorgeous Red Rock Mountains and the famous Las Vegas Strip. You will drift silently over the Vegas Valley with 360 degree, unobstructed views of the world famous Las Vegas Strip, Red Rock Conservation Area and surrounding suburbs. After drifting serenely for approximately an hour you prepare for landing. Once on the ground, you will indulge in the oldest of ballooning traditions, a champagne toast, and revel in the peace, tranquility and beauty that you never before knew existed. For ballooning light winds are required, good visibility and no precipitation. You will fly at approximately 1000 feet. The flights are approximately one hour in length, however you are required you for up to 4 hours in total for the entire adventure. Since you will fly with the prevailing winds, the flight patterns and landing sites vary due to the changing wind directions. There is very little feeling of movement or sensation of height. Our Safety Pledge Your safety is our main concern, so we reserve the right to cancel a flight due to adverse weather conditions or safety reasons. All flights must adhere to all FAA safety standards for passenger-carrying commercial balloon operations. We don’t anticipate flight delays, however if the pilot requires more time to see how the weather is developing, it is possible that your flight might be put on hold. If that happens, you will be instructed to phone back at a later time that day for an update. *Please note all passengers must have a signed liability waiver in order to fly. **Please also note that ballooning is extremely weather dependent. We require less than 8 knots of wind, in addition to no impending storms. Safety is our number one pirority. Vegas Balloon Rides reserves the right to cancel a flight due to weather conditions or other safety reasons that could affect the safety of the flight. Passenger Limitations: Passengers must be in good physical condition. All passengers must be able to climb in and out of the basket, stand for the entire flight and walk out of a field if necessary. We cannot fly any passenger who has had recent surgery, injuries, hip, back, or knee problems. Health concerns, physical limitations, is/or may be pregnant or has severe auditory restrictions. Please note: Children must be a minimum of 10 years of age and accompanied by an adult.