Helmet made of Dyneema carbon aramid fiber and epoxy resin Two air intakes for ventilation and one for ventilation Inner lining is removable and washable Visor: Anti Scratch + Pinlock included Chinstrap closure: double ring Weight: 1395 + - 50 g
All the jerseys are the same as those selling in official sales,Antiwrinkle, anti - static, can absorb sweat, anti - odor, anti - shrinkage water
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With SEEFLEX⢠technology, the days of wearing uncomfortable armor on a motorcycle are long behind us. The SEEFLEX⢠concept is born of the synergy between state of the art material and cutting-edge construction, which together give SEEFLEX⢠protectors their unique combination of protection, flexibility and breathability. This innovative technology enables the SEEFLEX⢠protectors to pass the highest EN1621-1:2012 Level 2 impact tests in all test circumstances and temperatures.
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