Model:HQ-185/HQ; Tips:If you have a skin disease or damaged skin, please do not use electornic machines on the affected areas.,You should not do a full body massage if you are suffering from extreme fatigue, dizzy, drunk, have a fever, or within a half hour of eating.; Voltage (V):
Lot de 3 Cartilan Plus 3X180 gelules de Han-Biotech est un complement nutritionnel Format CURE qui possede des ingredients comme un complexe Glucosamine - Mangoustan - Vitamine C ; Ce Lot de 3 Cartilan Plus, ce complement alimentaire et nutritionnel, les caracteristiques ne manquent pas pour decrire ce complement nutritionnel propose en Format CURE, c est la societe Han-Biotech qui a mis au point ce produit, pour le bien etre et la sante de votre organisme. Resume des actifs en presence de ce complement alimentaire et nutritionnel : 781 mg de Glucosamine - 750 mg d extraits de Mangoustan - 583 mg de pectine de pomme - 570 mg de gelatine marine - 178 mg d alginate de sodium issu d algues marines - 60 mg de vitamine C - 48 mg d oligosaccharides de chitine de carapace de crabe.
Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): Bronchipret Thymian Pastillen Wirkstoff: Thymiankraut-Trockenextrakt. Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Besserung der Beschwerden bei akuter Bronchitis mit Husten und E...
No tar or other carcinogenic substances. Harmless to others or the environment. No danger of second-hand smoking. Can smoke in a public place
Aspire Nautilus has an air flow control mechanism adjustable with the lower ring with 4 settings to make it the best atomizer.
Features: Built-in laser pointer for precise measurement. Digital LCD display with backlight for easy reading. Non-contact design to measure temperatures by using IR, which is safe to use. Measuring range: -32~550C/-26~1022F; C/F unit conversion. Low battery indication and data storage function.