Tiefdunkles Rot. Würziges Bouquet mit viel dunkler Frucht, auch Noten von Quitten, Feigen und Oliven, Lakritz, dunklem Backkakao und Kuchengewürzen vor zugleich zarten und würzigen Eichenholzaromen. Saftig, elegant, mit mittlerem Körper, dichter, reifer Frucht und pikanten Noten von schwarzen Oliven, das sanfte Tannin und die feinwürzigen Eichenholznoten sind harmonisch eingebunden, würzig-aromatisch auch im Finale mit dem charakteristischen Nachhall von dunkler Schokolade ein Shiraz Cabernet ganz im klassischen Koonunga-Hill-Stil. Passt zu: Rinderbraten, Steaks und Lammgerichten, zu Lasagne, pikant gefüllten Canneloni oder Ravioli und mittelkräftigen Käsesorten.
Hcigar VT Inbox V3 Squonker Box Mod is powered by the Evolv DNA75 chip made from USA. There is an internal e-liquid storage bottle connected directly to the atomizer pass filling e-liquid tube. Simply squeeze the squonk bottle located inside the Hcigar VT Inbox V3 into your favorite bottom feeding RDA or RTA (sold separately) for pure flavor. The Hcigar VT Inbox V3 can fire up to 75W max output and supports Ni200, Titanium, and Stainless Steel wire and also utilizes a well-defined temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) mode. Hcigar original design Aluminium alloy construction 0.91¡± OLED Screen Display Equipped with Evolv DNA 75 chipset 8ml internal squonk bottle TC Range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-315'C Houses 1 x 18650 (sold separately) Reverse battery protection Customized fashionable LED fire light Can be customized through Escribe software on computer 510 threading connection 25mm Diameter Brand: HCigar Model VT Inbox V3 Variable wattage 1W - 75W TC modes SS/Ni/Ti Output voltage 0.2V - 6V Lowest TC Resistance 0.15O Squonk bottle capacity 8ml Size 83x 54 x 25mm
A selection of our more exciting 100g Bars in one nifty bar case! Makes the perfect present or token of thanks!Includes:ChilliChilli and LimeOrange and GeraniumSea DogLordy Lord 500g
30ml bottle of Juicy Watermelon Iced by Salt Bae Eliquid
Mit satter Farbe, üppiger Nase und einem konzentrierten Aroma präsentiert Terre di Montelusa Nero dAvola die Vorzeige-Traube Siziliens, in absoluter Topform. Von der über 3.000 Stunden vom strahlend blauen sizilianischen Himmel scheinenden Sonne verwöhnt, vermählt dieser Wein die Vorzüge des mediterranen Klimas mit der Kraft der edlen Rebsorte zu einem Wein, der pure Lebensfreude ausstrahlt. Passt zu: Vorspeisen mit Salami, Schinken und Oliven, Ziege, Lamm, Geröstetem. Vegane Verarbeitung
Relaxation The dorshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha, are elements that manifest themselves in a unique combination within every being. To maintain or restore this balance is the basic idea behind Ayurveda. YOGI TEA has magical recipes that were created for moments of tea enjoyment that restores balance and brings relaxation into our busy lives. Find peace and quiet in these turbulent times and bring the noise of the world to a standstill. YOGI TEA® Relax is a unique blend of soothing and relaxing herbs. Its intriguing taste, combining chamomile and linden flower, allows us to regain peaceful balance in our body and mind when we are challenged in stressful situations. Rose hips, orange peel and raspberry leaf bring a delicious softness to this gentle tea. Sit back, relax and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of this delightful blend. The essence of this tea is: 'Peace and tranquility'. Ingredients: Lime * (15%), chamomile * (15%), fennel *, cardamom *, barley malt *, hibiscus *, liquorice *, alfalfa *, raspberry leaves *, orange peel *, rose hips * (2%), cinnamon *, * ginger, cloves *, black pepper * * Certified organic cultivation