Comment Sophie Charraz a-t-elle trouv? la mort au Manaslu il y a plus de vingt ans, tandis que son mari redescendait vivant de ce 8 000 himalayen?? C?est taraud? par cette question que leur fils Matthieu, star de l?ultra-trail et des sports extr?mes,...
Thor Nylon hammers have a choice of plastic grip or wooden handles with Chrome plated Zinc heads with Nylon faces, these are fitted as standard, available in 6 different weights.Alternative faces, colour coded to distinguish hardness are also available. The faces are designed to wear and are replaceable by hand. Available in 6 sizes each with different weights, Used, due to the easily interchangeable heads, as a multi purpose striking tool in most assembly applications including engineering, furniture, shopfitting, partitioning, double glazing, injection moulding dies etc. THO406 and THO408 are fitted with wooden handles while THO410, THO412, THO414 and THO416 have plastic handles.Weight 450g (1lb).Diameter 32mm (1 1/4 in).
Mini Aleación de aluminio 45 Grados 90 Grados Calibrador de ángulo recto Pulgadas multifuncional Medidor de ángulo métrico Triángulo Regla Herramienta de medición de carpintería