Lavender & mint for protected lips An essential lip care product for on-the-go. Keep your lips moisturised and protected for hours with Soapwalla's Lip Locked Lavender Mint Balm. The lip balm contains the following key components: Raw food-grade coconut oil provides unparalleled protection from the elements. Cold pressed avocado oil--rich in vitamins A, D and E- reduces the appearance of surface irritation while promoting healthy-looking, glowing skin. Lavender essential oil calms, and mint creates a subtly refreshing tingling sensation. Properties: neutral taste no waxy residue moisturises for hours unisex safe to use on children suitable for the most sensitive lips
Eau Florale de Pin sylvestre de Lozere bio 250ml Essenciagua. Le pin sylvestre est un tres bel arbre, rare et cultive en plaines, qui croit spontanement en montages jusqursquo;a la limite des forets. Il resiste a la chaleur, a la secheresse, au froid, mais pas a la privation de lumiere. Il est considere comme le plus precieux des pins. Son bois fourni un goudron, ses bourgeons sont riches en principes actifs. Hippocrate citait deja lrsquo;extrait de pin pour soigner les maladies de lrsquo;appareil respiratoire. Crsquo;est toujours pour cela qui est grandement utilise de nos jours. Lrsquo;huile essentielle, obtenue par la distillation des aiguilles et des bourgeons, degage un arome chaud, apre, boise et contient principalement des monoterpenes et des esters, responsables de ses proprietes. L hydrolat de Pin sylvestre sera particulierement apprecie en periode d affections hivernales, en diffusion par exemple, offrant ainsi une agreable sensation olfactive typique des resineux.
Skinception kaltgepresstes kosmetisches Arganol, bestehend aus reinem, 100% naturlichem Arganol, ist perfekt fur empfindliche und trockene Haut. Mit den hohen naturlichen Vitaminen A & E zielt die Anwendung von kaltgepresstem kosmetischem Arganol darauf ab, die Qualitat und die Lange des Lebens zu s
Marca:MIZON; Qué es::Foam Cleanser,Ampoule,Cream,Cream; Qué hace::Face,Face,Eye,Face; Origen::Korea
Well tolerated formula A natural body and intimate area cleanser for adults and children alike. It can be used to cleanse the hands and face - perfect for frequent use. Extracts and oils derived from mint, fennel and lavender ensure freshness and vitality while chamomile, rose and myrtle protect and soothe the skin. Application: Use together with a natural sponge to create a rich lather. Ideal for clinics, pediatric, dermatological and gynaecological sectors. Suitable for bed-ridden persons and those that experience difficulty walking. Suitable for men, women, the elderly and children. For pregnant women and women in childbed. Adjuvant for menopause and vaginal dryness - as an alternative to conventional shower gels.