Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Downtown Tour Este tour cubre los principales puntos destacados del centro de Chicago. Se realiza diariamente durante todo el año e incluye 12 paradas diferentes. A medida que avanza el tour, por una ruta de 21km, los clientes tienen acceso ilimitado a los trolebuses y autobuses de dos pisos en cualquiera de las paradas designadas. Encontrará la ruta del tour en este enlace Tour nocturno Este tour hace Downtown Tour completo, es un tour panorámico sin paradas. Podrá disfrutar de este a partir de las 19:00h. Parte desde la Parada 1 (Millenium Park) o la Parada 12 (875 N. Michigan / 360 Chicago) Los visitantes pueden bajar en cualquier parada a lo largo de la ruta, pero no hay vehículo de regreso. El tour termina aproximadamente a las 21:15h. Aplicación Gratuita ¡Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Company ahora tiene una aplicación GRATUITA para Android y iPhone! Esta nueva aplicación, fácil de usar, ofrece un tour totalmente narrado en chino (mandarín), alemán, portugués (Brasil) y español. ¿Cómo descargar? ¡Fácil como 1, 2, 3! Busque y descargue la aplicación ‘Chicago Trolley Tour’. Una vez descargada, abra la aplicación y aparecerán las opciones de idioma. Elija el idioma que necesite y descargue. Habrá un aviso para introducir una contraseña. ¿Entonces, cómo funciona? Se proporcionarán auriculares para cualquier visitante que utilice la aplicación. Usando el GPS, la aplicación sigue a los visitantes mientras disfrutan de las vistas desde los autobuses de dos pisos y trolebuses. La narración se basa en puntos trazados a lo largo de la ruta. Los visitantes pueden incluso hacer clic en cada punto para leer la información. Una vez descargada, la aplicación no utiliza datos. Shedd Aquarium EXPOSICIONES INCLUIDAS CON LA ENTRADA Underwater Beauty - Una exposición especial Nuestro mundo está lleno de maravillas. Celebre con nosotros la increíble belleza viva de nuestros oceanos, lagos y rios en una nueva exposición especial en Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Eche un vistazo a la grandiosidad debajo de las olas con 100 especies de todo el mundo juntas en un nuevo y evocador espacio. ¿Qué es la belleza? Deje que le pique la curiosidad mientras observa todas las maneras en las que la belleza se mueve y coexiste. Vea como se impulsan las medusas, como se retuercen las anguilas y como cobra vida un arcoiris de colores con los peces de los arrecifes. Sienta los ritmos, abrace los colores y disfrute de los patros que solo se pueden encontrar bajo el agua. Viva un mundo digno de celbrar - y salvar. AMPHIBIANS! La nueva exposición llamada “Amphibians” incluida en el precio de la entrada. Verá 40 especies diferentes de ranas y salamandras desde su ciclo de vida hasta sus adaptaciones para vivir en cada ecosistema de la Tierra. Descubra cómo de grande puede llegar a ser un problema para los anfibios – y cómo puede ayudarlos a hacer frente a estos grandes cambios. Waters of the World Viaje a 80 hábitats diferentes. Zambúllase en el océano desde los bosques de algas marinas hasta el fondo del mar. Explore los ecosistemas de Islas y Lagos. Visite grandes y pequeños ríos y aprenda más sobre nuestras aguas en la exhibición de ‘At Home on the Great Lakes’. Encuentre cientos de asombrosos animales, desde ranas diminutas a pulpos gigantescos, así como caimanes, iguanas, medusas y estrellas de mar. Caribbean Reef Haga un recorrido 360º por una comunidad de arrecifes bajo el agua. Siga a las tortugas marinas verdes, contemple desde muy cerca peces loro y tiburones. Amazon Rising Haga un viaje exótico por la Amazonia, hogar de un tercio de todos los seres vivos. Tenga cuidado con las anacondas y pirañas, rayas y caimanes camuflados. Vea como los animales, plantas y personas de la región se adaptan a las crecidas y bajadas anuales del agua. Oceanário Abbott Oceanário Abbot le sumerge en el vibrante ecosistema de las ballenas beluga, los delfines de flanco blanco, las nutrias de mar y los leones de mar. También podrá observar multitud de peces e invertebrados que viven donde los flujos de agua dulce entran en el océano. Use nuestro mapa para descubrir cómo se vinculan los animales entre ellos, a sus hábitats y a nosotros mismos. La Zona de Juego Polar Los niños tienen su propio lugar en el Acuario Shedd, 'La Zona de Juego Polar'. ¿Qué le gustaría ser? ¿Un pingüino deslizante y elegante? ¿Un explorador de aguas profundas? ¿Qué tal las dos cosas? En la Zona de Juego Polar puede disfrazarse de pingüino y fingir ser un pájaro en el Área de Juego Icy Sur. Desde allí puede dirigirse al Área de Juego Icy North para explorar las aguas del ártico en submarino. No se olvide de tocar las coloridas estrellas de mar en las piscinas. En la Zona de Juego Polar los niños aprenderán acerca de los polos opuestos- grande y pequeño, rápido y lento, superficial y profundo- e incluso sobre el norte y el sur, todo esto mientras juegan y se divierten.
Disneyland® Park In a Magical Kingdom not so far away - somewhere between a place where you wish upon a star and dreams come true - classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never ending. 5 magical lands, endless fun, pick one that's for you... or pick them all! Experience your favourite Disney® Lands just as you remember them in classic Disney stories where fairytales really do come true. Endless attractions and thrills that come in all sizes and shapes. There are big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2 that takes you to the edge of the universe. For little ones, they can sail around the world with " it's a small world". Family fun can be found in every corner of the Park, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups. Meet Disney® Characters The Park where favourite Disney® Characters live and can't wait to meet you. Alongside Mickey and Minnie, say 'Howdy' to Goofy and 'Hello Honey' to Pooh. Get a hug, an autograph and a photo. Just say 'cheese.' It's party time! Every day's a party at Disneyland® Park. On top of all the wonderful attractions and characters, there are lots of spectacular family parade and shows to enjoy, all year round. Enjoy our wonderful shows and parades every day! Walt Disney Studios® Park Right next door to Disneyland® Park, discover the magical world of cinema and television at Walt Disney Studios Park - 4 cinemagical 'lots', featuring thrilling attractions and spectacular shows with your dreams centre-stage. Explore the scenes on 4 studio lots. Where your "screendreams" come true! It's showbiz, folks! Make your big screen debut at Production Courtyard, Toon Studio, Backlot and Front lot. It's a star studded itinerary, and you never know what star you'll bump into. Blockbuster preview attractions. You ought to be in pictures! It's your day to be discovered while exploring all there is to see at Disney® Studios - The Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic, Disney Cinema Parade, Animagique and 'lots' more... Walt Disney Studios® Park, where movie magic abounds. Get behind the scenes with our never seen before Parade and tours. Why not take in a spectacular Show or Parade to round off the day like the Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic or our Moteurs...Action! Stunt Show Spectacular? Then you'll know exactly what it's like to be a star.
Ultimate Drive (a subsidiary of supercar and luxury auto distributor EuroSports Global Ltd SGX Symbol-5G1) is pleased to bring Supercars to the mass market so that “Everyone can drive a Supercar”. Experience the thrill of driving on the official F1 circuit in a supercar! We offer thrill seekers the opportunity to drive our fleet of exotic cars from manufacturers including Ferrari, Lamborghini, and more. Unleash the power of the straights of the freeway, or cruise the coastline. Test your mettle behind the wheel or sit back and let one of our Experienced Professional Drivers show you what these cars can do. At the end of your drive, for only $68, you can get a memorable recording of your trip captured by our on board dual HD cameras. The experience is with you forever. The Official F1 Circuit goes by Bayfront Avenue, Esplanade Drive, City Hall, Raffles Boulevard and goes to ECP/MCE highway which will give you the under-tunnel experience to hear the engine roaring! Unleash the power roaring on the straights of the town or simply cruise along the city feeling the wind in your hair. This booking is valid for the following choice of car* for 30 minutes only: Ferrari California Lamborghini Gallardo McLaren MP4-12C *One car per booking. Please note customers MUST take your original driver's licence, with a minimum of 2 years driving experience.
Blenheim Palace Your 365Tickets Blenheim Palace ticket can either be shown on a mobile device or printed Several eateries serving a wide range from light snacks, to 3 course meals and afternoon teas are available at the Palace Your ticket cannot be exchanged for an annual pass for the Palace Please note tickets are non-refundable
Brussels - From Amsterdam This day starts with a drive through the Dutch country side to Brussels. Here You will the amazing Atomium, the largest iron atom in the world and the symbol of Brussels, constructed in 1958 as a part of the World Exhibition. During a short bus tour you will see the tomb of the unknown soldier and the imposing Royal Palace of Brussels. You will stay for 3 hours in Brussels, which is the unofficial capital of Europe. In a guided walking tour you will see among other things the 16th century Market Square and off course “Manneken Pis”. Along the way, you will get a demonstration by a chocolatier and get the change to taste some famous Belgian chocolate. At the end of the Belgium Tour, there will also be time for you to explore on your own, do some shopping and try the famous chocolate and waffles. Deluxe Coach Guide Guided walking tours in Brussels Atomium picturestop Manneken Pis
VISIT THE NEW ENGLAND AQUARIUM Tentacles Take Hold NEW! Get ready to be wrapped up in Tentacles! Look for the giant Pacific octopus in its newly expanded habitat brimming with species found in the chilly depths of the Pacific Northwest. Eye the cuttlefish levitating in its tropical tank while the chambered nautilus jets through its inky dark display. From petite red octopuses to graceful seajellies, dive into the dazzling diversity of these mysterious ocean animals as Tentacles take hold at the New England Aquarium! GIANT OCEAN TANK Enjoy 360-degree views of spectacular, four-story Caribbean coral reef teeming with more animals than ever before. In 2013, the iconic Giant Ocean Tank underwent a top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation, including windows that provide crystal-clear viewing opportunities: a vibrant, revitalized coral reef with more than 1, 000 fishes: and the Yawkey Coral Reef Center at the top fo the exhibit. The colorful Caribbean coral reef is home to sea turtles, eels and hundreds of tropical fishes of all sizes. SEALS AND SEA LIONS AT PLAY AT THE NEW BALANCE FOUNDATION MARINE MAMMAL CENTER The seals and sea lions are always at play. Watch California sea lions dart through the water and limber Northern fur seals frolic in this beautiful openair exhibit space, and find out about the challenges marine mammals face in the wild! THE LARGEST SHARK AND RAY TOUCH TANK ON THE EAST COAST The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank features sharks and rays in a mangroved - themed tank surrounded by shallow edges and viewing windows, allowing visitors to experience a close encounter with these animals. Visitors to this exhibit can reach out and gently touch the backs of cownose rays. Atlantic rays and sharks as they swim gracefully through the crystal-clear water. The exhibit presents these incredible species in a way that highlights their importance in a healthy ocean ecosystem. It also emphasizes the valued of conserving essential coastal habitats, such as mangroves and lagoons. ATLANTIC HARBOR SEALS Visitors can enjoy the Atlantic harbor seals in their exhibit on the Aquarium plaza before buying admission tickets. Watch the seals swim, play and rest. Learn more about them and see some expert behaviors as they work with trainers during free training sessions throughout the day. BLUE PLANET ACTION CENTER This exhibit is part of the Aquarium’s recent top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation. The exhibit area presents the serious challenges facing the oceans and showcases the Aquarium's global leadership in searching for solutions with a combination of interactive displays, interpretive presentations and small live animal exhibits. Languages: Aquarium guide maps in Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese are available at the Aquarium's Information Desk upon request. Currently playing daily at the Simons IMAX Theatre: Amazon Adventure 3D Escape to the lush forests of the Amazon, where clumsy sloths swim through flooded forests and colorful butterflies play tricks on predators. Based on a true story, Amazon Adventure takes you back in time to follow a curious scientist as he thrashes through jungles and floats along the sprawling Amazon River. Witness the birth of a species in IMAX 3D as you marvel at the incredible species that call this biodiversity hotspot home. Great White Shark 3D - Running time: 40 min.Get ready for a shark's eye view as you plunge straight into the underwater world of nature's most renowned predator in Great White Shark 3D . See the science at work behind that fearsome toothy grin and discover the importance of this spectacular species. It's an exhilarating shark's eye view of the blue planet fit for the whole family on the largest screen in New England. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Wonderland - Running time: 40 min.Take the trip of a lifetime with Galapagos 3D: Nature’s Wonderland on New England’s largest movie screen. See grinning iguanas claw their way along the seafloor to snack on seaweed. Swim with tropical penguins rocketing through the water to cool off. Wallow in muddy pools with grunting giant tortoises. Explore the islands that gave us a greater understanding of life on our blue planet.