Vitabiotics Pregnacare Max Dual PackPregnacareMax offers the ultimate formula in the range for mums-to-be who want the maximum nutritional support from Pregnacare. This advanced formula helps to safeguard daily intake of important nutrients during pregnancy. The dual pack provides 400mcg folic acid the exact level recommended by the UK Department of Health, incorporating the special, readily bioavailable form L- Methylfolate. It includes other essential vitamins and minerals, including 10mcg vitamin D and 500mg Calcium. The pack also contains a 300mg Omega-3 DHA capsule for normal foetal brain & eye development.Pregnacare Max tablets have been carefully formulated by experts to safeguard nutritional requirements during all of pregnancy.It is important to follow the directions and take the recommended TWO Pregnacare Max tablets per day, to ensure that you obtain the recommended level of 400 mcg folate (folic acid). Provides a daily intake of 10mcg Vitamin D as recommended by the UK Department of Health for all pregnant and breast-feeding women.Important: some pregnancy formulas do not include the exact 10mcg vitamin D, as recommended by the Department of Health for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. Produced in Britain to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) quality standards.Plus High Purity Omega-3 capsuleResearch increasingly shows the importance of essential fatty acids in the development of babies and infants.Each capsule provides 300mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), the level recommended by international experts (ISSFAL).Maternal intake of DHA contributes to normal foetal brain and eye development.A special, carefully balanced range of nutrients for pregnancyComprehensive formula Special nutritional support with L-Methylfolate, a readily available form of Folic Acid.At Recommended levelsProvides the UK Department of Health daily recommended levels of 400mcg Folic Acid and 10mcg Vitamin D.Brain & eye developmentWith 300mg DHA to contribute to normal foetal brain and eye development.Bone healthIncludes 500mg calcium with supporting nutrients, Vitamin D3 and Magnesium to help maintain normal bones and teeth.Blood formationIron and vitamins B6 & B12 to help contribute to normal red blood cell formation.Supporting range of nutrientsWide range of supporting micro-nutrients including Inositol, L-Arginine and Natural Mixed Carotenoids.
Harpagophytum 90 gelules vegetales Esprit Phyto apporte de la racine d harpagophytum procumbens, a raison de 330 mg de racine secondaire d harpagophytum par gelule. L harpagophytum procumbens aussi connu sous le nom de griffe du diable est l une des plantes les plus extraordinaires de la planete, car cette plante sauvage tres robuste qui resiste parfaitement aux climats chauds vigoureux de Namibie en Afrique de l Ouest ne pousse nulle part ailleurs. De nombreux agronomes ont essaye de transplanter la culture de l harpagophytum dans d autres regions du globe et cela sans succes. L harpagophytum est utilisee pour ses racines secondaires qu il faut aller chercher de facon saisonniere sous 1 metre de terre, et cela sans abimer les pieds de culture ou les pieds sauvages, ce qui est un veritaqble tour de force obligeant les cultivateurs a creer des plans sur des hauts monticules de terre afin de recolter facilement la racine.
Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
Prele 90 gelules Esprit Phyto est un complement alimentaire apportant 190 mg de poudre de tiges aeriennes de prele, riches en silicium organique. La prele des champs est la plante de la remineralisation feminine par excellence et permet aussi de mettre en toute beaute peau, cheveux et ongles. La prele des champs est la source la plus riche dans la nature en oligo-elements silicium organique au meme titre que l exsudat de bambou et que la feuille d ortie. Le silicium organique est un oligo-element qui devient indispensable a partir de 40 ans afin de combler les carences metaboliques en cet oligo-element de soutien qui rentre dan la constitution du collagene, des fibres d elastine et du cartilage. Le silicium participe aussi au soutien de la peau, des cheveux et des ongles, sa carence est donc prejudiciable fragilisant l ensemble du tissu conjonctif, les cheveux et les ongles.
Biotrue ONEday for Presbyopia contact lenses combine an innovative bio-inspired system and 3-Zone progressive design, ensuring comfort and clarity for all distances, all day long. The bio-inspired HyperGel material is designed to provide your eyes with as much oxygen as the open eye needs to maintain healthy, white eyes, keeping your vision clear and fresh until the end of the day. In addition, Biotrue ONEday features the same water content as the cornea, ensuring your eyes retain moisture. As well as providing optimal comfort, these lenses cater for those with presbyopia, with an advanced multifocal design providing clear vision at all distances. Contact lens type: Daily disposable soft contact lenses. Manufacturer: Bausch & Lomb. Material: 78% Water, 22% Nesofilcon A. Handling tint: Light blue tint. UVA/UVB protection: Yes. Usage instructions: Daily wear, single use. Please replace with a new pair every day.