Please redeem your 365 ticket voucher at the Pearl Harbor Historic Parks ticket counter, also located in the courtyard of the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Check In Policy & Maximizing Your Time Visitors with ticket reservations are required to check in at the National Park Service ticket counter one hour before their tour time. If you check in late, the National Park Service reserves the right to reassign your tour tickets. We highly recommend starting at the Visitors Center’s museum before embarking to the memorial. No Bag Policy For security reasons, no purses, backpacks, fanny packs, diaper bags, large camera cases or luggage is allowed at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Valuables should not be left in your vehicle. Bag storage is available at the entrance for a fee of $3 per bag. We recommend that visitors bring in their wallets, ID, water, cameras and cellphones. Strollers Strollers are allowed in the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, but not in the theaters or on shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. While strollers may be parked at the theaters and picked up once visitors return from the Memorial, the National Park Service is not responsible for monitoring strollers or other personal items left behind. Restrooms There are public restroom facilities available at the Visitor Center; visitors are encouraged to use the facilities at the Visitor Center before beginning their Arizona Memorial Program. Food and Beverage Other than clear bottled water, no food or drinks are allowed in the theater, on the shuttle boats, or at the USS Arizona Memorial. Dress Attire Civilian Visitors are reminded that they are visiting a site of tremendous loss of life in service to our country. Sandals are permissible, but bathing suits or profane T-shirts are discouraged. Military Military visitors to the USS Arizona Memorial are within the boundary of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, and military regulations relating to military dress are enforced by Navy personnel. Per the Pacific Commander, military visitors in uniform are required to dress in Class B or better in order to gain access to the shuttle boats to the USS Arizona Memorial. Battle dress uniform is not allowed on the USS Arizona Memorial, though it is allowed throughout the Visitor Center and at sites on Ford Island. Military visitors are welcome to wear civilian clothes when they visit.
Enjoy a package including the Fashion Freak Show and your entrance at FlyView Paris to fly over Paris in virtual reality! Fashion Freak Show Your seating during the show will correspond to Category 3 10.00 € savings on shows from Tuesday to Thursday Ladies and Gentlemen, please leave the routine, gloom and boredom in the dressing room: the crazy world of Jean-Paul Gaultier takes hold of the mythical scene of Folies Bergère! After Josephine Baker, Charlie Chaplin and Zizi Jeanmaire, it is the most famous French couturiers to make dance and dream the audience of the Folies! The plan of the room with the seating category is available. For his show, Jean Paul Gaultier unravels the codes of the magazine and installs you at the forefront to rediscover fifty years of pop culture, through his unique and eccentric eye. From her provocative beginnings to his biggest fashion shows, from crazy parties at the Palace to sulphurous London nights, the awful child of fashion shows you everything you've ever seen! With rare and spectacular creatures and artists on stage, as only Jean Paul Gaultier knows how to reveal them. Le Freak c'est chic! Come and spend an evening with the crazy, passionate, badly bred, botoxes, well-behaved, cheeky, fooled, olé-olé ... And for the occasion, dozens of new exclusive creations come alongside the cult pieces from his repertoire, from the famous marinière to Madonna's iconic conical corset. If you have not cold feet, Jean Paul Gaultier invites you to his show the most crazy, the most freaky, the sexiest, the most VIP: the FASHION FREAK SHOW! FlyView Paris When in Paris, why not come and discover a brilliant new concept that FlyView is and fly over Paris in Virtual reality? Can you imangine that your dreams came true and that you could fly over the beautiful city of Paris and experience it from a birds eye view? Enter the incredible world of FlyView, a very unique experience in which you will be able to fly over Paris and its monuments in virtual reality with real flight sensations! Take off with your jetpack and look down on the city of loves' most beautiful monuments with a 360° panoramic view. Your adventure will commence with an immersive 15 minute movie experience that is filmed with real-life images which guides you through the most incredible locations of the city. Fly past the Eiffel Tower, over the River Seine and discover the Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe and go past many other world famous attractions. With virtual reality headsets and a dynamic platform you will enjoy a thrillingly realistic feeling of actually flying through the air. Enjoy the spectacular views of Paris at sunrise for an exciting and dramatic experience you will not soon forget!! Once you arrive at the FlyView boarding terminal and you have checked in for your flight, a hostess will lead you and your group to the departure lounge to give you your flight instructions. You will the proceed to the takeoff hall where you will get comfortable in your jetpack, put on your virtual reality headset to take off over the rooftops of Paris. This is a very unique and fun-filled activity to enjoy with your family and friends! Important information: Simply select a visit date and go to FlyView a whichever time you wish. Please note that all visitors must be at least 1.20m (4ft) tall to be able to participate. Please ensure that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the takeoff. Do not forget to print out your voucher and present it at the payment desk to colletc your admission ticket.
If you are looking for an exceptional and unique experience in Dubai, Museum of Illusion is a great choice for the whole family. Enjoy an intriguing visual, sensory and educational experience with a handful of new, unexplored illusions. Do not forget to take your camera and share memories with friends after!
Eating and smoking, as well as acting in a loud manner are forbidden at the site. The maximum size of backpacks or handbags brought into the Museum cannot exceed dimensions: 30x20x10 cm. Larger bags Taking photos in the buildings with the use of flash is forbidden. You are allowed to take photos only in selected parts of the Museum. A discount entrance fee is available for students any country aged up to 24 holding a valid student ID. You have to present printed voucher to Tour Leader before beginning of the trip
Madame Tussauds Millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad tan popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero, pero en el fondo la clave de todo es la curiosidad humana. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Las típicas barreras de los museos desaparecen aquí para que los visitantes realmente se puedan acercar a las celebridades, leyendas del deporte, pesos pesados de la política y iconos histórios, dando a conocer hechos históricos, eventos y momentos que marcaron el mundo. Con 14 emocionantes e interactivas zonas así como la increíble experiencia cinematográfica Marvel Super Heroes 4D, el Madame Tussauds Londres combina toda la pompa y glamour con historias increíbles. Camine a través de la alfombra roja y pose al lado de Kate Winslet, justo antes de retar a sus deportistas favoritos como Tom Daley o Lewis Hamilton. Empiece su experiencia real con una audiencia con la Reina antes de posar junto a los Duques de Cambridge. También podrá acercarse a sus Superhéroes Marvel preferidos antes de vivir la espectacular y exclusiva película Marvel Super Heroes 4D, donde los Superhéroes de Marvel lucharán para salvar Londres de un mal creciente. ¿Con quién desea hacerse una foto? Zoo de Londres Territorio de los Tigres El Tiger Territory, hogar de los Tigres de Sumatra, una especie en grave peligro de extinción, está ahora abierta a los visitantes en el ZSL Zoo de Londres, donde una gran remodelación después de 186 años ha dado paso a un recinto de 2500 metros cuadrados. Quienes visiten el Tiger Territory se embarcarán en un viaje a través de su hábitat indonesio, encontrándose cara a cara con preciosos tigres a través de los ventanales de cristal ocupan . Cinco veces más grande que el antiguo hábitat de los tigres, la nueva zona ha sido diseñada con la ayuda de los cuidadores de tigres del ZSL, de los conservadores y expertos para asegurar que se adapta perfectamente a las necesidades de estos grandes felinos. Los tigres son trepadores excelentes y les gusta observar su territorio desde sitios altos, y Tiger Territory les facilita este tipo de comportamientos con grandes árboles que los tigres pueden escalar y puntos de alimentación altos para animar a que perpetúen sus instintos predadores naturales. Al contrario que a los gatos, a los tigres les encanta el agua, y los visitantes muy probablemente los podrán ver divirtiéndose en la piscina especialmente hecha para ellos. Cuando no están jugando con el agua, los tigres pueden acceder a las zonas interiores donde los visitantes podrán ver a estos grandes felinos relajándose. Un equipo de horticultores expertos del Zoo ha recreado con el máximo de esmero posible la fauna de Sumatra, recientemente investigada por uno de los cuidadores, Teague Stubbington, en su viaje al proyecto de conservación de tigres de la ZSL. La Tiger Territory también permitirá criar a Tigres de Sumatra en el Zoo de Londres para aprender más sobre ellos y poder aplicar estos conocimientos en el proyecto de conservación de la ZSL para esta especie. Tanto el Programa de Cría Europea como el Programa de Gestión Global de Especies para los Tigres de Sumatra están coordinados por el ZSL Zoo de Londres - donde los especialistas de la ZSL son responsables de asegurar una saludable y variada población de tigres en zoos de todo el mundo. El Tiger Territory informará e inspirará a las nuevas generaciones para que protejan al tigre y puedan entender su papel en la supervivencia de este bello animal. También ayudará a fundar el trabajo de conservación de los tigres de la ZSL. Aventura Animal El Zoo de Londres acaba de abrir Animal Adventure, el nuevo Zoo Infantil. Esta sección dará la oportunidad a miles de niños para sumergirse en las sensaciones, olores, sonidos y experiencias de la vida del reino animal. Playa de los Pingüinos Esta zona de 1200 metros cuadrados es cuatro veces más grande y tres veces más profunda que el antiguo espacio de los Pingüinos, y contiene 450.000 litros de agua. Esta gran zona convierte la hora de la comida en un espectáculo aún mayor que antes. Penguin Beach Live ofrece dos veces al día la oportunidad de ver a estos simpáticos animales sumergirse para cazar su comida. Penguin Beach será una instalación para la reproducción del Pingüino de Humboldt, Macaroni, el Pingüino Africano y el Rockhopper, que se incluirán en una unidad de guardería especial. Esta incluirá un módulo de incubación de las crías y una piscina para que los miembros jóvenes puedan aprender a nadar. El Paraíso de las Mariposas El Butterfly Paradise del ZSL Zoo de Londres ofrece una gran muestra de especies de las zonas más importantes del mundo incluyendo África, el sudeste asiático y Asia central así como Sudamérica. Conozca los Monos Hace dos años, el Zoo lanzó el recorrido Meet the Monkeys. El recinto se creó como alejamiento para la cría de Monos Ardilla Bolivianos en un hábitat diseñado para recrear las Selvas de Bolivia tan fielmente como se puede hacer en el Centro de Londres. Acuario El Aquarium ha sido parte del ZSL Zoo de Londres desde el 1853, y tiene una historia realmente interesante. Separada en tres espacios diferentes, el hogar de diferentes tipos de peces, el Aquarium está implicado en mucho y diferentes proyectos de cría y preservación. El Pavellón Blackburn Coja un vuelo hasta el nuevo espacio de pájaros tropicales en el recorrido del Blackburn Pavilion, y déjese transportar en un paraíso selvático en el centro de Londres! Punto de Observación Clore Rainforest ¡Nuevo en el ZSL Zoo de Londres! Sienta el calor de América del Sur en nuestro bioma tropical lleno de exóticos árboles y lleno de vida con monos, pájaros e invertebrados. ¡Y nada le separa de este increíble hábitat! Reino Gorila Este recinto pionero de 5.3 millones de Libras trae África Central al corazón de Londres. Le da a los visitantes la oportunidad de experimentar el fantástico mundo de estos animales en una ubicación natural sin barrotes. El Gorilla Kingdom destaca los peligros a los que se enfrentan estas majestuosas criaturas en la naturaleza. La ZSL trabaja para conservar y proteger los Gorilas, y este recinto es un importante avance en la concienciación y apoyo en esta dura situación.
Reptile House Crocosaurus Cove presents the World’s largest display of Australian Reptiles, with over 70 species of reptiles on display in your reptile enclosure. Most reptiles on display are from the Northern Territory’s Top End and Kimberley region, however be sure to check out our new Desert region which is home to a range of species found in Australia’s Red Centre. A reptile can be described as a vertebrate (ie has a backbone) that derives it’s body temperature from an external source, such as the sun. It’s body is covered in skin from which grow scales. Some scales are very difficult to see as found on geckos, while other reptiles have modified scales that create a suit of armour or plating as seen in turtles. Get up close to some of these amazing critters in our Meet the Reptile show & learn more about what they like for lunch during our Reptile Feeding show. The Reptile Team are always on hand to assist with questions so don’t be shy! Show Times 10.00, 12.30, 16.00 Swim with crocs Jump in & cool down in this unique swimming pool that lets you get up close to our energetic juvenile crocodiles, safely of course! Pose for Mum & Dad for great photo opportunities…your friends will think you’re actually swimming with the crocs! So, bring your bathers and jump in! Open All Day Fishing for Crocs Want to get up close to energetic juvenile crocodiles? You can, on the Fishing for Crocs platform. Surround yourself with almost 100 juvenile (2-3 year old) saltwater crocodiles that are hungry for the juicy snack that is being dangled at the end of your fishing line. See how these crocodiles hunt in the wild by bringing their entire body length out of the water to catch prey such as bats and birds. Great fun for the entire family & a photo opportunity not to be missed. Be sure to experience this great activity after the Big Croc Feed Shows. Show Times 11.30, 14.30, 16.30 Big Croc Feed Show Starting with the Bite Force demonstration, witness the force behind the jaws of a crocodile as the purpose built machine makes a meal out of a solid block of ice! Go on to be introduced to some of the World’s largest Saltwater Crocodiles and be educated on their amazing ability to survive, their feeding habits and how they have remained relatively unchanged for over 200 million years. Get to know some of the famous inhabitants such as Burt, the star of movie, Crocodile Dundee. Don’t forget to say hello to the resident couple, William & Kate, while Chopper has the scars of battle to prove his reputation as one of the most feared Saltwater crocs in the Northern Territory. Show Times 11.30, 14.30 World of Crocs Ever wondered how many Crocodilian species there are around the world? What is the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile? The World of Crocs has 14 different Crocodilian wax replicas, all in air-conditioned comfort, on display. Check out the model examples of Australia’s Saltwater & Freshwater Crocodiles as well as interesting & unusual species such as the Indian Garhial and the Dwarf Crocodile! While checking out the crocodile replicas, don’t forget to see the real thing and hold a baby croc! Open All Day Hold a Baby Croc Aren’t they cute! Here’s your chance to hold a baby croc. Check out their scales & webbed feet, and marvel at these amazing prehistoric creatures. Our on-site photographers will take your snaps & turn them into prints or put them onto a disk for you to enjoy. A great memento from your time at Crocosaurus Cove & the Top End. All purchased photos also appear each week on our facebook page Crocosaurus Cove Darwin! Open Times 9.30 – 17.30 daily (Please note that the studio is closed during the Big Croc Feed Shows) Turtle Billabong Meet some of the Top End’s cutest inhabitants at our upstairs Turtle Billabong. Species such as Red & Yellow Face Turtles, Snapping Turtles and the gorgeous Pig Nosed Turtles are all found in the Top End’s river systems. How many species will you be able to find? Show Times 13.30 Freshwater Aquarium Check out the amazing 200,000 litre freshwater aquarium. Modeled on a typical river system in the Top End, the aquarium is home to many different fish species. The Whipray is the freshwater cousin to the Stingray – see these amazing creatures glide through the water and learn more about them at our daily aquarium feeding show. No Top End attraction would be complete without the famous Barramundi! One of the most famous inhabitants alongside the Saltwater Crocodile in the rivers in Australia’s Top End. Unfortunately we can’t let you throw a line to catch one of these beauties! Don’t miss our aquarium feeding show to see the famous Archer Fish in action. It has to be seen to be believed! Show Times 11.00, 15.30 ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE The first iconic story is the Royal Flying Doctor Service, affectionately known throughout Australia as the RFDS. Founded by the Reverend John Flynn, it began its aero medical operations in the Northern Territory in 1939. Enjoy the heroic tales of the birth and growth of the RFDS. Learn about the history and the activities of the RFDS’s pilots, engineers, doctors and nurses, and the experiences of the patients that are carried and cared for each day. See, experience and learn through the wonder of technology as this facility brings history to life. Life size hologram of John Flynn the Founder of the Flying Doctor Service tells his story of the birth and growth of the RFDS. Includes headset audio translation in Japanese, German, French and Simplified Chinese. Two Interactive story telling mini ghosts. Meet Alf Traeger and Nurse Kathy who answer selected questions from a touch panel. Touchscreen Portals allow the visitor to learn about the history and the activities of the RFDS pilots, engineers, doctors and nurses. A decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC 12 aircraft that allows visitors inside the aircraft and experience a fully aero medically equipped fitout. Pedal Radio invented by Alf Traeger and used by people of the Outback. Story Boards that provide very informative reading of the history of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. BOMBING OF DARWIN HARBOUR The second iconic story featured is the Bombing of Darwin Harbour. Relive the drama of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour that rocked Australia in 1942. The bombing of the harbour brought destruction to the city of Darwin, and many of the experiences and stories of what happened that day are learnt through the most modern and exciting technology. Life size hologram of Rear Admiral Etheridge Grant was the Commanding Officer of the USS William B Preston narrates his own version of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour. Includes headset audio translation in Japanese, German, French and Simplified Chinese. Interactive story telling mini ghosts. Meet Prime Minister John Curtin and Japanese Pilot Hajime Toyoshima who answer selected questions from a touch panel. Virtual Reality of the bombing of Darwin Harbour. This production is the pinnacle of a movie production for VR. Never before seen production of this magnitude. Full size replica Japanese Zero aircraft hangs from the ceiling. Replica of Camilla the Flying Boat that escaped from Darwin Harbour and its story. Window of 1942 and aerial view of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour that comes to life showing the bombing and aircraft fire of the first raid. Story Boards that provide very informative reading and pictures of what took place on February 19th 1942. Rear Admiral Etheridge Grant was the Commanding Officer of the USS William B Preston. Grant was not on board the USS William B Preston at the time of the attack and He was blown into the harbour as he attempted to return to his ship and crew, and spent most of the attack in the water, clinging to a large ship’s buoy. The life size hologram of Grant, narrates his own version of events. The Virtual Reality transports you back to Darwin Harbour of 1942. You are at the original Stokes Hill Wharf, standing on the deck of the Neptuna as it bombed to the point of it exploding and sinking as well as sitting on the wing of an American Kitty Hawk, engaging in a dogfight with the Japanese Zero's.