2 Drawer Side Filing cabinets at the lowest Online price, These 2 Drawer Silverline Side Filers are an idea choice when space is at a premium, allowing you to store more files thann a standard high filer
Silverline Tambour Door CupboardsThese Silverline Kontrax 1000mm wide Tambour door officecupboards are available in a choice of 5 heights and a widths choice of colours, The Cabinets are fully Lockable and supplied with 2 keysFeatures light grey tambour doors as standard5 year manufacturer's guarantee Tambour Door cupboards supplied empty, see accessories below Samples upon request - if you are worried about which colour give us a call This is a Made To Order Item - Please see our tc's this file cabinet is made to order so cannot be returned if in doubt ask for a sample colour
Silverline m:line Storage cupboards come with a 15 year guarantee are supplied assembled and are fully lockable. The M:Line cabinets come with 2 keys and for added security and strength full length door stiffeners Great Choice of Colours If in doubt ASK FOR A SAMPLE Please Note this Made to order cabinet is supplied empty
Calli.Brush Double Tip Pen fürs kreative Schreiben
Damit wächst die Lust am kreativen Tun rund ums Schreiben, Handlettering oder vielen weiteren Möglichkeiten. Ideen kreieren und in die wunderbare Welt des Handgemachten eintauchen: diese Double Tip Pens machen es möglich! Die Kombination der dünnen, abgeschrägten Kalligrafie-Spitze mit der breiten Pinselspitze garantiert eine vielfältige und kreative Gestaltung, damit das von Hand Erschaffene eine besondere Wertschätzung erlebt.
… hervorragende Qualität
- Double-Tip mit Kalligrafie-Spitze und Pinsel
- Kalligrafie-Spitze 2 mm für exakte Linienführung
- Flexible Pinselspitze für kreatives Schreiben & Gestalten
- Tinte auf Wasserbasis
- Auswaschbar aus fast allen Textilien
- Sicherheit durch ungiftige Pigmente
… eignet sich besonders gut für
- Handlettering und Kalligrafie
- Kreatives Gestalten und Schreiben
- Das Colorieren von Motiven
- Entspanntes, künstlerisches Schaffen
The Chiro Plus Ultimate Office Chair(with headrest) The Chiro Plus is a multi-adjustable high back ergonomic/posture office chair which is suitable for 24hour use, The Chiro Chair is ideal for back pain sufferers/those require a chair which offers the ultimate in back support and ergonomic functionality.The Chiro plus chair also features various functions for comfort such as a seat slide function which enables the chair to be adjusted to different leg lengths, and height adjustable arms. So Choose your own fabric colour and make your own Chiro Chair, this made to order item will then be shipped to you in 15 working day Please note made to order items are non returnable