Highlights Explore a UNESCO World Heritage Site to two sister cities: Pompeii and Herculaneum on this tour from Naples. Learn and walk around the fascinating ancient ruins of Pompeii. Wonder around Herculaneum, an ancient Roman town better preserved than Pompeii. This tour provides a great representation of what life was like in the first century. Taste delicious regional cuisine on your way to the sites with lunch prices included . Roundtrip transfers between Naples, Pompeii, Herculaneum and back in a comfortable coach Ticket Includes Coach transfers to and from Naples aboard a coach Services of a tour leader/tour assistant Lunch (excluding beverages) Ticket Excludes Pompeii Entrance Tickets Herculaneum Entrance Tickets Food and Drinks (apart from lunch)
One general admission includes access to all museum and aquarium exhibits, including the rainforest, planetarium, and living roof. Admission to this popular Bay Area attraction includes a wide range of daily programmes and activities, including dive shows, penguin feedings, swamp talks and more. It's fun for the whole family! The Academy is a single structure but contains multiple venues, including the aquarium, the planetarium, the natural history museum and the 4-story rainforest. In addition, there's a 3D theater, a lecture hall, a Naturalist Center, two restaurants, an adjacent garden and aviary, a roof terrace, and an Academy store. The building also houses the Academy science labs and administrative offices, including an extensive library and scientific archive consisting of more than 26 million specimens. The Academy is now the largest public Platinum-rated building in the world, and also the world’s greenest museum. The Academy earned the platinum rating (highest rating possible) for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). This commitment to sustainability extends to all facets of the facility - from the bike racks and rechargeable vehicle stations outside the building to the radiant sub-floor heating inside the building to the energy-generating solar panels on top of the building! SF MOMA All visitors (including members and visitors 18 and under, who always receive free admission) require a ticket so we can ensure the museum does not exceed capacity. Order tickets in advance for all members of your party so everyone can enter the galleries at the same time. No eating, drinking, smoking, or sleeping is permitted in the Museum. Eating and drinking are permitted in designated areas only (Café 5, Sightglass at SFMOMA, and In Situ). Sealed food and drink containers are allowed if they are packed away inside a bag. Backpacks may not be carried on your back; they must be carried or worn on your front at all times.
MENÚ CENA de Prix Fixe
(Opcionales – con un cargo adicional)
Coctel de gambas
Salsa coctel Sriracha
Torre de marisco
Langosta De Maine | Centollo de Alaska | Camarones Jumbo |
Ceviche De Concha De Bahía | Salsa de Cóctel Sriracha | Alioli de perejil
~ ~ ~
Ensalada Wedge
Bacon ahumado | Tomates secos | Cebolletas Y Perejil |
Aderezo ranchero
~ ~ ~
Platos principales
Filete De Salmón Del Atlántico Al Horno
Orzo De Limón Con Cebollas Rojas Y Tomates Secos | Salsa cítrica con eneldo
Pollo glaseado con mostaza y sirope de arce
Dados de patata y cebollinos | judías verdes | Salsa cremosa de mostaza de Dijon
Buñuelos de calabacín griego (V)
Orzo de limón con cebolla roja y tomates secados al sol | Tzatziki de cebolleta y pepino
~ ~ ~
Postres Odyssey Signature
Tartaletas | Tortas | Pasteles | Fruta de temporada
Ensalada Wedge
Bacon ahumado | Tomates secos | Cebolletas Y Perejil |
Aderezo ranchero
Sopa de langosta
Picatostes | Cebolleta
Pechuga De Pato De Moulard Ahumada
Compota De Arándano, Cereza Y Chalota Caramelizada |
Pepinos En Escabeche Y Cebolla Perla
~ ~ ~
Platos principales
Pastel de Cangrejo
Maíz dulce, pimiento rojo y succotash de romero | Salsa de nata cajún
Filete De Salmón Del Atlántico Al Horno
Orzo De Limón Con Cebollas Rojas Y Tomates Secos | Salsa cítrica con eneldo
Pollo glaseado con mostaza y sirope de arce
Dados de patata y cebollinos | judías verdes | Salsa cremosa de mostaza de Dijon
Costillas de ternera estofadas
Puré de patatas Idaho y rábano picante | zanahorias 'baby' | salsa de Cabernet Sauvignon
Buñuelos de calabacín griego (V)
Orzo de limón con cebolla roja y tomates secados al sol | Tzatziki de cebolleta y pepino
Filet Mignon y cola de langosta (con suplemento)
Patatas trufa | Zanahorias 'baby' glaseadas | Mantequilla de hierbas
~ ~ ~
Dúo de sorbetes
Sorbete de temporada | Fruta variada
Parfait de manzana Granny Smith
Manzanas especiadas con canela | Crumble de almendra y avena | Chili de bacon confitado
Pastel De Caramelo Salado
Ganache de chocolate negro| Salsa de frambuesas
Pastel caliente Odyssey Signature
Helado de vainilla | Salsa de mora
*Café ilimitado, té caliente, té helado y agua.
**Menú sujeto a cambios. Se ruega informe al realizar la reserve si alguien de su grupo tiene alergia a algún alimento.
Servicios: Además de las distintas actividades que ofrecemos sin descanso, ponemos a disposición de nuestros visitantes una serie de servicios para que la visita sea de lo más completa. Jungle Bus: de forma completamente gratuita, el Jungle Bus traslada al visitante desde una zona cercana al Show de Leones Marinos hasta el Jardín Botánico con la superficie más extensa de Canarias. Frequencia: 10 minutos. Tiendas: disponemos de dos tiendas, abiertas los 365 días del año de 10:00 de la mañana a 18:00 de la tarde, donde podrás adquirir todo tipo de regalos y objetos agradables que inmortalicen tu visita y dejen un recuerdo para siempre entre tus seres más queridos. Alquiler de Scooter: date una vuelta con una de nuestras motos eléctricas por el parque o cualquier lugar del Jardín Botánico que desees conocer. Muy recomendable en caso de tener problemas de movilidad. Foto con Animales: desde el inicio del trayecto, en alguna de nuestras instalaciones o al lado de tu favorito, el parque pone a tu disposición a uno de nuestros fotógrafos profesionales, quienes sabrán exprimir el jugo de una escena memorable. No olvides recoger tus fotografías en la tienda Oasis Shop, abierta hasta las 18:00 horas de lunes a domingo. Bolsita de Comida: podrás adquirir cada dieta en los distintos stands, en las taquillas del parque o en la misma entrada, donde el equipo te espera con una bolsita. preparada para que no pierdas tiempo en seleccionar la comida de cada uno. Todas las bolsas llevan una etiqueta donde indicamos las normas y el tipo de dieta de nuestros animales. Restaurantes: podrá elegir entre el restaurante Sea Lion, el restaurante Oasis y el restaurante El Patio Majorero.
The Royal Delfín has been operating since the year 2000 in Tenerife and has specifically been built for cruises to the Whales and Dolphins. The Royal Delfín has a licence to carry 200 clients. Fabulous Luxury Cruise Aboard the Royal Delfín you have the opportunity to enjoy a fabulous 4 1/2 hour cruise to the Cliffs of Los Gigantes and the Masca bay the Royal way. On board you will enjoy the space and comfort, sunbathing, observing the whales and the fantastic views. You can also relax in the shade of the elegant bar with a cool drink. They serve a nice complimentary buffet lunch and drinks by the cliffs. There will be plenty of time for a swim in the clear waters by the tall cliffs. Don't forget your swimming costume and cameras! The Royal Delfín is ideal for everyone as you will have plenty of room to roam around the boat, whether you want to sunbathe or sit inside where there is air conditioning. A spacious modern boat with attentive staff who will look after you on this wonderful 4.5 hour trip where you will hopefully get to see beautiful mammals, enjoy a smooth sail in glorious weather, take a refreshing dip in the ocean, enjoy good food and drink and enhance your suntan, all in one trip! A superb trip for all of the family. Including on-board service: - Snack on arrival at the boat. - Drinks: beer, soft drinks, sangria and water included during the journey. - Type of Food: Buffet with rice and peas and sweet corn, chicken meatballs in tomatoe sauce, bread and banana. - Special menu for vegetarian people. - Funny bath in the crystal water of our coasts and under the waterfall of our boat. - Specialized guides on board. - Panoramic windows with submarine vision. - Live submarine TV. Don't forget to bring with you bathing suit, cap, sun cream and suitable shoes!
Visit the Whitney Museum On May 1, 2015, the Whitney Museum of American Art flicked on the lights and opened its doors at its new home in the Meatpacking District, sandwiched between the Hudson River and High Line Park. It’s been a huge hit ever since. The 220,000-square-foot (20,000-square-meter) space, designed by renowned Italian architect Renzo Piano, is a work of art in and of itself. The nine-floor museum consists of exhibition spaces, an education center, a reading room, a theater and a conservation lab. After checking out the impressive contemporary works (more than 21,000 paintings, sculptures, photos, drawings, videos and new media created by more than 3,000 artists in the United States during the 20th and 21st centuries), be sure to head to the top-floor cafe for outstanding views of the Manhattan skyline. Or dine at Untitled, the outstanding in-house restaurant from acclaimed chef Michael Anthony. The permanent collection consists of works by American artists like Louise Bourgeois, Man Ray, Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol. See such pieces as Study for Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, Four Darks in Red by Mark Rothko and Number 27, 1950 by Jackson Pollock. The museum also houses several temporary exhibitions at any given time, from photographs to performances, by artists both old and up-and-coming. It's a great way to discover new artists on their way to becoming the next American masters. ENTRANCE The accessible path to the Whitney’s main entrance at 99 Gansevoort Street runs from Washington Street along the south side of the building, past the Museum's restaurant on the ground floor. The staff entrance at 555 West Street is also accessible. GALLERIES All levels of the Museum are accessible by elevator. Doorways to outdoor terraces are equipped with automatic openers. LARGE PRINT Large print versions of exhibition wall labels are available in the Museum galleries or at the admissions desk on Floor 1. Please ask a volunteer or member of the Museum staff for assistance. ASSISTIVE LISTENING SYSTEMS On Floor 1 Service locations at the admissions desk and membership desk are equipped with induction hearing loops that transmit sound directly to hearing aids equipped with a T-coil. In the Hess Theater, Floor 3 The Hess Theater is equipped with an induction hearing loop and infrared assistive listening system. Please switch your hearing aid to “T” or request a receiver from a member of the Museum staff. In the Laurie M. Tisch Education Center, Floor 3 The Hearst Artspace and the Seminar Room are equipped with induction hearing loops and infrared assistive listening systems. Please switch your hearing aid to “T” or request a receiver from a member of the Museum staff. In the Galleries The Kaufman Gallery (Floor 5) is equipped with an induction hearing loop. To use, please switch your hearing aid to “T.” Some video monitors in the galleries have headphone jacks; you are welcome to plug in your own headset or neck loop. For Tours FM assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available for public and private gallery tours and public programs. You may request receivers for tours at the Multimedia Guide counter at the admissions desk on Floor 1.