Ticket Combo Deal - With Royal Yacht Britannia Important Information: Skip the line Audio Guide/Headphones - Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Welsh, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Scots Gaelic Wheelchair accessible Self guided tour to enjoy at your own pace, which can take from 1.5 hours to 2 hours. Highlights: Discover what made the Royal Yacht Britannia, so special to the Queen and all that new her. Uncover amazing facts and information on the private and public lives of the British Royal Family Wonder around the 5 decks and visit the Royal Apartments, the State Dining Room, and much more. Description: This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw.
Designed as an imaginary journey behind the scenes of the film, this interactive audio tour immerses you in secret, captivating world of the 7th Art with the creation of a film through a series of sets: projection room, principal's office, film set… It is also a unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of a monument of French heritage rich in history and boasting its original decor since 1932. Highlights : Starting every 5 minutes / duration of 50 minutes Not accessible route to people with reduced mobility Visit recommended from 5 years, available in French only. Please note that the visit of the Rex Studios will be closed from Monday 18th September to Friday 6th October 2017.
HMS Caroline Duración de la visita: 90 minutos aproximadamente. Dirección: Muelle Alexandra, Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DT. Debe canjear los vales en la misma dirección Tenga en cuenta: los tacones más altos que 5 cm no se pueden usar a bordo. Titanic Belfast y SS Nomadic Descubra cómo fue abordar el RMS Titanic en el fatídico viaje inaugural con la visita al Titanic Belfast y al SS Nomadic. El edificio del museo marítimo, Titanic Belfast, fue construido a la misma escala gigantesca que el RMS Titanic. La exhibición del museo es informativa e interactiva, además de divertida, atractiva y accesible para todos. La aventura empieza al entrar en el vestíbulo gigante del edificio, rodeado por las cuatro secciones, en forma de casco naval, que albergan la experiencia. Mientras pasea por el Titanic Belfast, aprenderá aspectos interesantes sobre el Belfast de finales de siglo. Además experimentará un emocionante paseo a través de la reconstrucción de los astilleros y la construcción del Titanic. Descubra las historias de los pasajeros, la tripulación y los héroes del día; reviva el trágico final del viaje inaugural del Titanic y visite el fondo del Atlántico, lugar del naufragio. Disfrute de las impresionantes vistas de las gradas desde donde zarpó el Titanic y relájese en uno de los excelentes restaurantes. El SS Nomadic se encuentra en el muelle seco de Hamilton, adyacente al Titanic Belfast. No solo es famoso por ser el transbordador del RMS Titanic, también sirvió en la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los visitantes pueden seguir los pasos de los pasajeros y soldados del Titanic y de celebridades como Charles Chaplin, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton y Marie Curie. Tras una temporada como restaurante y club nocturno, el SS Nomadic recuperó su esplendor original y regresó a su lugar de procedencia, Belfast. Los visitantes ahora pueden experimentar una pieza auténtica y tangible del patrimonio industrial y marítimo de Belfast. Tenga en cuenta que los niños y niñas deben ir acompañados por un adulto durante toda la visita.
AM: Portuguese, English, Spanish & German.
PM: Portuguese, English, French & Italian.
09:00 & 14:30
Hotel pick up in Lisbon (selected hotels only).
Approx. 4 hours
Present your Voucher to the Tour Guide.
*Both close on Mondays. In replacement - visit to the National Palace of Ajuda.
There are no hotel pickups for the Hop-On-Hop-Off Tours. However, all Hop-On Hop-Off routes pass within 5 blocks of nearly every major downtown tourist hotel as well as in various locations at Fisherman’s Wharf. A hotel shuttle to Fisherman's Wharf is available in the morning. For further information and specific schedule times, please call the City Sightseeing office at +1.415.440.8687. AUDIO GUIDE in VARIOUS LANGUAGES: The tour is available with audio guide in English, Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Korean on every other bus throughout the day. Please ask at the City Sightseeing office for further information.
Belfast Harbour's origins date back to 1613 when a Royal Charter for the incorporation of Belfast specified the need for a wharf at the confluence of the rivers Lagan and Farset in what is modern-day Belfast’s High Street. By the early 18th century Belfast had replaced Carrickfergus as the most important port in Ulster. In the 19th century work commenced to improve navigation and this created the Victoria Channel. The Harbour now has the longest deepwater quay in Ireland at 1 kilometre in length with a draught of 10.2 metres. Belfast shipbuilding was at the heart of the local industry building ships for the White Star Line, including Titanic. Today SS Nomadic, Titanic’s little sister, is the only surviving White Star Line Ship.SS Nomadic was built on slipway Number 1 at Harland and Wolff and was launched on 25th April 1911. Nomadic has been restored to her original 1911 glory and is back home in Belfast. During World War II the Port of Belfast was used by the Royal Navy as the home base for many of the ships that escorted Atlantic and Russian convoys including Captain-class frigates of the 3rd Escort Group. .