Construction de bonnet:Sans bonnet; Longueur:Longue; Tour de tête:Moyenne; Du haut vers le bas (Pouces):24; Fibre:Fibre synthétique; Frange:Non; Poids de livraison (g):250; Texture des cheveux:Droit; Poids net (g):200; Style:Style européen; Occasion:Soirée; Genre:Femme
South Beach After Wax Soothing Lotion is an aftercare lotion designed to soothe and calm the skin after using razors or waxing.
TRX2 by Oxford Biolabs in its capsule form is one of the most potent and natural hair thinning supplements to be found on the market today. Formulated using powerful ingredients and by the brightest mind in biochemistry, this is the apex of hair revitalising and strengthening supplements.
Redonne a vos cheveux gris leur couleur d'origine. Foligain Anti Cheveux Gris est un complement alimentaire naturel. Revitalise le cuir chevelu durablement - 60 Gelules
Foligain Hair & Scalp Roller is ideal for stimulating scalp rejuvenation & enhancing product absorption. The Foligain Hair & Scalp Roller is designed for men and women alike, with 540 premium ultra-fine titanium microneedles. You need only use it for 15 minutes three times per week.
Dank der innovativen Silkn Reinigungsbox ist Silkn Glide Unisex das einzige, gemeinsam nutzbare HPL-Gerat, das sowohl fur Manner als auch Frauen