Matt Goss is ready to dazzle you with his powerhouse vocals that have made him a fan favorite on the Las Vegas Strip at his all-new Mirage residency show.
HISTORIC BUILDINGS Tower Bridge Exhibition - £9.00 Royal Mews - £9.00 Royal Albert Hall - guided tour - £12.25 Royal Observatory - £7.70 Monument - £4.00 Banqueting House - £6.00 Jewel Tower - £4.20 Wellington Arch - £4.30 Apsley House - £8.30 Benjamin Franklin House - £7.00 Eltham Palace - £13.00 The Wernher Collection at Ranger's house - £7.20 MUSEUMS Imperial War Museum - £5.00 The London Transport Museum - £16.00 Household Cavalry Museum - £7.00 Charles Dickens Museum - £8.00 London Motor Museum - £30.00 Guards Museum - £6.00 Cartoon Museum - £7.00 Foundling Museum - £7.50 Science Museum - IMAX Theatre - £11.00 Handel House Museum - £6.50 London Canal Museum - £4.00 Royal Air Force Museum - £3.00 Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising - £7.50 Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret - £6.50 Fan Museum - £4.00 Firepower Royal Artillery Museum - £5.30 Florence Nightingale Museum - £7.00 The Garden Museum - £6.75 The Jewish Museum - £6.50 Pollock's Toy Museum - £6.00 Design Museum - £12.40 V & A Museum - Cream tea package - £6.65 Keats Museum - £5.00 Museum of Comedy - £5.50 PLACES OF INTEREST HMS Belfast - £14.50 Kew Gardens - £15.00 Cutty Sark - £12.15 ArcelorMittal Orbit - £15.00 Chelsea Physic Garden - £9.00 London Wetland Centre - £11.23 Chislehurst Caves - £6.00 GALLERIES The Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace - £10.00 Courtauld Gallery - £6.00 Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art - £5.00 TOURS AND CRUISES Wembley Stadium Tour - £19.00 Beefeater Gin Distillery Tour - £12.00 Arsenal Stadium Tour - £20.00 Chelsea FC Stadium Tour - £20.00 Wimbledon Tour Experience & Museum - £24.00 Twickenham Stadium Tours & Museum of Rugby - £20.00 Lord's Cricket Ground Tour - £18.00 The Sherlock Holmes Tour - £10.00 London Bicycle Tour Company Bicycle Tour - £23.95 Jason's Canal Boat Trip - £9.00 Rock 'n' Roll Walk - £9.00 Royal London Walking Tour - £10.00 National Theatre Backstage Tours - £8.50 LEISURE Curzon Cinemas (Chelsea, Mayfair, Soho and Bloomsbury) - £14.00 - £15.00 The London Brass Rubbing Centre - £4.50 Namco Funscape - £3.00 Queens Ice and Bowl - £7.50 - £13.50 Save on up to £420 worth of entrance fees that's the aggregate price of all Adult entrances to Attractions contained within the 6 day Pass. Other Special Offers along with the Guidebook, we will provide you with access to other great offers available to visitors to London, including discounted prices on West End theatre tickets, restaurant discounts and much more! You can visit as many attractions as you want - even more with the time saved with fast track entry. You don't need to carry too much cash and the London Pass keeps control on your spending. How Does The London Pass Work? The London Pass is a smart card - like a credit card with a computer chip inside - which allows you completely cash free entry to your choice of 56 London tourist attractions. It's a bit like an all you can eat buffet - once you've bought your London Pass you don't have to pay to get into any of the attractions covered by the pass and the more sights you see, the more money you save. Simply show the attendant at a London Pass attraction your card, they will swipe it through a special machine and you will be allowed entry. For the full list of London attractions where you can get in free with the London Pass. Activating The London Pass: The smart card records when and where you first use your London Pass, as well as how long the pass will remain valid for. This means that regardless of what start date you give when you buy the pass, your London Pass is activated the moment that you first use it at an attraction or service. Your London Pass is then valid for the number of days that you purchased - be it 1, 2, 3 or 6 days and is subject to the purse value of maximum gate prices related to the number of days. It is important to note that the day is based on a calendar day, so should you first use your pass at 4pm on Monday, Monday is counted as day one of your pass usage. You will need to present your voucher at the exchange point to receive your London Sightseeing Pass(es) as well as comprehensive details concerning all the attractions that may be visited. Your London Sightseeing Pass(es) will be activated at the first time of use. 6 day pass Save on up to a pound on £420 worth of entrance fees that's the aggregate price of all Adult entrances to Attractions contained within the 6 day Pass. All customers collecting Passes must provide the following documentation to the house security staff: - Photo Identification (Passport or Driving License). - Credit Card used to purchase the Pass(es). Under no circumstances will any Passes be issued without the above documentation. *Exchange point: 11a Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0EP. Please note that the Centre is a redemption point only and any queries regarding your purchase must be referred to 365 Tickets on 0203 540 7707. London Eye At 450ft high, the London Eye is the world's highest observation wheel. 32 Capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Combine your experience with the London Eye River Cruise Experience, a 40-minute sightseeing circular cruise on the River Thames, passing the Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. London Eye 4D Experience The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to the London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of the London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on he London Eye itself. Please remember that the boarding procedure for the London Eye takes around 30 minutes Our price is the same as you would pay buying on the London Eye website or telephone booking lines and there are no constraints on last minute bookings. For a different perspective visit at sunset and see the city lights come on and the skyline awash with vibrant colours. Unaccompanied children are not permitted to board the London Eye. Any booking made for an unaccompanied child will be taken as confirmation that the child will be joining a party under the supervision of an adult aged 18 years or older. 365 Tickets will not be held responsible if a child is turned away at the London Eye, nor will the ticket be refundable! Safety and security is our number one priority. For your safety and convenience, please read the following information on what items can and can not be taken on to the London Eye. Please be aware that all guests are subject to a security search when boarding the London Eye. Please note that the following items CAN be taken on board the London Eye: • briefcases • laptops • small day size rucksacks and bags (maximum size 18" x 13" x 8" or 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) • baby bags The following items CANNOT be taken on board the London Eye; • large bags/suitcases or rucksacks • motorcycle helmets • skateboards and rollerblades • tripods (unless agreed in advance with the London Eye) • baby buggies* • prohibited items** If you are unsure . * Baby buggies can be left at our 'Buggy' area facility in the ticket hall, although only for the duration of the experience. ** Prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns. If such objects are found or declared they will be checked in and returned to you after your experience providing the item is legal in the UK. Terms and conditions 1. Confiscated objects are left entirely at the owner's risk at all times. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any objects left with LEC. 3. LEC is entitled to refuse to store any visitor's objects at its sole discretion whether for public safety reasons or any other reason.
Operating Calendar: Remember that LEGOLAND Florida and the water park are not open 365 days a year. Please click here for a detailed calendar view of opening times. FREE Shuttles available from Orlando: Shuttle leaves from I-Drive 360, 8350 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819. You can add a free shuttle voucher to your order here. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Kennedy Space Center General Admission This package includes admission to KSCVC includes all of the exhibits, attractions, the IMAX theatre tickets and a very comprehensive bus tour to the Apollo/Saturn V Center. Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC) is a must see destination in Central Florida. Less than an hour east of Orlando, KSCVC provides a mixture of the past and the future, with rich historical references in each of the exhibits, coupled with a clear vision into the future, bolstered by the amazing learning from both the International Space Station and the Hubble telescope photos. It is easy to spend a full day at KSCVC, particularly if you would like to add on 'Lunch With an Astronaut*' or one of the special interest guided tours. Hotels are plentiful in nearby Titusville or the Cocoa Beach area, just south of Cape Canaveral. *Additional fee, to be paid direct at KSCVC. For a virtual tour of the Atlantis Shuttle, please click here: Please note, this does not include Transport and is an entry ticket only.
El Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe muestra una serie de fascinantes exposiciones dedicadas a varios temas, entre ellos el cambio climático y el ADN humano. También dispone de una zona para niños donde se exhiben datos interesantes sobre los hábitats naturales, la contaminación y el espacio exterior. La sección “Magia química” es algo que no te puedes perder, y si te interesan los grandes científicos encontrarás un piso entero dedicado a su obra. Los amantes del deporte también pueden pasarse por la sección dedicada al club de fútbol más famoso de la ciudad, el Valencia CF, y la exhibición de los superhéroes de Marvel atrae a jóvenes y adultos por igual. En L'Oceanogràfic exploraremos el mundo submarino de los principales mares y océanos, con un edificio dedicado a cada entorno marítimo. Maravíllate ante la majestuosidad del Mediterráneo. Pasea por los humedales salvajes. Viaja hasta los mares templados y tropicales. Admira los fantásticos entornos de los océanos Antártico y Ártico. Deléitate con la vida marina en el Mar Rojo y descubre las criaturas más simpáticas en el delfinario. L'Oceanogràfic acoge a más de 45.000 animales de 500 especies diferentes, entre ellos belugas, medusas, pingüinos, leones marinos, focas, tiburones, rayas, estrellas de mar, morsas y muchos, muchos más. Durante el verano, del 17 de julio al 31 de agosto, hay espectáculos especiales por la noche desde las 20:00 horas hasta la medianoche.
La entrada para el Kennedy Space Center incluye el Transbordador Espacial Atlantis℠, las películas IMAX® del Espacio, todas las exposiciones y espectáculos así como el Tour en Bus del Kennedy Space Center. Es fácil pasar un día entero en el Centro Espavial Kennedy, especialmente si quiere vivir la experiencia "almuerzo con un astronauta"* o realizar uno de los interesantes tours guiados. *Para realizar esta actividad, deberá abonar dinero adicional en la taquilla dle centro. ORLANDO Balloon Rides Recibirá confirmación de su reserva cuando realice la compra, a menos que lo haga durante un período de 2 días antes del paseo. En este caso, la confirmación será recibida dentro de un período de 48 horas, sujeto a disponibilidad. Los niños menores de 3 años no pueden subir al globo aerostático. No recomendado para mujeres embarazadas. Se recomienda llevar zapatos cerrados. Podrá presentar el vale de compra tanto en papel como en un dispositivo electrónico. Los vuelos se realizan siempre que las condiciones climáticas lo permitan. Si las condiciones no son favorables para realizar un vuelo seguro, el piloto puede cambiar el horario o cancelar la actividad. Después de aterrizar, realizarán un brindis con champán y un pequeño aperitivo para celebrar la aventura. También habrá disponibles bebidas no alcohólicas. Al terminar, le llevarán de regreso a Radisson Resort Orlando-Celebration. Pilotos: todos los pilotos tienen licencia y están asegurados. Los pilotos tienen el certificado FAA, con mucha experiencia y profesionales. Balloon Rides Orlando es la Primera Compañía de globos estáticos en Florida central, y es el mayor operador de paseo en globo por la costa este de los Estados Unidos. Las empresas establecidas llamadas f Blue Water Balloons y Orange Blossom Balloons se fusionaron para crear Orlando Balloon Rides. La compañía realiza vuelos con miles de personas al año en globos diseñados y fabricados para el confort. La compañía tiene contratos con más de 80 operadores turísticos nacionales e internacionales y de viaje, así como muchas organizaciones de servicios de invitados locales.
Legoland Florida Calendario: Recuerde que LEGOLAND Florida y LEGOLAND Water Park no están abiertos los 365 días del año. Calendario detallado de los horarios de abertura. Transporte GRATUITO disponible desde Orlando: salida desde la I-Drive 360, 8350 Universal Studios, Orlando, FL 32819. Puede añadir un vale de transporte gratuito a su pedido. Kennedy Space Center La Entrada para el Kennedy Space Center incluye el Transbordador Espacial Atlantis℠, las películas IMAX®, todas las exposiciones y espectáculos así como el Tour en Bus del Kennedy Space Center.