Eco Masters Aufhellungsseife kommt als Zweierpack und ist ideal fur das Streben nach leuchtender Haut. Ziel ist es, aufzuhellen und zu hydrieren und gleichzeitig zu peelen mit renommierten Karotten & Arganol. Carrot & Argan Soap ist perfekt fur die tagliche Reinigung von Korper und Gesicht.
Ramipril is an effective prescription treatment that helps to lower blood pressure.
Transigem bourgeons bio 50ml Herbalgem est un supplement alimentaire de gemmotherapie du Laboratoire Herbalgem visant a reguler le transit intestinal. Transigem bourgeons bio favorise le transit intestinal grace a la synergie de jeunes feuilles de Sureau et de Romarin. Le Sureau, plante depuratrice des sols traditionnellement connue pour son action transformatrice des matieres organiques, agit comme un veritable "eboueur" de l ecosysteme intestinal. L action du Sureau est renforcee par l association de l extrait de Gingembre frais, qui disperse l exces de chaleur et favorise un mouvement doux des mucles de l intestin. Le Romarin, considere comme un grand draineur hepatique, favorise toute forme d elimination. La teinture-mere de Chelidoine vient renforcer l action du Romarin. Ainsi, Transigem aide a lutter contre les problemes de transitet de ballonnements. Conseils d utilisation : 5 a 10 gouttes par jour, a jeun.
Stimulates the lymphatic system Treat your skin and soul to a moment of detoxification. The Amethyst Facial Roller by Rosental Organics stimulates the lymphatic system which allows the easy transportation of toxins out of the body. The skin appears more refined and smooth with regular use which is especially beneficial for damaged and blemished skin. Even so, the facial roller has a positive effect on all skin types. Application: Use the massaging tool as often as you like. It is, however, recommended to use the facial roller at least 5 times a week for 5 - 10 minutes for best results. First, cleanse the face at night. Apply the Hyaluron Supreme Serum and massage it into the skin using the facial roller. This allows the natural substances found in the serum to unfold and, in turn, improves absorption thereof. Place the roller on the centre of the face and start rolling towards the ears/temples in a horizontal fashion. It's best to start at the eyes and work your way to the chin. A double chin is lessened by massaging the area between the chin and collarbone using the facial roller in a vertical fashion. Care Instructions: Clean the Rosental Facial Roller with a very small amount of mild, natural soap or use the Rosental Face Tonic. It's important to dry the roller well with a towel or soft cloth.
Ideale pour sadresser aux problemes de pigmentations cutanees inegales, la lotion corps Eco Masters Carrot & Argan utilise la combinaison des huiles dArgan et de Carotte pour eclaircir les taches pigmentaires tout en prenant soin de votre peau. Sa formule naturelle garantit aucun effet secondaire.