Der Badespaß geht wieder los. Du hättest vorher gern eine coole Herren Badehose ? Dann schau dir die Champion Boardshort an. Das schwarze Schmuckstück passt immer. Ein Gummibund sorgt für einen perfekten, bequemen Sitz. Am linken Bein hast du ein Logo-Print.
Zaful Plain but chic enough, this bikini bottom adorns with high waisted design, meaning that you will be able to cover your belly and butt nicely, as well as high cut leg openings which elongate your thighs and show off your shapely legs. Style: Basic Swimwear Type: Bikini Bottom Material: Nylon,S
The sexy underwear is a must-have piece with hollow design and lace detail. You will never regret to have one.
Zaful Con una parte superior de bikini moldeada y con aros y fondos de poca altura que tienen arcos autoadhesivos en los costados para ayudarlo a ponerse y quitarse con facilidad. Tipo: A la moda Tipo de Trajes de Baño: Bikini Género: Para mujeres Material: Nilón,Elastano Estilos Bra: Balconette
Sexy low-rise swim brief. Sailor stripes on both sides. Removable Pack Up system. Addicted silicone logo sewn on the elastic waistband. Contrasting drawstring.