Das schöne Freundebuch kleines Pony mit niedlichem Tier-Motiv ist eine wunderbare Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendzeit. Auf 60 vorgedruckten Seiten können sich alle Freundinnen und Freunde mit ihrem Alter, ihrer Größe, ihren Hobbies, Lieblingsfarben etc. verewigen - so wird das Freundschaftsalbum später zu einem ganz besonderen Nachschlagewerk für vergangene Zeiten, an dem man auch im hohen Alter noch viel Freude haben wird. Der wunderschöne Motivdruck des Freundebuchs kleines Pony lässt die Herzen von Pferdefans höher schlagen und macht das Freundebuch zum idealen Begleiter durch die Schulzeit oder den Kindergarten. Einband mit laminiertem Motivdruck kleines Pony zur Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendfreunde ideal als Geschenk zum Geburtstag, zur Einschulung oder für den Kindergarten Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produktfarbe Grün, Weiß Menge pro Packung 6 Stück(e) Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 150 mm Höhe 220 mm Dicke 1 cm
Each cartridge has a press on connection, and features a ceramic coil for the best oil vaping. The press on mouthpiece is permanently secured, which means it is tamper proof and prevents exposure of the contents inside. These CCell cartridges have a universal 510 thread conection and are made of polycarbonate, making them more durable. We also have several different styles of mouthpiece for this cartridge which also come in bulk quantities. These Cartridges feature a press-on connection that takes special machinery to assemble. Not for private use. Looking for a personal reusable cartridge? Check out our wide selection of threaded cartridges and mouthpieces !
Made in the USA, these revolutionary 2 1/8" anodized aluminum grinders from Santa Cruz Shredders are sure to make your grinding experience that much more enjoyable. With a unique threading pattern and patented tooth design, you will get a high-quality shred every time in this medical grade aluminum grinder. This Cookies branded shredder comes in a handy 4-piece format with a magnetic lid and handy storage compartment to assure your legal smoking herbs stay safe inside after grinding them. Even better, with this 4-piece design, you get a handy mesh screen layer to sift your pollen so that you can enjoy every last bit of your smoke. To get the most out of your smoking experience, these premium grinders from Santa Cruz Shredders and Cookies is the only solution youll need!
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!