Marca:Dr.pharm; Qué es::Dr.pharm Snail Essence Mask (1SET-5EA); Origen::Korea; Peso neto (KG):28ml5
A particularly gentle body scrub Treat your skin to a luxurious body scrub with aromatic fragrance. The scrub is made from organic cinnamon extract, organic honey and natural sugar. Cinnamon and sugar have gentle and soothing properties, while honey provides the skin with lots of vitamins to effectively beautify and regenerate it. Application: Apply to moist skin using a circular motions Rinse thoroughly. Use it 2 to 3 times a week for the best results.
Essenciagua Eau florale de ciste rameaux 250ml est un hydrolat de cyste obtenue par distillation a la vapeur d eau de l espece cistus ladaniferum. Les feuilles et les rameaux du ciste ladanifere sont couvertes de petites glandes contenant une essence caracterisee comme une gomme de type resine, le labdanum, tres odorante, et qui etait calmante, cicatrisante, bactericide, antifongique. On l utilise par voie externe pour aider la peau irritee et presentant de l acne ou des imperfections. Ingredients / INCI : eau florale hydrolat de ciste ladinifere de l espece cistus ladaniferum. Conseils d utilisation : Appliquer sur la peau avec un coton bio, a repeter 2 fois par jour pendnt 1 semaine. A utiliser en usage externe. Essenciagua Eau florale de ciste rameaux 250ml reference par le monde du bio.
Innovative care DIY style! The firming body scrub is infused with the goodness of coffee, green tea and chlorella. Coffee and tea powder work in synergy to firm the skin whilst chlorella lends the scrub its clarifying and cell renewing properties. For a toned and smoother appearance. Application: Place a cupful of powder in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of water or oil. Mix well for approx. 30 seconds until a uniform paste is formed. Apply the paste to wet skin and massage into the skin using circular motions. Rinse with warm water.
This item improve skin dryness and oil secretion problems. Moisturizing the skin, deep moisturizing. Shrink pores and maintain skin elasticity.