Das hochwertige Echtleder-Etui von ONLINE wertet jedes Schreibgerät zusätzlich auf und bietet ihm perfekten Schutz. Es eignet sich besonders als stilvolles Accessoire und rundet jedes hochwertige Schreibgerät als edles Geschenk ab – für viele unterschiedliche Anlässe. Das modische Echtleder-Etui besticht durch Qualität und innovatives Design. Passend für ein langes Schreibgerät.
This product is discontinued as of January 2018 and has been replaced by the NEW PHOENIX VENUS II HS0650 RANGE- contact us for more details!
HERMA Sammelmappe A3 Prinzessin Eliza Polypropylen (19434)
Cali Crusher offers you a premium but portable grinder made right in the United States with their Homegrown Pocket variety! These grinders have been engineered to address the annoying issues a standard grinder will give you and are crafted from medical grade aluminum to assure quality. These pocket grinders were made to easily travel with while still being packed with all the Cali Crusher details that set them apart. With their 4-way quicklock feature, you wont need to worry about your grinder getting jammed or cross threaded. Even better, you get more loading space for your legal smoking herbs and get a finer cut with the indestructible radial cut blades. The pollen chamber has curved edges, allowing for you to easily scoop it out without losing anything in the seams. Cali Crusher has made a premium but portable grinder with their pocket line that is sure to please any smoking aficionado!
102 x 152mm large shipping label to fit QL1050 & QL1060
Features: Save counter space in your room or vanity with it. This chic container comes with a lid. Unique design for convenient handling and packing. It can hold many cosmetics such as lipsticks, cotton pads or cotton swab. It is very easy to clean with toothpaste or cloth if there is dirt mark. An attractive design favored by the most beautiful female.