FCH Fiberglas
comfort lining with recessed ears and leather applications in the frontal area
retractable sun visor in shell
Micrometric Buckle
M.A.R.O Anti Roll Off System ECE 22.05 Weight: 1150g +/- 50g
M.A.R.O. Anti-Roll-Off-System "M.A.R.O." (Marushin-Anti-Roll-Off) system. This is claimed to prevent the helmet from pivoting off the head from behind and to also reduce the amount of helmet roll that could hurt the rider s. neck in a crash.
Look: Replacement Retention Blade For The Look Keo 2 Blade Pedal. Carbon Blade Does The Work Of The Original Traditional Spring For Cleat Retention. Not Suitable For Other Pedals.
Slime Tube Sealant is formulated and tested for use in all tube tires. Once installed, Slime remains liquid and will not harden or dry out. Slime is guaranteed for 2 years.As the Slime treated tube rotates, centrifugal force pushes the sealant to the tread area creating a layer of protection, repairing punctures as they occur and treating existing punctures. Slime is not intended for use in tubes losing pressure from sidewall punctures, bead leaks, damaged rims or faulty valves. Slime for tube type tires is NOT recommended for use in tubeless tires.Prevents and repairs punctures up to1/8″ (3mm) using Fibro-Seal technology.Remains liquid inside the tire, coating the tread area as the tire rotates.Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-flammable, non-aerosol and water soluble.Tubes treated with Slime can be patched with a conventional vulcanized patch using a bit of patience and care!What is Fibro-Seal Technology? Slime utilizes a state-of-the-art blend of environmentally friendly fibers, binders, polymers and proprietary congealing agents which intertwine and clot within the puncture. This Fibro-Seal lattice, together with the viscous transportation system (the green “goo”) seeks out and tightly packs itself into the puncture, preventing and repairing flats with a flexible long lasting plug.Note: Slime is not guaranteed to repair punctures caused by gashes from glass or metal or on punctures greater than 1/8″ (3mm).
Can be used underwater 1000 meters, waterproof, anti-pressure; hanging net or bolt near the bait to attract fish and increase fishing fun
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