Features: Manufactured using PVC material for firmness and wear and heat resistance. Can be place on cleaned walls or glass. Suctions are manufactured with strong absorption ability for a sturdy grip on the wall so the holder stays onto the surface. It holds up to 500 g / 17.64 oz. Multipurpose functions from bathroom utensils to kitchen utensils, office stationery, for decorations and much more. This products meet national health and quality standards.
F¨¹r einen sicheren Sinn wie Gesch?ftsverhandlungen und Vertragsunterzeichnung Hilft, die Privatsph?re Ihrer Telefongespr?che Kann wirksam verhindern, Abh?ren, Videoaufnahmen, Betrug, Schutz des Privatlebens Daten und Informationen vertraulich zu behandeln. Fit f¨¹r hotel / restaurant / ?ffentliche Toilette / Umkleideraum, etc. Bereiche: Erkennen, dass, wenn Ihr Auto oder im B¨¹ro ist gef¨¹llt mit drahtlose Abh?ren oder ¨¹berwachung von Ger?ten. Erkennen, ob das Handy abgeh?rt wird oder anormal ist ( ¨¹bertragung von Signalen ohne Grund auf standby). Erkennen Sie, ob Ihr Auto ist gef¨¹llt mit GPS-tracking, Abh?ren oder GPS-tracker. Ermitteln Sie, wenn es Strahlung von Dach-Basisstationen in Ihrer Arbeitsumgebung oder in privaten Geb?uden. Erkennen, empfangen und senden von Signalen von short message service, Signale f¨¹r das surfen im internet mit Handys, die Signale von Handy ?ffnen, schlie?en und fordert. Detect wireless-Netzwerk-Signale, Handy-Basisstation, die Signale und die Feld-Dichte von wireless-surveillance-system. Erkennen, wenn Haushaltsger?te wie Mikrowelle Leck die sch?dlichen Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Strahlung auf den Menschen. Erkennen, wenn es akute Strahlung genannt "Handy-Anrufer" bei Ihrem Aufenthalt stellen. Ermitteln Sie, wenn es verd?chtige WLAN-Signale Ihres Aufenthalts Pl?tze. Ermitteln Sie, wenn es mehr geheime 5,8-GHz-wireless-web-Kamera, drahtlose Abh?ren und Draht-monitor. Inspizieren, hotels, Toiletten, G?stehaus, unterhaltsam Pl?tze, Umkleidekabinen, um zu verhindern, wireless pinhole-Kameras. Verhindert, dass drahtlose Abh?ren an die Orte von Geldautomaten, Theater, Kunstgalerien und Museen, etc. Vor dem Kauf von Geb?uden, zun?chst erkennt, ob es sch?dlich ist elektromagnetische Strahlung die Gesundheit der Menschen. Erfassung Frequenz: 100~2400Mhz Effektive Reichweite: 0-10m (3.2~32ft) Farbe: schwarz Dimension:6,8 x 5 x 1,6 cm Spannung: 12V
Features Air Humidifier This product could be used as a non-aromatherapy humidifier. Generate cool mist, moisturize the air to soften and refresh your chapped skin even in winter. Solve the problem of dry skin and make you breathe better when you are sleeping. Aroma Diffuser Use this product as an aroma diffuser by adding essential oils and water into the water tank. While producing ultrasonic vibrations at a frequency of 2.4 million times per second, it will break water and essential oils into extremely fine micro-particles. Without the use of heat, the healing and natural properties of essential oil will be properly given out. Seven Colors LED Light Seven colors are available to be set to cycle through or fix on a specific color. Each color is adjustable between bright and dim. A soft nightlight for a children's bedroom or a mood light for creating romantic atmosphere at home. Large Water Tank The built-in large 400ml capacity of water tank supports continuous usage of up to 7 hours for strong mist and up to 12 hours for weak mist. Apply to approximate 20 square meters space for mist coverage or 25 square meters for aroma spread coverage. Mist Time Setting You could choose from 4 setting modes, including 1h/3h/6h regular closure and steady mode. Built-in touch sensors enable you to choose different mist modes just by tapping several times. This product will automatically shut down according to the timer setting. Whisper Quiet Ultra-quiet ultrasonic technology provides quiet smooth mist and pleasant aromas to create a calm, relaxing environment. Low consumption and low noise make it perfect for sleeping or reading time. Work quietly with no extra sounds. Safe and Reliable Once water in the water tank runs out, it will automatically shut off to protect the device.
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The perfect gift for anyone who enjoys making their own cocktails or a set to add a special touch to a party this Cocktail Party Gift Set includes an A3 recipe poster, some fun games, straws, a pourer and a drink muddler.
Features: A little gadget for you to fidget with, spin with, and relax with. An easy way to rescue you from fidgeting. A good choice for killing time, helps relieve stress. Great for fidgety hands, ADHD sufferers. It's fun and interesting, also effective for focus and deep thought. Especially helpful to relax effectively when you are all nerves. It feels nice in the hands and it is almost silent so you won't be bothering anybody. Mini enough to put in your pocket, have fun anytime. How to use: Hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly and keep it spinning indefinitely by using small continuous strokes. Spinners can start and stop spinning only with the help of one finger.