Styropor-Buch, ca. 13,5 x 19,5 x 3,5 cm mit Steckfuß als Aufstellhilfe.
The Master Lock Excell™ Titanium Reinforced Padlocks are made with cutting edge technology to deliver unprecedented security. They feature tough cut patented octagonal boron carbide shackles which are 50% tougher to cut than hardened steel. This stainless steel padlock with titanium reinforced body is a durable and solid padlock with the added security of a shrouded shackle that makes it very tough against pry/pull attacks. Supplied with 4 keys and a Lifetime Warranty against mechanical failure. Suggested uses: gates, sheds, storage units, fences, containers and chains. Specification Shackle Diameter: 8mm.Internal Shackle Diameter: 22 x 24mm.Cylinder: 4-pin tumbler.
5 Bogen Kristallkunst-Bordüren aus Kunststoff, Tropfen, selbstklebend, Bogengröße: 10 cm x 30 cm, verschiedene Farben (klar irisierend, lachs irisierend, goldgelb irisierend, altrosa irisierend, türkis irisierend), 7 Bordüren pro Bogen/ 19 Tropfen pro Bordüre. Maße einer Bordüre ca. 29,3 cm x 1,1 cm. Die Bordüren bestehen aus funkelnden Kristallen auf durchgängigen Klebeflächen. Sie sind selbst...
Din A4 Bogen Ultra Gloss Sticker mit verschiedenen Motiven wie z.B. Rosen und Blumen.
1 x Übernachtung, 1 x vitales Landfrühstücksbuffet je Person, 1 x Gänsemenü in 4 Gängen serviert, Ab 8 Personen tranchieren wir die Gans am Tisch, Kostenfreie Nutzung unseres Relaxbereichs Verbena Spa mit Finnischer Sauna, Kräuterdampfbad, Relaxbereich, großzügiger Vitalecke und Yin und Yang Garten, Gefüllte Wellnesstasche mit Saunatüchern, kuscheligem Bademantel und Badeschlappen, Mineralwasser auf dem Zimmer, Wasserkocher für Tee und Kaffee in Ihrem Wohlfühlzimmer, Kostenfreies Parken, Kostenfreies Internet
Calculations can be performed quickly and easily on the spot and results can be added or subtracted. It also has a practical Pythagoras function making it possible to measure lengths and heights indirectly. The Min/Max function allows continuous measurements. The pitch function allows measurements of predefined distances, for example for staking out fence posts. The last 20 measurement results are saved automatically. The body is fitted with a soft grip, making it comfortable to handle. For safety the laser beam is only activated after the switching on operation is repeated. It switches off automatically after three minutes without being used. Ideal for measuring areas on building, restoration and renovation jobs, also for landscaping the garden or for the accurate measurement of work pieces in the home workshop. Supplied in a practical bag for storage.