Das hochwertige Echtleder-Etui von ONLINE wertet jedes Schreibgerät zusätzlich auf und bietet ihm perfekten Schutz. Es eignet sich besonders als stilvolles Accessoire und rundet jedes hochwertige Schreibgerät als edles Geschenk ab – für viele unterschiedliche Anlässe. Das modische Echtleder-Etui besticht durch Qualität und innovatives Design. Passend für ein langes Schreibgerät.
The Juicy Jays Jamaican Rum rolling papers taste great and and go well with just about anything. Chilling by the pool or relaxing at home, these papers will make you feel like your on the beach with a drink in one hand and a smoke in another.
Introducing the pocket-sized, LED rechargeable, magnifying Smokus Focus Stash Jar! This ultra portable and high brow accessory is a must have for any smoking connoisseur. The lids on each jar are equipped with a see through magnification lid so one can inspect their favorite legal smoking blends with ease. These containers are also furnished with a bright, rechargeable LED light so your legal herbs can be easily identified and admired. Each jar measures 3 inches tall and 2 inches wide so its just the right size to take with you! Choose from an array of colors to fit your style. Looking for something larger? Check out the Smokus Focus Middleman Jar , same awesome features in a bigger size!
tesafix doppelseitiges Klebeband 4964, 38 mm x 50 m reißfester Gewebeträger, beidseitig mit Kautschukklebmasse (04964-00033-00)
Oxford 15.6/17 Inch Backpack With USB Charging Port Business Laptop Bag For Men