Durante la cena, los piratas le ofrecerán un servicio personalizado y musica ambiental, mientras tanto el Capitán Garfio le hablará de sus aventuras en el Mar Caribe. Pero manténgase atento, mientras esté cenando, otro barco se acercará sigilosamente escondido en la oscuridad, dispuesto a abordar el galeón. El Capitán Garfio descubrirá la presencia del enemigo y ordenará a sus hombres tomar posiciones de combate con los cañones listos para disparar. Piratas armados con espadas y pistolas saltan desde los mástiles aterrizando en la cubierta donde comienza una lucha a espadas entre la tripulación y los otros piratas, el ataque es realzado con los efectos de luces y sonido. Si está hambriento, el Capitán Garfio le invitará a un suntuoso festín con carne, un buffet de ensaladas, verduras al vapor, arroz a la marinera, patatas al horno, pollo a la parrilla y postre. ¡Barra libre durante toda la travesía! ¡Acompáñenos durante esta gran aventura!
Little Train of Paris Montmartre
The Circuit:
Place Blanche
Place du Tertre
Place Constantin Pecqueur
Moulin Rouge
Espace Dali
La Halle et le Marché Saint-Pierre
Basilique du Sacré Coeur
Musée Montmartre
Amphithéâtre / Arènes
Le Lapin Agile
Retour Place Blanche
Église Saint-Pierre
Cimetière Saint-Vincent
TOUR DETAILS The Hoover Dam stands as a tribute to US ingenuity and engineering during a time of adversity and hardship. On the Hoover Dam Classic Guided Tour, you’ll gain remarkable views on, around and above this National Civil Engineering Landmark. Your Certified Interpretive Guide will pick you up at your hotel in a custom Pink Adventure Tour Trekker vehicle, designed to provide comfort and unobstructed views. You’ll see Lake Mead, the country’s largest man-made reservoir, and historic Boulder City, built to house dam workers. A visit to the Boulder Dam Museum inside the Boulder Dam Hotel gives the first look at the Hoover Dam story. The Hoover Dam is the shining gem of our tour; standing over 700 feet tall, it has the capacity to irrigate two million acres and provides power to southern California, Nevada and Arizona. Built over 4 years during the Great Depression, its creation provided thousands of jobs. A short walk on the 900-feet-tall Michael O’Callaghan—Pat Tillman Bridge provides a bird’s-eye view of the Dam; this is a view of the mighty dam as it holds back Lake Mead. Your Tour Trekker will then take you to the Arizona side of the dam, where you’ll see a spillway so large a World War II battleship could float through it; each spillway can handle the flow of Niagara Falls. The Hoover Dam is a National Historic Landmark, and has been a filming location for Hollywood hits like “Superman” (1978, Warner Bros.), “Viva La Vegas” (1964, MGM) and “Transformers” (2007, DreamWorks). Then, you can even walk along the dam itself. Whether you enjoy our Hoover Dam Classic Guided Tour in the morning or afternoon, you’ll never forget a visit to this engineering marvel. Our luxurious transportation and knowledgeable guides make this a trip custom-made for photo ops and lasting memories.
* Pass the gates of Chinatown * Union Square * Embarcadero and Pier 39 * Travel to Treasure Island to view the Financial district skyline
The music of Carole King comes to life in a new Broadway musical that tracks her life from a teenager to a true superstar.
Enjoy a refreshing beverage at a temperate of minus 10 degrees Celsius at Amsterdam's Icebar, the city’s coolest drinks venue! Once you’ve exchanged your voucher for a designated time slot, marvel at a building constructed almost entirely from ice. Everything from the walls and furniture to the very glass you sip your beverage out of is made of natural ice. After a welcome, freshly made cocktail in the lounge, snuggle into the provided winter wear and savor the ambient light and ice sculptures of the Icebar. Keep yourself warm from the icy temperatures as you sip on 2 free house drinks. The “cool” factor goes even further than the general climate; mood lighting and toe-tapping party tunes complete the scene