Features: HE SAYS WHATEVER YOU SAY -- This little chubby talking hamster talks back whatever you say! Talking and singing in all languages. Able to come up with all the sound you make. CUTE BODY MOVEMENT -- He bops his head up and down automatically when repeating and when you pat him. GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS -- Kids for all ages, students, girls, boys, friends, adults and even elders love this little talking hamster. It also will be an ideal gift for coming Valentine's Day. USER FRIENDLY -- Super easy to use. Powered by 3 pieces of normal AAA batteries. Switch on and get ready to be talked back. HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL -- Quality and good touch material without fall off, Safe non-toxic plastic materials.
Features: Soft, cuddly plush body with molded head, made of high quality materials. Cute stuffed plush toys for your child. Stylized cartoon design, add it to your collection. Handmade with the finest quality standards in the industry. Soft, comfortable touch feeling. Best soul partner, not only children's toys, but also home furnishings.
Jesse Pinkman in White Overalls Figure from Breaking Bad. It is made by MEZCO and is approximately 15 cm (5.9 in) high
Weiche und kuschelige Handpuppe von Sterntaler aus schadstofffreiem Material, mit Puppenkopf aus Stoff.
Thème:Dinosaure Jurassique,Figures de dinosaures,Triceratops,Tyrannosaurus Rex; Style:Classique Intemporel; Matériau:Plastique; Tranche d'Age:Enfant; Age:8 à 13 ans; Catégorie:Kit de Maquette,Dragons Dinosaures; Caractéristiques:avec tête mobile, lumières, sons rugissants,Electrique; Dimensions nettes:0.0000.0000.000; Dimensions de l'emballage:33.00028.00016.000; Poids Net:0.000; date d'inscription:04/01/2019; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:Liquidation