Das Makari Extreme Aufhellungsgel blecht die Haut naturlich und somit Pigmentflecken und dunkle Stellen auf. Zudem pflegt, schutzt und spendet das Gel Feuchtigkeit an die Haut.
Specially created for oily skin types, Skin Doctors T-Zone Cleanser aspires to target the appearance of a shiny complexion. Aiming to help you achieve a natural, matt glow using inventive Acnacidol & Evermat, its light gel composition can gently soothe. Its completely free from parabens.
Created to help with the appearance of aging on the face, the Collagen Facial Serum is a lightweight and concentrated formula that helps to hydrate, revitalise and protect all skin types. Contains hydrolysed type I and III collagen in addition to Aloe Vera, Royal Jelly, and essential oils.
Eco Masters Exclusive Soap is ideal for concern of facial pigmentation and discolouration, with two soothing, cleansing wash bars. To purify of surface accumulations, Eco Masters Exclusive Soap includes extracts of Almond for a simple once-daily application.
Eco Masters Dermaroller is an effective home use microdermabrasion treatment that can help you achieve a smoother skin complexion.