WEDO Kunststoff-Radierer SmartWatch, 30er Display Design einer SmartWatch, ohne PVC, phthalat- & latexfrei, - 30 Stück (59 93099)
helit Lernkartei BeeBox, A7, Unterteil: himbeer-transluzent Deckel: transluzent-weiß, aus Polystyrol, Deckel sowohl (H6901125)
Tipo:Notas autoadhesivas; Característica:Bonito; Materiales de la cubierta:Papel; Colores:Colores Aleatorios; Contenido del Paquete:1 Self-Stick Note; Dimensiones (cm):8.5 x 6.5 x 1.5; Peso Neto (Kg):0.038
ROTH LED-Schultütenschleife Pink Glamour, rosa/weiß für Mädchen, fertig gebunden, im Blister, - 1 Stück (679290)
Enjoy your favorite legal smoking blend in a classy and simple manner with these Wingate Menthol Tubes. These tubes mimic a classic cigarette casing and are easy to fill. Each tube comes equipped with a filter that cools your hits and collects any extra, unwanted, substance! These elegant tubes are a must have for any smoking connoisseur. Comes in your choice of 100mm or king size tubes, each box has 200 tubes.