Features: This well made and great looking bag is lightweight, yet it is still strong, sleek and durable. It is thin, foldable and portable, very convenience to use if you want to have a get-away weekend. This bag is the perfect size for both gym and sport usage, it also can used for seasonal clothes storage. One side of the bag is designed with a mesh outer pocket, you can put your phone, keys or other small accessories in it. The other side of the bag is a hidden shoes bag, you can put the towel or extra change of gym clothes or extra pair of shoes in it.
Evo-Stik Reswin W is a fast setting, extra strong wood adhesive is ideal for interior use. Dries to a clear finish that can be sanded, painted or stained. Resin wood glue is suitable for all types of wood and will set stronger than the wood itself. No mess, clog-free nozzle and twist to seal cap, all designed in a handy anti-roll bottle. Bonds: wood, hardboard, chipboard, blockboard, cardboard, paper, textiles. Size 500ml.
magnetoplan Magnetpapier-Bogen DIN A4, grau zum Ausschneiden von magnetischen Symbolen (1266001)
Beschreibung trodat Ersatzstempelkissen 6/4913, rot, auf Blisterkarte für Stempel 4913/4953 Inhalt: 2 Stück (WEDO: 51 4913021/trodat: 6/4913)
FRANKEN Papierklemmschiene 50x4cm Alu silber beliebig erweiterbar inkl. Montageset Art d. Pap.Befestigung Kunstst.Roehrchen (PKSA50)
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