Dunkel intensive Farbe. Attraktive Aromen von reifen Schwarzkirschen, Johannisbeeren und etwas Zedernholz. Sattes, weiches Tannin im Mund. Dicht mit hoher Fruchtintensität und dunkler Note von Schokolade. Feine Textur und gute Länge. Passt zu: Reh- und Hirschbraten in dunklen Sossen, zu kurz gebratenem Rindfleisch oder Lamm. Auch zu feinwürzigen Käsesorten.
Der Rotwein aus der mittelitalienischen Region Marken duftet facettenreich nach Waldfrüchten, Erdbeeren sowie nach Vanille. Am Gaumen ist der trockene Velenosi Piceno Rosso frisch und fruchtig, mit merklichen, aber sehr zurückhaltend eingebundenen...
Vandy Vape Pulse BF 80W Squonk Box Mod is a collaboration by Vandy Vape and Tony B. The new Pulse BF Mod is no longer a mechanical mod, but a regulated mod with built-in Vandy chip, which is also used in Voopoo Drag and Alpha One. With 80W maximum output and 8ml bottom feeder bottle, Pulse BF 80W Mod will bring you better squonking experience. Powered by Vandy chip 0.91 inch OLED screen 8ml silicone bottle 95% working efficiency Supports vaping while charging 0.010 second firing response time Gold plated battery contacts Tactile firing but ton Easy grip squonk bottle Interchangeable dual magnetic battery panels 510 connector with the creative leaking proof design 2A Micro USB rechargeable Protections: short circuit, over-current, switch timeout, over-heat, over-charge, over-discharge Powered by 1x 18650/20700 battery (sold separately) Temperature range at 200-600'F/100-315'C Firmware upgradeable Brand: Vandy Vape Variable Wattage 1-80W Input Voltage 3.2-4.2V Output Voltage 0.5-8.5V Output Mode VW/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS316/M1-M5/TC-NC/TCR Resistance Range 0.05-3ohm(VW) / 0.05-1.5ohm(TC) Size 82 x 56 x 27mm
IJOY always brings surprise to its customers! Allow us introduce the latest IJOY Avenger 270 234W TC Kit to you! The Kit consists of an Avenger 270 Box MOD and an Avenger Tank. The Avenger 270 adopts innovative Voice Control System, making the operation more easier than before. You can simply adjust the wattage or working mode by an interactive talk to you Avenger 270. Designed for cloud chasers, Innovative voice control system Compatible with both 18650/20700 batteries Adjustable RBG LED button light No overhang with 30mm tanks 3.2ml/4.7ml Large Juice Capacity All-new Pre-made Mesh Coil Convenient Top Filling Design Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control 810 Wide Bore Drip Tip USB port charging support Firmware Upgradeable Brand: IJOY Voice Control System English Max Wattage 234W Output Mode VW/VT(Ni/Ti/SS)/TCR Mode Resistance Range 0.05 - 3.0ohm Battery Type 2 x 20700 or 2 x 18650 Battery (Sold Separately) Tank Capacity 4.7ml(with a 3.2ml bubble glass tube) Coil Type X3-C1S 0.35ohm(40-80W Pre-installed) / X3-Mesh 0.15ohm (40-90W)
Dunkles Rubinrot mit violettem Rand. Intensiver Duft nach reifen, dunkeln Früchten, wie Holunder, Schwarzkirsche, Pflaumenmus und Beerengelee, gepaart mit einer schönen Note von frischen Gewürzen, die an schwarzen und Rosmarin erinnern. Am Gaumen zeigt sich dieser Wein rund mit ausgereiften Gerbstoffen und einem feinen Hauch von Röstaromen im Abgang. Passt zu: gebratenem Wild, wie z.B. Hirschmedaillons in Preiselbeersosse mit Kroketten und glasierten Möhren, klassisch gebratene Ente und kräftigem Käse.
Frills Mustard Leaves Have A Fabulous Flavour, Giving A Mustardy Punch To Salads And Other Dishes. You Can Start Harvesting As Soon As The Leaves Reach 5-10cm And If You Keep Picking Off The Leaves It Will Keep Producing More For You To Enjoy Right Through The Summer Months And Into Autumn.the Texture Is Crunchy Yet Tender With A Robust Mustard Flavour And Mild Sweet And Spicy Pepper-like Finish. The Young Leaves Are Mild And Best Used Raw In A Salad, But More Mature Leaves Stand Up Well To A Light Saut Or Can Start Harvesting As Soon As Youre Happy With The Size, Cut Leaves Carefully From The Stem, And Theyll Keep Frills Mustardplants Arrive Bare-rooted Approx. 10-15cm Highsupplied In A Pack Of 10 Plantsdelivered From April Onwardsready To Harvest From June Onwards