Please note: The recommended age for The York Dungeon is 10 years and above, however it is up to the discretion of the accompanying adult. Many children enter The York Dungeon and enjoy the experience, but please be aware it does get very dark inside the building and there are lots of loud noises.
The York Dungeon is a 75-minute journey into more than 2000 years of York's horrible history. The Dungeon brings together an amazing cast of theatrical actors, special effects, stages and scenes in a truly unique and exciting walkthrough experience that you see, hear, touch, smell and feel. It’s hilarious fun and it’s sometimes a bit scary.
You will laugh and scream, you will love it. We do too and here is why:
• The York Dungeon is now Bolder and Better than ever before
• 12 laugh-out-loud shows
• Laughs, screams and cutting-edge storytelling
We're the black comedy of attractions; dark, atmospheric and very very funny.
The more information tab needs to be updated to show the below shows – there are now 12 shows and not 11 as stated: (more info if required on York Dungeon website)
• Cliffords Tower
Very nasty things happen here...
• Plague
Spots, boils, pus... yuk! The Doctor's assistant will see you now.
• Guy Fawkes
Remember, remember, this will bring the house down.
• Ghost of York
You will never drink alone in the Golden Fleece.
• Lost Roman Legion Labyrinth
Get lost in the disorientating, claustrophobic mirror maze.
• Eric Bloodaxe
You know how some people just suit their name...
• The Torturer
It’s back-breaking work. Did I hit a nerve?
• The Judge
Frantically funny. Thief? Villain? Rogue? Clear conscience?
• Execution
See how they roll at Mickelgate Bar.
• Dick Turpin
Some faces just stop traffic. Expect holdups ahead.
• Witches
A warm welcome awaits. Cackle as they crackle.
Sac mobile Extra Large avec fermetures à glissière et poignées de transport sac de rangement Oxford robuste sac réutilisable pliable pour livres couette jouets dortoir collège déménagement Camping randonnée
Ya sea en pareja o en grupo, le recibiremos con una sonrisa y después de una corta espera se embarcará a los pies de la Torre Eiffel. El recorrido comenzará y usted podrá admirar los prestigiosos monumentos y escuchar la conmovedora canción “Me encanta París en verano”.
Para conocer la historia a lo largo del camino, puede conectar el audio-guía en su propio idioma. Su guía del barco también les irá narrando las historias más conocidas: los amantes solían quedar en esta casa de la ciudad…
De puente a puente y de banco a banco, los parisinos le acompañarán a pie o en bicicleta. Estando al corazón de París el tiempo pasará volando. Y si llega por la noche podrá ver el otro París ante sus ojos, todavía más mágico.