guttagliss hobbycolor sind leichte, gleichmäßig aufgeschäumte Kunststoffplatten mit geschlossener Zellstruktur, was zu einer hervorragenden Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Schlägen und Kratzern führt. Guttagliss hobbycolor verfügt trotz des geringen Gewichts über hohe Eigensteifigkeit und bleibt auch nach umfanhreicher Bearbeitung stabil. guttagliss hobbycolor bietet durch seine geschlossene, seidenmatte Oberfläche optimale Weiterverarbeitungsmöglichkeiten. Bedrucken, Beschriften, Lackieren und Bekleben ist problemlos möglich. Stärke: 3 mm
Burton Home Safe Size 2 Electronic Lock The Burton Home safe is ideal not only for security protection of cash and valuables -up to £6,000.00 cash or £60,000.00 worth of valuables- in the home, but is recommended for business, retail and hotel use. This size 2 safe is fitted with a PIN code electronic lock and constructed with a double walled steel body filled with high performance concrete and special armourings. The high security Home safe features a drill resitant lock and boltwork and has been approved by the UK Police Secured by Design scheme and is ECBS certified Grade 0. Supplied with 1 fixed shelf and prepared for back and base fixing.
Shaped shoulders, top hole for hanger hook.
Translucent cover for easy viewing and dust protection.
High quality zipper, sturdy and durable.
In good air permeability, can prevent dust and the invasion of the insect pest, moisture proof, mould proof.
Let your clothes in good order, save more space.
Care instructions: Do not wash. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry. Do not iron. Do not dry clean.