Masque capillaire bio a l Ananas 200ml Aquasilice Le masque capillaire bio a l Ananas d Aquasilice est un produit cosmetique concu a partir d ingredients dont pres d un quart proviennent de l agriculture biologique. Cependant, 98% de ces ingredients sont d origine naturelle. Presente dans une belle boite de 200 ml de contenance, il permet d hydrater les cheveux et de preserver tout leur eclat. L autre avantage de ce produit est qu il apporte une nette amelioration au niveau de la souplesse de la chevelure tout en evitant la survenue des fourches. Le masque capillaire bio a l Ananas est certifie bio, ce qui signifie qu il est fabrique avec des ingredients naturels et sains. Par la meme occasion, vous participez a la preservation de la planete. Ce masque capillaire Aquasilice ne contient ni PEG, ni Paraben, ni phenoxyethanol, ni propylene glycol ni colorant de synthese ni nanoparticule. Utiliser un peigne pour appliquer le produit de maniere uniforme sur cheveux laves et essores.
The Ion Semi-Permanent Pastel creme colour family features 6 brand new pastel shades and a clear mixer (Ion Pastel Diamond) for achieving extra light, pastel results for up to 15 washes. Soft tones in the most fashionable colours fade slowly and gently, allowing the hair colour to be changed as often as desired. The low ammonia, PPD and resorcinol free formula is gentle on the hair and scalp without compromising on results, allowing frequent colour changes with minimal damage. The low pigment content ensures a soft overall colour, while the pure pigments gently penetrate into the hair to give soft, luminous, pastel-coloured highlights. The colour intensity will depend on the hair s natural colour and development time. All bases from a light blonde to brown for a pearly multi-coloured effect, base 5 or lighter for tone on tone colour and base 8 or lighter for intense pastel tones. For an even softer and lighter result, mix your chosen Ion Pastel shade with Ion Pastel Diamond to reduce the intensity. We recommend carrying out a strand test to determine the mixing ratio and development time required to achieve the desired result.
Les shampooings BENECOS sont constitues d extraits de plantes issues de l agriculture biologique, d ingredients hydratants, ainsi que d eau de source alpine naturelle. Ils lavent en douceur de maniere efficace. L apres-shampooing BENECOS rend vos cheveux doux et faciles a coiffer, avec une agreable senteur citronnee ! Shampooing a l aloe vera: Procure un nettoyage doux, pour des cheveux soyeux.
Lace Front Synthetic Hair Wig-PWS20-Smooth Long. Lace front wigs look more natural due to a natural hairline. It is made of a fine poly silk mesh base in which fibers are hand tied to this thin breathable fabric. It is placed at the front of the wig to look like natural hairline. It can be parted in any direction for maximum styling versatility.
micro pure pigment technology for deep colour penetration advance marine therapy for improved condition and shine colours are inter-mixable for unlimited results up to 100% grey coverage standard mixing ratio 1:1 1/2
TRX2 by Oxford Biolabs in its capsule form is one of the most potent and natural hair thinning supplements to be found on the market today. Formulated using powerful ingredients and by the brightest mind in biochemistry, this is the apex of hair revitalising and strengthening supplements.