Reptile House Crocosaurus Cove presents the World’s largest display of Australian Reptiles, with over 70 species of reptiles on display in your reptile enclosure. Most reptiles on display are from the Northern Territory’s Top End and Kimberley region, however be sure to check out our new Desert region which is home to a range of species found in Australia’s Red Centre. A reptile can be described as a vertebrate (ie has a backbone) that derives it’s body temperature from an external source, such as the sun. It’s body is covered in skin from which grow scales. Some scales are very difficult to see as found on geckos, while other reptiles have modified scales that create a suit of armour or plating as seen in turtles. Get up close to some of these amazing critters in our Meet the Reptile show & learn more about what they like for lunch during our Reptile Feeding show. The Reptile Team are always on hand to assist with questions so don’t be shy! Show Times 10.00, 12.30, 16.00 Swim with crocs Jump in & cool down in this unique swimming pool that lets you get up close to our energetic juvenile crocodiles, safely of course! Pose for Mum & Dad for great photo opportunities…your friends will think you’re actually swimming with the crocs! So, bring your bathers and jump in! Open All Day Fishing for Crocs Want to get up close to energetic juvenile crocodiles? You can, on the Fishing for Crocs platform. Surround yourself with almost 100 juvenile (2-3 year old) saltwater crocodiles that are hungry for the juicy snack that is being dangled at the end of your fishing line. See how these crocodiles hunt in the wild by bringing their entire body length out of the water to catch prey such as bats and birds. Great fun for the entire family & a photo opportunity not to be missed. Be sure to experience this great activity after the Big Croc Feed Shows. Show Times 11.30, 14.30, 16.30 Big Croc Feed Show Starting with the Bite Force demonstration, witness the force behind the jaws of a crocodile as the purpose built machine makes a meal out of a solid block of ice! Go on to be introduced to some of the World’s largest Saltwater Crocodiles and be educated on their amazing ability to survive, their feeding habits and how they have remained relatively unchanged for over 200 million years. Get to know some of the famous inhabitants such as Burt, the star of movie, Crocodile Dundee. Don’t forget to say hello to the resident couple, William & Kate, while Chopper has the scars of battle to prove his reputation as one of the most feared Saltwater crocs in the Northern Territory. Show Times 11.30, 14.30 World of Crocs Ever wondered how many Crocodilian species there are around the world? What is the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile? The World of Crocs has 14 different Crocodilian wax replicas, all in air-conditioned comfort, on display. Check out the model examples of Australia’s Saltwater & Freshwater Crocodiles as well as interesting & unusual species such as the Indian Garhial and the Dwarf Crocodile! While checking out the crocodile replicas, don’t forget to see the real thing and hold a baby croc! Open All Day Hold a Baby Croc Aren’t they cute! Here’s your chance to hold a baby croc. Check out their scales & webbed feet, and marvel at these amazing prehistoric creatures. Our on-site photographers will take your snaps & turn them into prints or put them onto a disk for you to enjoy. A great memento from your time at Crocosaurus Cove & the Top End. All purchased photos also appear each week on our facebook page Crocosaurus Cove Darwin! Open Times 9.30 – 17.30 daily (Please note that the studio is closed during the Big Croc Feed Shows) Turtle Billabong Meet some of the Top End’s cutest inhabitants at our upstairs Turtle Billabong. Species such as Red & Yellow Face Turtles, Snapping Turtles and the gorgeous Pig Nosed Turtles are all found in the Top End’s river systems. How many species will you be able to find? Show Times 13.30 Freshwater Aquarium Check out the amazing 200,000 litre freshwater aquarium. Modeled on a typical river system in the Top End, the aquarium is home to many different fish species. The Whipray is the freshwater cousin to the Stingray – see these amazing creatures glide through the water and learn more about them at our daily aquarium feeding show. No Top End attraction would be complete without the famous Barramundi! One of the most famous inhabitants alongside the Saltwater Crocodile in the rivers in Australia’s Top End. Unfortunately we can’t let you throw a line to catch one of these beauties! Don’t miss our aquarium feeding show to see the famous Archer Fish in action. It has to be seen to be believed! Show Times 11.00, 15.30 ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE The first iconic story is the Royal Flying Doctor Service, affectionately known throughout Australia as the RFDS. Founded by the Reverend John Flynn, it began its aero medical operations in the Northern Territory in 1939. Enjoy the heroic tales of the birth and growth of the RFDS. Learn about the history and the activities of the RFDS’s pilots, engineers, doctors and nurses, and the experiences of the patients that are carried and cared for each day. See, experience and learn through the wonder of technology as this facility brings history to life. Life size hologram of John Flynn the Founder of the Flying Doctor Service tells his story of the birth and growth of the RFDS. Includes headset audio translation in Japanese, German, French and Simplified Chinese. Two Interactive story telling mini ghosts. Meet Alf Traeger and Nurse Kathy who answer selected questions from a touch panel. Touchscreen Portals allow the visitor to learn about the history and the activities of the RFDS pilots, engineers, doctors and nurses. A decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC 12 aircraft that allows visitors inside the aircraft and experience a fully aero medically equipped fitout. Pedal Radio invented by Alf Traeger and used by people of the Outback. Story Boards that provide very informative reading of the history of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. BOMBING OF DARWIN HARBOUR The second iconic story featured is the Bombing of Darwin Harbour. Relive the drama of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour that rocked Australia in 1942. The bombing of the harbour brought destruction to the city of Darwin, and many of the experiences and stories of what happened that day are learnt through the most modern and exciting technology. Life size hologram of Rear Admiral Etheridge Grant was the Commanding Officer of the USS William B Preston narrates his own version of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour. Includes headset audio translation in Japanese, German, French and Simplified Chinese. Interactive story telling mini ghosts. Meet Prime Minister John Curtin and Japanese Pilot Hajime Toyoshima who answer selected questions from a touch panel. Virtual Reality of the bombing of Darwin Harbour. This production is the pinnacle of a movie production for VR. Never before seen production of this magnitude. Full size replica Japanese Zero aircraft hangs from the ceiling. Replica of Camilla the Flying Boat that escaped from Darwin Harbour and its story. Window of 1942 and aerial view of the Bombing of Darwin Harbour that comes to life showing the bombing and aircraft fire of the first raid. Story Boards that provide very informative reading and pictures of what took place on February 19th 1942. Rear Admiral Etheridge Grant was the Commanding Officer of the USS William B Preston. Grant was not on board the USS William B Preston at the time of the attack and He was blown into the harbour as he attempted to return to his ship and crew, and spent most of the attack in the water, clinging to a large ship’s buoy. The life size hologram of Grant, narrates his own version of events. The Virtual Reality transports you back to Darwin Harbour of 1942. You are at the original Stokes Hill Wharf, standing on the deck of the Neptuna as it bombed to the point of it exploding and sinking as well as sitting on the wing of an American Kitty Hawk, engaging in a dogfight with the Japanese Zero's.
Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits: Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges. Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining. U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States. Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city. Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life. Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world. Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches. The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad. YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains. Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle. DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies. The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles. Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years. Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table. Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries. Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration. The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles. Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth. Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day. Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships. Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes. ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes. Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room. Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s. The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability. Coal Mine The WOW! Tour U-505 Submarine On-board Tour
Tanto como participante de la actividad como observador, tendrá derecho a asistir a todos los espectáculos y exposiciones del día seleccionado. Exposiciones Shark Channel – Cuando Miami Seaquarium® abrió por primera vez en 1955, una de las principales atracciones fue el túnel de los tiburones. Hoy en día, los visitantes aún quedan sorprendidos por estas temibles criaturas. En la actividad, los cuidadores de los animales les alimentan mientras explican las diferentes variedades de tiburones que existen en el mundo. Arrecife Tropical – Uno de los favoritos entre los visitantes del parque, el arrecife principal del acuario cuenta con 2.839 m³ llenos de peces de todos los tamaños y colores. Durante la presentación del arrecife, un grupo de participantes del Sea Trek irá acompañado por un buzo y realizarán una visita por al acuario que permitirá que los participantes alimenten los peces tropicales, los meros, las rayas y las morenas. Presentación acompañada de una narración informativa. Manatíes – En la exposición de los manatíes, los clientes podrán encontrarse cara a cara con los mamíferos del estado de Florida a través de piscinas y zonas submarinas. Durante la presentación tendrá la oportunidad de aprender obre estos fascinantes animales en peligro de extinción, y conocerá de qué maneras puede ayudar a salvar estas criaturas marinas. Los manatíes de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Foca & Leones Marinos - La piscina para alimentar a los animales se encuentra adyacente a The Golden Dome, un lugar de referencia en Miami diseñado por el arquitecto Buckminster Fuller. A lo largo del día, los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las exposiciones donde podrán observar como los leones marinos y las focas se divierten bajo el sol del sur de Florida. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Discovery Bay – Vea tortugas marinas, aves de Florida y otra vida salvaje en el manglar natural. Explore nuestra exposición de tortugas marinas para aprender sobre las 5 especies que están en peligro de extinción que habitan en las aguas de Florida. Las tortugas de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings – Contemple una gran variedad de aves tropicales, incluyendo las cacatúas, los guacamayos, los flamencos y el conocido pavo real llamado Peeps. Escuche con atención a uno de los loros que le dará la bienvenida. Los cuidadores de los animales estarán a su disposición para responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener y le contarán todas las curiosidades sobre todas las aves de la exposición. Tropical Wings es el hogar de nuestra piscina interactiva de rayas. Acuario de peces tropicales – Explore la increíble variedad de vida marina tropical que habita en los acuarios de la zona Top Deck Dolphin. Estos acuarios cuentan con una gran variedad de especies de peces con características únicas: explore un gran número de criaturas marinas desde la langosta de Florida que habita en arrecifes de la zona hasta el pez león colorado que fue descubierto recientemente en las aguas del Caribe y que proceden del Pacífico y del Índico. Crocodile Flats – Crocodylus niloticus, también conocido como el cocodrilo del Nilo, es el centro de atención en la isla de Discovery Bay's Upper, conocida como Crocodile Flats. Está exposición está compuesta por 32 toneladas de piedras, 72 toneladas de arena de la playa, cocos y palmeras. Los cocodrilos miden aproximadamente de 1 a 3 metros, y cuando acaban de crecer, pueden llegar a los 5 metros y pesar 500 kg. Su principal dieta está formada por pollo, pescado y conejo. Stingray Exhibit – Conozca a las últimas criaturas que han llegado a Miami Seaquarium®, rayas del sur y rayas nariz de vaca que han establecido como su nueva residencia la nueva piscina de 38 m³ situada en la zona de Tropical Wings. Allí tendrá la posibilidad de alimentar a los animales. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail es una carrera de obstáculos con varios niveles que proporcionan una experiencia desafiante y divertida para toda la familia. Los visitantes tendrán la posibilidad de escalar 3 pisos para hacer frente a los retos que incluyen 18 puentes y puentes suspendidos, y otros obstáculos. Salty's Pirate Playground – Cierre las escotillas y camine por la zona de juegos piratas. La atracción consiste en un barco pirata de dos plantas situado en el centro de una fosa llena de tiburones. El barco pirata, con pistolas de agua, redes, zonas acolchadas y un tobogán en espiral…. Entretiene a bucaneros de 1 a 12 años. Espectáculos Top Deck Dolphin – Vea las travesuras que realizan estos delfines de nariz botella, con impresionantes saltos y vueltas. Este espectáculo puede ser visto a cualquier hora durante el día. Mantenga sus ojos bien abiertos ya que tendrá la oportunidad de ver a algún delfín bebé dependiendo de la fecha de su visita. Golden Dome Sea Lion – Disfrute de las aventuras de los leones marinos. Este pequeño espectáculo cómico de leones marinos y focas muestra sus habilidades atléticas. Flipper Dolphin Show – El Nuevo espectáculo temático del Caribe, inspirado en el delfín Flipper. También se mostrará un seguido de imágenes sobre la película original al entrar al estadio. Orcas & Delfines – Solo existe un lugar en el que encontrará delfines blancos jugando y haciendo exhibiciones junto a una orca.
VALENTINE'S DAY MENU Foie gras & Champagne gelee, toasted brioche *** Bass filet, fennel & mushrooms tulip, delicate ginger sauce OR Grilled duck breast, cranberry and honey sauce, baby seasonal vegetables *** «Paradis Latin» dessert, chocolate mist, citrus & red berries *** 1⁄2 Bottle of Bordeaux wine Champagne at your will Mineral water
One Hour Night Expedition with Boggy Creek Airboat Aventures Details: This airboat tour is for those who want to go to the farthest extremes in adventure and thrills and are not afraid of the dark. Search the thrilling swamps for the intimidating Florida Alligator as they glide across the marsh seeking their next prey. The only way to see these impressive dinosaurs is in their territory. Your captain will wear a miners cap that will help seek out the red eyes of these most revered reptiles. These airboat tours are very popular so reserve early, especially during the holiday season. Dress: Be sure to dress in warm clothes even in the warmer months. Cameras and video equipment are at your own risk due to light spray. Why not combine your visit to Boggy Creek Airboat Adventures with other famous attractions and activities in Orlando such as Ripley's Orlando or Wonderworks?
Head to the Saxe Theater on the Las Vegas Strip for a raucous time with discount tickets from to see the Nathan Burton Comedy Magic show.