Para:Nintendo 3DS; Tipo de Accesorio:Bolsos, Cajas y Cobertores; Características:Novedad; Color:Blanco,Rojo,Azul,Negro; Material:Silicona; Dimensiones (cm):1481; Peso (kg):0.05; Contenido del Paquete:1 Piel Cobertura
Astragon Blacksad - Under the skin Limited-Edition PS4 USK: 16 (66119)
Use your imagination and go head-to-head in the ultimate multiplayer
showdown! Enjoy a party-style Scribblenauts experience, conjuring from
over 35,000 objects from the vast Scribblenauts dictionary to outsmart
your opponent in over 25 mini-games!
Suitable for the Nintendo Switch.
Showdown Mode - Up to four competitors can join the fun with the
brand-new party mode where players must imagine their way to victory
through card-based strategy and creative skill. "Wordy" mini-games require
unleashing the best object or character from the game's vast dictionary,
while action-oriented "Speedy" mini-games reward the player who completes
a given challenge first. Player progress is displayed on a board game
style map, with multiple ways to get to the finish line first!
Versus Mode - Two players can go head-to-head in more than 25 mini-games
that vary in every session. Versus Mode allows continuous play by
shuffling players into game after game for non-stop fun. This mode can
also be played solo.
Sandbox Mode - Explore new objectives in the series' popular creative
playground featuring eight challenging levels. One or two players can put
their imagination to the test to solve objectives and earn hidden Starites
and Achievements. Sandbox is also the perfect destination for 1 or 2
players to test their creativity; unleash whatever objects they can
imagine and watch them interact in unpredictable ways.
Key Features
- Play solo or with up to 4 of your friends in Showdown Mode and imagine
your way to victory through card-based strategy and creative skill.
- Face off against a friend or the CPU in Versus Mode.
- Go nuts in the Sandbox, create Anything in 8 different Sandbox levels
and watch what happens, solo or with a friend.
- Create your own Scribblenaut by unlocking hundreds of wacky costume
pieces and vehicles.
Input Devices Supported: Joy-Con, Nintendo Switch Pro Controller,
Attribute Image Touch Screen
Multiplayer Options: Attribute Image Internet, Attribute Image
Multiplayer Game Modes: Attribute Image Co-Op, Attribute Image
Free-for-all / One-on-one (VS)
Number of Offline Players via Handheld Mode: Attribute Image 1 Player
Number of Offline Players via Tabletop Mode: Attribute Image 1-4 Players
Number of Offline Players via TV Mode: Attribute Image 1-4 Players
Number of Online Players: 4 Players
Miscellaneous Attributes: Handheld mode compatible, Tabletop mode
compatible, TV mode compatible
Box Contents
1 x Scribblenauts: Showdown (Nintendo Switch)
Support de crochet de guitare Médiators de guitare avec sac Accessoires d'affichage de guitare
Tai Chi Chuan ist eine altbewährte traditionelle chinesische Bewegungskunst, die durch weiche und meditative Bewegungen Körper und Geist in Einklang bringt.Lernen Sie mit Canda Schritt für Schritt die sanften Bewegungsabläufe des Yang-Stils und erleben Sie, wie Ihnen diese alte chinesische Bewegungskunst mit Langsamkeit, Geschmeidigkeit sowie der Verschmelzung von Ruhe und Bewegung einen sanften Weg zu Ausgleich und Entspannung bietet. ausführlicher Infoteil anwählbare Spiegelperspektive detaillierte Darstellung in Slow-Motion Intensives Training der einzelnen Bewegungsbilder Festigung der Form in 6 verschiedenen Programmen Fortgeschrittene können das Üben der Form mit reiner Musik anwählenCanda hat Tai Chi bei dem renommierten Qi Gong- & Tai Chi-Meister Kang Gun Xin in China erlernt und zeigt Ihnen eine originale Kurzform des Yang-Stils aus 16 Bewegungsbildern, die sich als praktischer Einstieg bewährt hat.Genießen Sie das Üben dieser schönen Einsteiger-Form mit wunderschönen Fimaufnahmen aus dem Reich der Mitte!Länge 150 Minuten