The View from The Shard + Royal Observatory Greenwich - special offer Ticket Includes: Entry ticket to Royal Observatory in Greenwich Entry ticket to The View from The Shard Instant ticket delivery; simply print your vouchers and show at the attractions' ticket desks. The View from The Shard Highlights: Experience London's highest viewing platform standing at 310 metres high - the highest in Western Europe. Informative digital telescopes taking you through the Capital's past, present and future. Unlimited dwell time - enjoy the views in your own time! Remarkable lift speeds of 6 metres per second to reach our views. Free multimedia guides featuring 11 different languages. PLEASE NOTE: Failure to present the voucher at The Shard will result in you being denied entry. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Royal Observatory in Greenwich Home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the Prime Meridian of the world and London’s Planetarium. Highlights & inclusions: Stand one foot in the East, one foot in the West Grab an iconic selfie Discover the remarkable story behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). admission to the Meridian Line and Historic Royal Observatory admission to the Time Galleries and Great Equatorial Telescope audio guide
The new Acropolis museum is consider one of the most important archaelogical museums in Athens and ranks among the most important museums of the world. For the first time ever all the surviving treasures of the Acropolis will be seen together in one place. Works currently held in storage or in other museum in Greece and all over the world are now together in one brand new museum close to their original location. The Acropolis museum main attractions such as votives, artifacts of every day life, statues from archaic period, Caryatids, and of course the Parthenon hall with the metopes, the pediments and the frieze will impress you. Another major exhibit is the remains of the ancient Athenian city that revealed by archaeological excavations on the site of the museum.
Dolphin Lagoon ™ Das Delfinschwimm-Erlebnis ist das Herzstück Ihres Besuchs. In der Lagune können die Besucher mit Delfinen schwimmen. Sie ist von Sandstränden und tropischer Vegetation umgeben. Nach einer Einführung über die Meeressäuger im flachen Teil der Lagune, können die Teilnehmer in Kleingruppen (nicht mehr als Personen) mit den Delfinen schwimmen und spielen und sich von der Kraft und der Anmut dieser einzigartigen Tiere verzaubern lassen. Kinder müssen mindestens 6 Jahre alt sein, um mit Delfinen zu schwimmen. Kinder im Alter von 6-12 Jahren müssen von einem zahlenden Erwachsenen begleitet werden, der ebenfalls am Delfinschwimmen teilnimmt Das Grand Reef® Ein Hektar großes Areal mit rund 10.000 Meerestieren - darunter 125 verschiedene Arten von Fischen wie Rochen, Muränen und Haien. Die Gäste können dort am weißen Sandstrand liegen, im flachen Wasser waten, im tieferen Wasser schwimmen oder inmitten der tropischen Fische schnorcheln. Explorer's Voliere Das rund 76 Meter lange und bis zu elf Meter hohe Vogelhaus stellt einen natürlichen Lebensraum für etwa 30 Arten tropischer Vögel dar. In drei Bereichen können Sie die Vögel sogar füttern und berühren! Wind-Away-Fluss Das Gewässer schlängelt sich durch fast den ganzen Park, vorbei an Stränden, baumgesäumten Wegen und Lagunen. Wer durch den Fluss schwimmt, trifft auf verschiedene Landschaften: den Strand einer sonnigen Insel, dichten tropischen Regenwald, einen Fluss, der an den Amazonas erinnert, ein tropisches Fischerdorf und eine Unterwasserhöhle. Wer durch den Wasserfall taucht, kommt in ein riesiges Vogelhaus, das etwa 300 farbenprächtige Tiere aus aller Welt beherbergt. Ruhe-Bucht Schneeweiße Strände gesäumt von Palmen, tropischer Vegetation und strohbedeckten Hütten. Jeder Gast findet sein privates Plätzchen auf dem weißen Sand, unter einem Schatten spendenden Sonnenschirm, in einer Hängematte oder auf einem Liegestuhl.
See all the major sights of London in all their glory by night: • Houses of Parliment • Piccadilly Circus • The London Eye • Trafalger Square • St. Paul's Cathedral • Westminster Abbey • Tower Bridge • Tower of London • Big Ben To see the majestic Tower of London and Tower Bridge highlighted together as our open top tour bus approaches is a picture post card in the making. The huge clock face of Big Ben shines brightly like a beacon from a lighthouse letting everyone know that they really are in London. The fountains in Trafalgar Square dance with joy from the light that shines from within them. The neon lights in Piccadilly reminds you of New Years Day and when you see the lights all around Harrods, well, it’s Christmas all over again. When you see the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament, then you realize why we called ourselves ‘See London By Night’
Xiaomi PELLIOT Vélo En Plein Air À Dos Respirant Marche Randonnée Sac À Dos À Rayures-preuve Épaule Sac À L'usure Grande Capacité Sac À Dos Pour Étudiants Hommes Femmes
Our port of Calls First stop - the cosmopolitan HYDRA, with its cobblestone alleys, its unspoilt unique architectural beauty, as well as the lovable traditional transport means - its donkeys! You can see the beautiful forts and the impressive mansions, enjoy a walk along the picturesque alleys, or even discover the historic landmarks. Second stop - the port of POROS. A leafy island, with an insuperable natural beauty and thousands of pine trees, expanding from the steep beaches to the sandy beaches, making Poros the island of romance and calmness. Walk across the town and discover the city hall, the archeological museum, the public library, the cultural center and the white little houses on the island, and head towards the highest point of the island, to discover the historical and famous clock tower of Poros. Last stop - the historical AEGINA. The biggest island of the Saronic gulf, Aegina is well known across the world for the delicious pistachios, the beautiful, “virgin” beaches and the Temple of Afaia. You can optionally join a coach tour to the Temple of Afaia and the Church of Saint Nectarios or swim at the minascule nearby island Agistri which is only accessible by a small boat. Transfers to/from Port of Piraeus Transportation in luxurious private buses is available between Port of Piraeus, where the cruise departs from, and 150 City Centre hotels and central locations in Athens and the Attica region. This is included in the "Cruise+Transfers" ticket option. In the booking form, please let us know which hotel you are staying at for pickup. Important Notes: You need to bring with you all your valid travel documents (i.e. passport or photo ID). Please also have the tickets that will be send to you ready and available during embarkation. Failing to do so means you could be denied embarkation and no-refunds will be issued. Please have the tickets that will be send to you printed and available during the embarkation process. The following are not allowed on board: Animals, food or alcohol purchased from outside, drugs and any dangerous substances. Pregnant women should carry a medical fitness certificate. Infants less than 3 months old will not be allowed on board for their own safety. To view the full Terms and Conditions click here.