Please read the baby's description and relevant instructions carefully before taking another picture. The buyer shall be deemed to have agreed to all relevant information the and characte. Order the corresponding color card numberThe best-selling products will be delivered within 24 hours, except special products and customized products. We default to send Shentong expres. About color difference Due to the color difference of the light, light color temperature and photos. and the color deviation of the display, there may be a slight color difference between. Please read the above information carefully before purchase to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. We hope to bring you a happy shopping experience with quality products and services! Welcome to our store and you a happy shopping. Our product reputation is guaranteed, all pictures are taken in kind, please rest assured to buy..syi
Produkteigenschaften: Bezeichnung: Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (bilanzierte Diät). Verwendung/Anwendung/Verzehrempfehlung: Zur ergänzenden Ernährung: 2-3 EasyDrinks Zur aussch...
La potion du dragon bio est une savante combinaison de miel bio, de jus concentrAs de fruits bio, d extraits de plantes bio, et de propolis bio. Au goAt dAlicieux de fruits, ce sirop source de calcium, de magnAsium et enrichi en vitamine C et E apportent tonus et vitalitA aux enfants A partir de 3 ans. A MarqueA: Phytonorm A IngrAdients : eau purifiAe, sirop d agave, miel toutes fleurs, mAlasse noire, jus concentrA de myrtilles, jus concentrA de pommes, jus concentrA de fraises, extrait d acArola (3%), lAcithine de soja IP, gomme d acacia, extrait de propolis, arAme naturel cerise griotte, additif marin : eau de mer partiellement dAsodAe (source de calcium, magnAsium), arAme naturel mangue, arAme naturel ananas,complexe de tocophArols (vitamine E naturelle)(0.40%), arAme naturel fruits rouges, arAme naturel orange, extrait d aloe vera, extrait d AchinacAa purpurea Issus de l Agriculture Biologique A ANALYSE POUR 100 G Valeur AnergAtique 854 kJ (202 kcal) Protides 0.3 g Glucides 43.
Elego is trustworthy store. All our products are competitively priced, and we believe that you can do Good business with us (: Enjoy shopping here ^^
Pont(mm):16; Objectif Largeur (mm):51; Largeur du cadre (mm):125; Longueur des Branches(mm):140; Hauteur de l'objectif (mm):41; Poids de la Monture(g):25; Type de Monture:Full-Rim; Matériau:Matériaux Mixes; Format:Wayfarer; Pour:Unisexe,femmes,hommes; Style:Rétro / Vintage; Poids net (g):35; Poids du Colis(g):85
Produkteigenschaften: GRUNDLAGE: WASSER/ÖL - Nachtpflege für normale Haut und Mischhaut - Nährt - Befeuchtet - Regeneriert Die Creme Pro-Active nährt, befeuchtet und regeneriert das Hautgewebe. ...