Rockefeller Center was envisioned by John D. Rockefeller to be the grandest plaza in all New York - a place where business was transacted and communities congregated. Conceived on the verge of the Great Depression, Rockefeller financed the Center personally Upon its completion, it was the largest private building project in modern history and a collection of buildings unrivaled in their artistry and Art Deco nobility. Today, Rockefeller Center is one of the world’s great crossroads, filled with boutiques, fine dining, and home to the most famous ice rink and Christmas tree on earth. Architecturally profound, culturally diverse, and commercially vital, Rockefeller Center is the true plaza of the people. AT THE TOP OF THE ROCK Take your time and take it all in. It's a dramatic view of New York City you just can't get anywhere else. Day or night, three floors of indoor and outdoor decks offer stunning panoramas of the city's energy, wonder, and beauty. RADIANCE WALL Created by Swarovski, "Radiance" is the first of its kind, a breathtaking wall of glass panels, mouth-blown glass, crystal clusters, and fiber-optic lighting. Look closely - is something looking back at you? BREEZEWAY Step into a room with a mind of its own. You'll be assigned a color and lights of that color will follow your every move. It's great fun for young and old alike. INDOOR SPACE On the 67th floor, relax in comfortable seating and enjoy views in any weather through the floor-to-ceiling windows. You'll find a Gift Shop here as well as on the 69th floor. OUTDOOR VIEWING Use the binoculars to explore the unobstructed views through glass panels on the 67th and 69th floors, and in the open air on the 70th floor. On all three levels, you can have your picture taken by a Kodak pro. Retrieve it as you exit and share it on SHOP & SHARE Pick up a souvenir of your time at the Top, or a gift for those back home. Mementos of this extraordinary destination are available to fit any budget and elight any age. Gift shops are found on the 67th and 69th floors, in addition to the main Gift Shop in the Concourse as you exit. GIFT SHOPS Pick up a souvenir of your time at the Top, or a gift for those back home. Mementos of this extraordinary destination are available to fit any budget and delight any age. Gift shoppes are found on the 67th and 69th floors, in addition to the main Gift Shop in the Concourse as you exit. FAQ How long can visitors stay on the observation deck? There is no time limit as to how long guests can stay on the observation decks during operating hours. The average length of stay is about 45 minutes to an hour. Top of the Rock is a three level observation deck that consists of the 67th, 69th, and 70th floors of 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Total surface area of all the decks together is approximately 55,000 square-feet (5,110 m2). The upper deck is 850 feet (260 m) above street level. Are there restrooms located at Top of the Rock? Yes, restrooms can be accessed once inside the attraction. Can I visit the mezzanine level exhibit after I visit the observation decks? Due to crowd flow purposes, the pre-show exhibit can only be viewed before visiting the observation decks. Is there an outdoor viewing area? The 67th and 69th floors include outdoor terraces which feature fully transparent, safety glass. The 70th floor, the uppermost level, provides a completely open air, unobstructed 360-degree view of New York City and beyond. Is Top of the Rock weather dependent? Top of the Rock is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, despite weather conditions. In the case of inclement weather, portions of the deck may be closed for safety reasons. Guests will be advised about weather conditions and visibility prior to entry. Top of the Rock will not refund tickets in the case of inclement weather, however we will reissue your ticket for a future time and date. Is the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and/or Skating Rink visible from the Top of the Rock? Unfortunately, no. However, both are easily accessible from the Concourse retail shop where guests exit the elevators after their visit. Is Top of the Rock wheelchair accessible? Top of the Rock is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes full wheelchair accessibility. Are strollers allowed? Strollers are permitted, however they must be collapsible. Can I bring tripods? What about professional video cameras? We do not allow tripods or professional video cameras on the observation deck. Are specific items prohibited from entering the building and/or observation deck? Items that present a danger to the safety of visitors and employees will not be permitted in the building or on the observation decks. These items include, but are not limited to, weapons, lighters, glass bottles and flammable substances. For more information, please contact 212-698-2000. Can I bring food and beverage to Top of the Rock? We do not allow food or beverages on the observation decks. Do you offer any special treatment for marriage proposals? Thank you for considering Top of the Rock as the location for your proposal. While we wish you the best of luck, we do not make special arrangements for proposals.
A List Beneath the stars, high up in the hills of the Californian countryside you have been invited to the most exclusive party in town... The party is filled with the most glamorous and gorgeous A-Listers all waiting to meet you. George Clooney has reserved a space for you on the sofa in the VIP area - sit down next to him and watch as the lights dim and create a romantic setting. Gaze at the stars with Leonardo Di Caprio by the open balcony. Elton John stands at a grand piano, waiting for you to join him to entertain your guests. Madame Tussauds San Francisco is inviting you to this ultimate star-studded party. Film Join the stars on set to recreate some of the most iconic scenes in film history. No homage to San Franciscan movie history would be complete without a scene from both Bullitt and Dirty Harry. Pose with Steve McQueen next to a replica of his green Mustang. Perhaps you feel more comfortable behind the camera? No problem! Steven Spielberg has reserved his Director’s Chair for you on the set of Jurrassic Park! You can also put your own martial arts skills to the test by taking on the kung fu master, Bruce Lee. History and Leaders As you enter the Leaders and History room witness the moment Johan Sutter first discovered gold, setting off a chain reaction that would see the beginning of the great Californian Gold Rush. Visit Alcatraz prison cell and experience first-hand what it was like to be behind bars on ‘The Rock’, then plan an escape with your friends and hear the sirens go off. Meet Civil Rights campaigner Rosa Parks and join her on a bus ride which changed history! Stand proud with Martin Luther King as he delivers a speech and meet with the Dalai Lama; a man who not only won the Nobel Peace prize but who also influenced the peace loving hippies of 1960s California. Continue on your epic journey of discovery with a trip to the White House to meet Barack Obama, the first African American president of the United States of America, then finish you trip meeting a couple of the most famous entrepreneurs of the current generation. Spirit of San Francisco A street sign points you in the direction of Haight Asbury where you travel back in time to the era that shaped San Francisco’s liberal attitudes and gave birth to a generation of free thinking idealists and iconic musicians. After a very special welcome from Ed Lee, the Major or San Francisco, you will marvel at grafitti from a local artist as well as become a participant in Harvey Milk's triumphant campaign for equal rights. As you follow the winding path of Lombard Street you end up outside the Sentinel Building home to Francis Ford Coppola’s movie production company. The man himself is waiting for you outside with his latest film script in hand; perhaps he has you in mind for the leading role! A short distance away you can hear the faint sounds of music and smell burning campfires. As you investigate closer you step into a living breathing festival. Jimi Hendrix rocks out to Purple Haze on the main stage waiting for you to step in and jam with him. The dominant stance of the iconic Golden Gate bridge frames the middle of this area. As you step through the red arch you step further back in time, witnessing the bridge's construction, before picking up the hose and colour the Coit Tower in beautiful patterns. and many more!!
Duration: 80 Minutes Departures: every 15 minutes, 30 people tour group maximum Languages: English and Dutch tours, which will depart depending on the amount of waiting for English- or Dutch visitors. Minimum advised age: 10 years and older. Children younger than 12 years always need to be accompanied by someone who is older than 16 years.
Each whale watching excursion is slightly unique. We follow the whales' migration path to bring you up close for the best sighting spots, which change every day. In the beginning of the season, the southbound whales swim closer to the coast, so the maximum distance is about 3-5 miles. Toward the end of the season, when the northbound whales swim further out, we can cruise up to 9-12 miles off the coast. WHAT TO BRING We suggest dressing in layers. The temperature and winds can be unpredictable even if it's sunny out. warm clothing- dress in layers binoculars camera sunscreen sunglasses hat medication - If you may be prone to seasickness, plan ahead. Medication only works when taken BEFORE boarding the vessel. Wristbands for motion sickness also can be effective. Either can be purchased at any drug store.
Tanto como participante de la actividad como observador, tendrá derecho a asistir a todos los espectáculos y exposiciones del día seleccionado. Exposiciones Shark Channel – Cuando Miami Seaquarium® abrió por primera vez en 1955, una de las principales atracciones fue el túnel de los tiburones. Hoy en día, los visitantes aún quedan sorprendidos por estas temibles criaturas. En la actividad, los cuidadores de los animales les alimentan mientras explican las diferentes variedades de tiburones que existen en el mundo. Arrecife Tropical – Uno de los favoritos entre los visitantes del parque, el arrecife principal del acuario cuenta con 2.839 m³ llenos de peces de todos los tamaños y colores. Durante la presentación del arrecife, un grupo de participantes del Sea Trek irá acompañado por un buzo y realizarán una visita por al acuario que permitirá que los participantes alimenten los peces tropicales, los meros, las rayas y las morenas. Presentación acompañada de una narración informativa. Manatíes – En la exposición de los manatíes, los clientes podrán encontrarse cara a cara con los mamíferos del estado de Florida a través de piscinas y zonas submarinas. Durante la presentación tendrá la oportunidad de aprender obre estos fascinantes animales en peligro de extinción, y conocerá de qué maneras puede ayudar a salvar estas criaturas marinas. Los manatíes de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Foca & Leones Marinos - La piscina para alimentar a los animales se encuentra adyacente a The Golden Dome, un lugar de referencia en Miami diseñado por el arquitecto Buckminster Fuller. A lo largo del día, los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las exposiciones donde podrán observar como los leones marinos y las focas se divierten bajo el sol del sur de Florida. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Discovery Bay – Vea tortugas marinas, aves de Florida y otra vida salvaje en el manglar natural. Explore nuestra exposición de tortugas marinas para aprender sobre las 5 especies que están en peligro de extinción que habitan en las aguas de Florida. Las tortugas de las instalaciones forman parte del programa de rescate y rehabilitación de Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings – Contemple una gran variedad de aves tropicales, incluyendo las cacatúas, los guacamayos, los flamencos y el conocido pavo real llamado Peeps. Escuche con atención a uno de los loros que le dará la bienvenida. Los cuidadores de los animales estarán a su disposición para responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener y le contarán todas las curiosidades sobre todas las aves de la exposición. Tropical Wings es el hogar de nuestra piscina interactiva de rayas. Acuario de peces tropicales – Explore la increíble variedad de vida marina tropical que habita en los acuarios de la zona Top Deck Dolphin. Estos acuarios cuentan con una gran variedad de especies de peces con características únicas: explore un gran número de criaturas marinas desde la langosta de Florida que habita en arrecifes de la zona hasta el pez león colorado que fue descubierto recientemente en las aguas del Caribe y que proceden del Pacífico y del Índico. Crocodile Flats – Crocodylus niloticus, también conocido como el cocodrilo del Nilo, es el centro de atención en la isla de Discovery Bay's Upper, conocida como Crocodile Flats. Está exposición está compuesta por 32 toneladas de piedras, 72 toneladas de arena de la playa, cocos y palmeras. Los cocodrilos miden aproximadamente de 1 a 3 metros, y cuando acaban de crecer, pueden llegar a los 5 metros y pesar 500 kg. Su principal dieta está formada por pollo, pescado y conejo. Stingray Exhibit – Conozca a las últimas criaturas que han llegado a Miami Seaquarium®, rayas del sur y rayas nariz de vaca que han establecido como su nueva residencia la nueva piscina de 38 m³ situada en la zona de Tropical Wings. Allí tendrá la posibilidad de alimentar a los animales. Las sesiones para su alimentación se realizan a diario y ofrecen la oportunidad de alimentar a alguna criatura marina. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail es una carrera de obstáculos con varios niveles que proporcionan una experiencia desafiante y divertida para toda la familia. Los visitantes tendrán la posibilidad de escalar 3 pisos para hacer frente a los retos que incluyen 18 puentes y puentes suspendidos, y otros obstáculos. Salty's Pirate Playground – Cierre las escotillas y camine por la zona de juegos piratas. La atracción consiste en un barco pirata de dos plantas situado en el centro de una fosa llena de tiburones. El barco pirata, con pistolas de agua, redes, zonas acolchadas y un tobogán en espiral…. Entretiene a bucaneros de 1 a 12 años. Espectáculos Top Deck Dolphin – Vea las travesuras que realizan estos delfines de nariz botella, con impresionantes saltos y vueltas. Este espectáculo puede ser visto a cualquier hora durante el día. Mantenga sus ojos bien abiertos ya que tendrá la oportunidad de ver a algún delfín bebé dependiendo de la fecha de su visita. Golden Dome Sea Lion – Disfrute de las aventuras de los leones marinos. Este pequeño espectáculo cómico de leones marinos y focas muestra sus habilidades atléticas. Flipper Dolphin Show – El Nuevo espectáculo temático del Caribe, inspirado en el delfín Flipper. También se mostrará un seguido de imágenes sobre la película original al entrar al estadio. Orcas & Delfines – Solo existe un lugar en el que encontrará delfines blancos jugando y haciendo exhibiciones junto a una orca.
HELICOPTER DAYTIME TOUR Your total helicopter experience with the pre-flight briefing and customer experience center will be about 1hr. Photography is allowed throughout the flight experience. Guest pick-up is available from Chicago downtown hotels for additional charge. All tours depart from and return to Chicago Helicopter Experience 2420 South Halsted Street SKYDECK CHICAGO At 1,353 feet and 110 stories above the streets of downtown Chicago, The Ledge at the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) Skydeck will transform any visitor's--or local's for that matter--experience with the Windy City. In January 2009, Willis Tower owners began a major renovation of the beloved Skydeck, which originally opened in 1974, and served as a premier tourist attraction throughout the skyscraper's tenure as the Sears Tower. When ownership changed hands, the fresh blood added a fresh look--and adrenaline rush--to the 103rd floor in the form of retractable glass balconies extending about 4 feet over Wacker Drive and the Chicago River below. Still the 8th tallest building in the world, and the absolute tallest in the Western Hemisphere, Willis Tower's Skydeck draws 1.5 million people a year who are eager to ascend the 110-story, 1,454 foot (443 meter) building for awesome panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Your journey to the top of the Willis Tower starts with a walk through an airport-style metal detector, followed by a slow elevator ride down to the waiting area where visitors queue for tickets. A sign will tell you how long you'll have to wait to get up high; this is a good time to confirm the visibility. Even days that seem sunny can have upper-level haze that limits the view. On good days, however, you can see for 40 to 50 miles (64 to 80 kilometers), as far as the states of Indiana, Michigan. Iowa, and Wisconsin. While you wait, you can watch a film about Willis Tower factoids. Then you'll wait a little longer before the ear-popping, 70 second elevator ride up to the 103rd floor deck. From here, the entire city stretches below, and you can see exactly how Chicago is laid out. Willis Tower, Skydeck, and The Ledge Fast Facts The hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind each week on Skydeck windows served as this inspiration for The Ledge. The Ledge boxes can each bear about 4-1/2 metric tons of weight, and adventurers who trust that statistic enough to prove it can often be found jumping and bounding around the entirely translucent enclosures as Chicago's heavy traffic and infrastructure bustle below. The Ledge’s glass panels weight 1,500 pounds apiece, and each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit. In addition to serving 1.3 million tourists per year in its 4.5+ million square feet of space, Willis Tower is home to more than 100 companies, including prominent law, insurance, transportation, and financial services. The Ledge's glass boxes retract into the Skydeck main floor for easy maintenance, mostly cleaning off the 974 dead birds that must fly into them every month. The Moonwalk is the most popular dance performed on The Ledge, followed closely by the Running Man. Riverdance clocks in at a distant third. Bringing people who are afraid of heights to The Ledge is not recommended, unless you are mean-spirited or really don't like them. In which case, you should probably just take them here. Willis Tower was known as Sears Tower for decades, until the 30th anniversary of Diff'rent Strokes, at which point it was rightfully renamed.