extremely soft synthetic hair and ergonomic handle high-performance brushes that deliver airbrush results vegan and cruelty free instagram worthy
These water pipes are the mushroom-shaped variety.
keeeper Brotdose ""luca"", Click-Box maxi, fresh-blue Material: PP, Maße: (B)200 x (T)300 x (H)85 mm, - 1 Stück (1069563200000)
FABER-CASTELL Schul-Füllhalter, rot für Rechts- und Linkshänder geeignet, Kappe mit Clip, - 1 Stück (149877)
This super portable and handheld Triton T2 Scale features a removable plastic hard cover that also acts as an expansion tray. This scale weighs in grams, ounces, troy ounces, and pennyweights, with a weight capacity of 550g and accuracy within .1g. It also offers a full tare feature and zero tracking all on a large easy to read LCD screen. The Triton T2 also features a magnetic closure for easy maintance and a ribbed case for grip. These little extras set this scale ahead and is why you cant afford to pass this one up. 2 AAA batteries included.
ROTH Schultütenschleife ""Red Star"", rot/grau für Jungen, fertig gebunden, im Blister, - 1 Stück (679259)