Le Masque pour Yeux au Collagene Marin est soin anti-age haut-de-gamme pour reduire lapparence des rides, poches et cernes sous les yeux. Sa formule unique incorpore des nano-particules dor pour faciliter labsorption du collagene et des vitamines par la peau. Convient a toutes les peaux.
East Cape Manuka Creme kombiniert hochwertiges Manukaol mit Hautpflegemitteln, um die Haut zu schutzen.
This self-foaming sheet mask bubbles to create a micro massage on the skin that cleanses the skin of impurities, work deep into the pores and cleanse away blackheads. Utilising Activated Charcoal and a rich AHA complex created from Lime, Lemon, Apple, Orange and Grapefruit the Detoxifying mask is also suitable for acne prone skin while refining the pores and reducing oil. Suitable for all skin types, the cleansing masks is cut to the shape of the lower half of the faceThe perfect cleanser before applying a BeautyPro Collagen Mask.
Stainless Steel Double Spiral Ear Picker Earwax Remover Spoon Ears Clean Tools Kit