The ThunderHead Creations (THC) Tauren Honeycomb RTA, with 24mm diameter, 2.0ml/4.5ml juice capacity, comes with the first revolutionary hexagonal honeycomb air holes design which is aimed to offer vapers with smoothest airflow and unique taste. The Tauren Honeycome RTA has 26 pieces of the micro hexagonal Honey Comb air holes, which will bring you delicate flavor and intense throat hit. With knurling design, users will find it easy to screw out the top cap and adjust the AFC ring. 304 stainless steel construction Wide bore PEI 810 drip tip 2ml glass tube & 4.5ml frosted PC bubble tube Innovative appearance pattern Unique hexagonal honeycomb airflow system Convenient top filling system with biggest slot Innovative Aluminum package with 510 stand basement Top cap with innovative knurling design for easy screw-out Single/dual coil building Double sides with 26 hexagonal honeycomb produces outstanding flavor AFC ring with innovative knurling design for easy airflow control 510 threading connection 24mm overall diameter 21mm inner diameter Model: RTA Brand THC (Thunderhead Creations) Model Name Tauren Beest Honeycomb Tank Capacity 4.5ml Diameter 24mm Size 41 x 24mm
Top Tec 4300 ist ein modernes, aschearmes Leichtlaufmotorenöl der Spitzenklasse für die ganzjährige Verwendung. Die Kombination unkonventioneller Grundöle auf Synthesetechnologie in Verbindung neuester Additive garantiert ein Motorenöl, das hervorragend vor Verschleiß schützt, den Öl- und Kraftstoffverbrauch senkt und für eine schnelle Durchölung des Motors sorgt. Verschiedene Fahrzeughersteller fordern ein Motorenöl dieser Spezifikation für den Einsatz mit Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF), um die maximale Lebensdauer des DPF`s zu gewährleisten. Je nach Herstellervorschrift lassen sich Ölwechselintervalle von bis zu 40.000 km realisieren. Top Tec 4300 eignet sich auch hervorragend für den Einsatz in gasbetriebenen Personenwagen (CNG/LPG). hohe Schmiersicherheit lange Motorlebensdauer optimaler Öldruck unter allen Betriebsbedingungen senkt den Kraftstoffverbrauch schnelle Ölversorgung bei tiefen Temperaturen hohe Scherstabilität leichter Motorlauf exzellenter Verschleißschutz Turbo- und Kat-getestet reduziert Schadstoffausstoß ausgezeichnete Motorsauberkeit optimale Alterungsstabilität optimale Wirksamkeit im unvermischtem Zustand 5 l
Les amortisseurs Aerosus remplacent l'amortisseur d'origine de votre véhicule et vous offrent un maximum de confort de conduite avec une haute durabilité. La sécurité, l'exactitude de l'ajustement et la qualité du produit correspondent à celles de la pièce d'origine. Ce nouveau amortisseur arrière Aerosus convient aussi bien au côté gauche qu'au côté droit des véhicules Audi A7 C7 4G S7 Sportback. Les pièces de la suspension pneumatique Aerosus sont fabriquées en matériaux de haute qualité et sont couvertes par une garantie limitée de 2 ans, avec un remboursement garanti sous 30 jours. Chaque amortisseur est livré avec une nouvelle soupape à commande électromagnétique et un capot de protection anti-poussière. Nos amortisseurs offrent haute performance et dynamique, tout en assurant une parfaite accroche et un confort de conduite optimal dans toute situation. En plus de l'amélioration de la stabilité du véhicule, ils optimisent le confort des passagers en réduisant l'amplitude des mouvements vibratoires dus aux imperfections de la route, en permettant une conduite souple. Nos amortisseurs sont conçus pour une meilleure qualité de conduite en s'ajustant rapidement aux différentes conditions de la route et du véhicule, tout en offrant une fonctionnalité et une sécurité optimales. Caractéristiques Amortisseur de qualité d’équipement d'origine Sécurité et durabilité Pièce neuve Confort de conduite maximum Adhérence parfaite à la route Stabilité du véhicule prouvée Installation facile Capot de protection anti-poussière et soupape à commande électromagnétique Des milliers de consommateurs satisfaits du monde entier
date d'inscription:04/04/2013; Sous-catégorie:Décorations
Ganzjahres-Leichtlauf-Motorenöl auf Basis High Tech Synthesetechnologie. Super Leichtlauf wurde für die höchsten Anforderungen moderner und leistungsstarker Benzin- und Dieselmotoren ohne Wartungsintervallverlängerung (WIV) entwickelt. Turbo- und Kat geprüft. Spart Kraftstoff und schützt optimal vor Verschleiß. Die Formulierung wirkt sich positiv auf Dichtungsmaterialien, und somit auf die Dichtheit der Motoren aus. Somit eignet sich Super Leichtlauf Motoröl hervorragend für Fahrzeuge mit Laufleistungen über 100.000 km. Inhalt: 1 Liter
From 2005 to 2011, the Mercedes ML W164 series was sold very successfully. In terms of features, comfort and performance, the ML of the W164 series set the benchmark in its class. In addition to the all-wheel drive, the optional air suspension ensures the outstanding driving characteristics of the vehicles. A Compressor Compatible with All Mercedes ML W164 Our Aerosus compressor fits all Mercedes-Benz ML-Class W164 series vehicles. The spare part can be installed immediately in the garage. After installation, the compressed air supply to the air springs and the level control are ensured again. The quality control by our team of experts in Germany ensures that you can rely on our highest quality. The air compressor is the centrepiece of the Airmatic air suspension system by Mercedes. It provides enough pressure for all air springs, so they can carry the weight of the vehicle and cushion the bumps on the road at the same time. The compressor is also responsible for the automatic levelling. The compressed air from it ensures that the rear axle doesn't sink when the car is heavily loaded or a trailer is pulled. Because the compressor of the air springs is necessary for the proper functioning of the suspension, it's related to safety and comfort. A Functioning Compressor is Important for Safety A compressor like that of the Mercedes-Benz ML W164 consists of three parts. The pressure housing is used to compress the air. The drive of the compressor is a powerful electric motor. There is also an integrated air dryer. It extracts moisture from the ambient intake air before it's fed into the system. Compressors are subject to wear as car parts that are in frequently in operation. Wear is also the main reason why the compressor of the Mercedes ML-class W164 fails. Another cause of damage to the compressor may be a leak of an air spring or other air suspension part. In this case, the compressor must compensate for continuous pressure loss in the system by continuous operation. This often leads to overheating and wetting of the dryer, and ultimately to a total failure of the compressor. Loud Noises Signal Disturbances in the Compressor Defects of the air suspension system are often acoustically noticeable from the compressor. If the compressor becomes loud during operation, something is definitely wrong. Another alarm sign is when the sign "Airmatic Malfunction" in the cockpit lights. In this cases, you should soon have the defective component replaced by a replacement part. Therefore, also our tip: After the replacement of the compressor, a pressure test of the air suspension must be performed. This ensures that no leakage was overlooked as the cause of the damage. Affordable Spare Parts of the Highest Quality If the compressor proves to be the cause of the problem, a spare part from us represents a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality and safety. The compressors for the Mercedes ML are produced in accordance with the specifications for your car. Experts from Germany monitor the quality control and ensure the car parts meet all requirements. Both the compliance with the required air pressure and the durability are regularly checked. If you buy the compressor online, you benefit from the low cost without sacrificing quality. Your garage will remove the failed part and simply install the new compressor. Through the Internet trade you get the required component cheaper with consistently high quality.