bull; Humeur : decouragement / desespoir bull; Numero fleur: 19 bull; Nom anglais: Larch bull; Emotions/desequilibre: manque de confiance en soi et peur de l echec bull; Changement positif: confiance en soi, intuition, decision et action Flacon compte goutte de 20ml en etui, ingredients 100% biologiques logos AB bio, controle Ecocert La qualite biologique de Biofloral Le Dr Bach a consacre les 10 dernieres annees de sa vie a l etude et la reconnaissance de 38 Elixirs Floraux, ainsi qu a leur methode de fabrication. Il a reconnu dans la nature les fleurs qui repondent favorablement aux emotions difficiles. Les Elixirs floraux sont elabores dans les montagnes d Auvergne en respectant rigoureusement la methode originale du Dr Bach. Les fleurs sauvages sont cueillies le matin au lever du soleil au moment ou leur potentiel est a son maximum. Sous l action des rayons du soleil et de l eau, la fleur libere ses qualites et les transmet a l element aquatique.
HemaPRO Cream, eine naturlich beruhigende Formel fur Hamorrhoiden, ist vollstandig dermatologisch getestet und reich an naturlichen schutzenden Extrakten. Mit Aloe Vera, Calendula & Kamille wird die HemaPRO Cream mit schutzendem Vitamin E angereichert, das beruhigt und Feuchtigkeit spendet. Es ist i
Composite toe capGrip-Safe rubber soleOil and fuel resistant soleUnique tread patternShock absorbing heelClosed-in heelAdjustable strapConforms to EN20345 SRC
Mit Green Coffee Pure Extrakt konnen Sie schnell und effektiv Ihre Traumfigur erreichen und das mit qualitativen Inhaltsstoffen. -2
Made from organic cotton that supports posture & relaxation The yoga bolster is ideal for exercises that improve posture and relaxation. It contributes to proper back posture and can be used regularly during pregnancy and breastfeeding or can also be used as a baby bolster pillow. Properties: sturdy, removable cover made from 100% organic cotton lining made from 100% organic cotton core material: spelt husks, fragrant herbs (chamomile, mint, lavender and rosemary) sourced from dynamic & organic farming dust is removed from the spelt husks which undergo a special sterilisation method high-quality, eco-friendly materials with GOTS approval available in various designs dimensions: 62 x 19 cm Directions for use: Cryotherapy: Place the bolster in a watertight bag to prevent the material from becoming wet and refrigerate for at least 45 minutes in order to use it as a cold compress. Heat therapy: Preheat the oven to 200°C. Switch off the oven once the temperature has been reached. Wrap the bolster in parchment paper and place it in the oven for 20 - 30 minutes. The bolster can also be placed on a heating source (heater, cast-iron stove, etc.) until the desired temperature is reached. Please note! Shake the bolster slightly before placing it on a heating source and ensure that it is not overheated. Wait until the bolster is completely cooled down before it is reheated again. Remove the cover to wash at 30°C (hand or machine wash). Never wash the bolster as is!
South Beach Locion Calmante calma la piel despues de la depilacion o del afeitado evitando la irritacion y aclarando la piel